Sky War Soul

Chapter 2043 doubt

Even wuxiangshan is one of the black hands behind the scenes. Doesn't it mean that if you want to lead countless people in the starry sky to resist the oppression of the immortals, you don't want to destroy wuxiangshan together?

How strong is wuxiangshan?

Even now, Chu Yun has no bottom in his heart!

Now he has become the leader of Tongtian peak, one of the 72 peaks of wuxiangshan, but he can't know the real strength of wuxiangshan, or even some important meetings of wuxiangshan headquarters, who are not qualified to attend.

But one of the great powers in Wuxiang mountain is likely to be the murderer of barbarians. He wants revenge. What should he do?

In this moment, Chu Yun's heart became extremely heavy.

The enemy is too strong to despair!

With my current strength, if I expose my relationship with you, I'm afraid I will definitely die without a burial place!

On the surface of wuxiangshan's gate rules, it is forbidden to be disabled at the same door, but this kind of thing happens in a large number of gates!

Moreover, being able to stand up to now after the ancient Tianting is broken, the essence of wuxiangshan is definitely not as simple as what you see on the surