Sky War Soul

Chapter 2042 some secrets

"Is that the emperor outside now?"

Chu Yun was shocked.

A wisp of evil thoughts, at least ten steps of cultivation without leakage, has even transcended the realm of without leakage and reached the legendary immortality.

How powerful was the emperor of heaven when he was strong?

It's just a evil thought. How could it be so powerful?

What's more, three corpses and nine insects are just one of the three corpses and nine insects. What kind of existence was the original emperor?

"Not bad!"

The transparent creature answers Chu Yun's words. It now hopes that the Lord of qingshuifeng can spare him his life and say all he can.

"What is the level of cultivation of that evil thought?"

Qingshuifeng is more concerned about this. Now the elders of wuxiangshan are fighting with them. If the old monster of wuxiangshan loses, they may never get out of here.

The transparent creature said: "according to your current division of realm, it should be in the no leakage level 10."

When the master of Qingshui peak heard the words, he could not help exhaling a long breath, and the whole person was relieved.

The ten steps without leakage are the ten steps of Immortal Emperor, which have not reached the immortal realm in the legend.

As long as we don't reach the immortal realm in the legend, the old monsters that wuxiangshan chased can suppress each other!

"I've said so much, can you let me go?"

Seeing the relief of the master of Qingshui peak, the transparent creature immediately put forward its own request.

Death is something that any living creature fears. Who wants to die if he can live?

The head of Qingshui peak heard the words and said, "you submit to me, and I will spare you your life."

This transparent creature, regardless of its knowledge, has no doubt about its strength.

At least it is the strength of the first level of Xiandi and the factor of active invisibility. If we let it deal with the enemy, it will definitely have unexpected effects.

I just don't know if this guy can be found under the detection of divine sense. If not, it's a very powerful invisible ability.

"See the master!"

The voice of the transparent creature survived with a sense of ecstasy.

And they said so much, and finally let themselves survive!

The master of qingshuifeng nodded and said, "well, cure him now."

The white bone on Chu Yun's left hand looks very frightening. Above the forearm is the flesh and blood body, and below the left forearm is the white bone, which seems to give people a very strange feeling.

When the transparent creature heard the order from the master of Qingshui peak, he immediately opened his mouth and spewed out an invisible energy, which went straight to Chu Yun's arm.

Chu Yun did not see how the energy of the other side was used. At this moment, he only felt the pain on his Zuo Xiaobi suddenly reduced, accompanied by a feeling of *.

At a glance, on his left small arm, from the wound of his upper arm, the muscle was growing slowly, just as the growth speed of the vine was accelerated, which was presented to Chu Yun in a visible way.

"You take away the power of the rules that remain in my hands, and I will repair my own injuries myself!"

Chu Yun quickly stopped the transparent creature from repairing his arm injury.

Ghost knows whether this guy will leave any means in his body. He has the ability to regenerate by dropping blood. Now it's just sealed by the force of the rules left in the wound.

He can completely repair his own injury.

"If I had said that, I would not have wasted my strength!"

Transparent creature has no good tone. After that, it directly clears the force of rules left on Chu Yun's left small arm.

Without the power of rules to prevent him from repairing his body, there was a flash of golden light on his left small arm, but in a moment, the whole arm was intact.

After the restoration, Chu Yun asked again, "you killed all the people here?"

On the white bones of the ground, with a trace of blood, a strong smell of blood emanated from the main hall of the Si gate, just like Senluo Lian prison.

Hearing this, the transparent creature said, "no!"

He doesn't know if these people are the external guardians who subdue the demons and eliminate the demons. If they admit that they killed themselves, what should they do if they killed them directly?

At this time, master qingshuifeng asked, "what kind of rule power do you practice? Why can you directly wipe out the whole body of human flesh and blood?"

Just now, Chu Yun's left arm was just touched by the other side. The flesh and blood of the whole left arm disappeared directly. Even at that moment, Chu Yun didn't feel the pain. Such strange means are really magical.

Seeing that the master of qingshuifeng was not responsible for killing those who broke into the hall, the transparent creature said with a sigh of relief, "I don't know. This is what one of my elders taught me."

"Do you have any elders?"

Chu Yun looks at him in surprise. His transparent appearance is deliberately guided by others, which makes him become the present one.

The transparent creature nodded and said, "he is the real spirit born in the beheading platform that you took away, which is the method he taught me to use."


Chu Yun is stupid.

This guy, is there any other background?

Although Chu Yun had never seen the real spirit born from the beheading platform, he learned from the old man Hongmeng divine tree that the other was very powerful.

He infers that the true spirit born in the immortal state is definitely in the immortal state.

At present, this transparent creature, which calls itself "dragon", has such a rebellious background!

Qing Shuifeng didn't think so much. Hearing the transparent creature, he said to himself, "what kind of rule is this?"

It's really magical. It can eliminate the flesh and blood of the other party directly, and make the other party feel no pain at the moment of hurting the other party. This method is very suitable for criminal law!

"Cough, where is your elder now?"

Chu Yun is a little flustered. If the real spirit of Xiantai is still here, they will be in danger.

The transparent creature said honestly, "let's go. He went to the misty area with the emperor. "

"Really gone?"

Chu Yun has doubts.

"Transparent creature way:" if did not leave, you this mole ant can cut off this Xiantai to take away

Chu said: "you are now a prisoner. If you talk to me in such a tone, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Transparent creature disdains: "ha ha, I can blow you to death in one breath as long as the master orders! The mole ant is the mole ant. You immortal have a saying that the dog supports the man. You are like this now! "

The master of Qingshui peak couldn't listen any more and said, "well, if you are a mole ant again, I will kill you directly!"

Then she took a look at Chu Yun and said, "what are you doing with a monster?"

Chu Yun was speechless for a while, and he was first scolded as "the dog supports the man".

Ignoring the transparent creature, Chu Yun said to the master of qingshuifeng, "what's the strange thing about the old man in the meridian hall?"

Qing Shuifeng said, "it's probably from outside. It's just hidden all the time. It should know that. "

Hearing this, the transparent creature said, "the old man's strength is stronger than mine. I dare not provoke him."

"Did he come here from the outside, or was he the creature of this place all the time?" asked the master of Qingshui peak

"From the outside," said the transparent creature

On hearing this, the master of qingshuifeng looked cold and said, "I almost got cheated! Lord Tongtian, don't you want to take away the Meridian Gate hall? There may be some surprises waiting for us in the hall. "

She bit the word "surprise" very hard.

A person who has infiltrated here from the outside has not been killed by the emperor of heaven. It's not to be underestimated that the other party's ability to hide, not to mention their accomplishments.

Just now, he deceived them in the identity of "spirit of array". I'm afraid that the other side was afraid of doing so.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll fight them directly!


The main hall of Meridian Gate is empty. Except for some columns engraved with runes, nothing can be seen at all.

At this time, in the main hall of the Meridian Gate, an old man with a bent body was standing beside the first pillar on the left side of the main hall.

There was a blood red Rune on it. He looked at it and frowned.

"This is the rune created by ancient Tianting in ancient times? Why can't I read one? "

The old man said to himself, confused by the runes on the pillar in front of him.

"It looks like a real dragon and a rope. This Rune should represent restraint."

His brow grew more and more worried, and he racked his brains to figure out the meaning of every rune.

"No, it shouldn't be. What does this Rune mean? "

The old man simply sat on the ground, then raised his hand, his right index finger gently depicted in the void.

If you look carefully, you can see that his right index finger seems to be scribbling, but in fact, it is copying the runes on the column in front of him!

He wanted to see what the contents of these runes were like. The strong power suddenly broke out from him. With his fingertips swimming away, the red characters like tadpoles appeared in front of him instantly.

That rune is exactly what he is looking at now. It looks like a dragon, and it looks like a bound rune.

He is in another way, evolving this kind of Rune and pondering the meaning of this rune.

His fingers swam constantly, and he wrote most of the word "dragon". When he was ready to finish the last stroke, his face suddenly turned white, and a mouthful of blood immediately gushed out of his mouth, and the whole person was severely damaged!


The blood sprinkled on the pillar, he wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and the melancholy between his eyebrows became stronger.

"The ancient Tianting's runes are the power that the mouth matches the heavenly way of the fairyland. It's said that it's the beginning of Hongmeng. The characters generated by heaven and earth are much more powerful than the present Rune pattern system!"

The old man said to himself, and then continued to copy.

He didn't care about his injury. He had to understand the rune on the pillar slowly!

Fingertips, once again in the void across, red light from his between the emission, that he wrote out the font, gradually in the void condensation molding.

The immortal power in his body works in a very special way

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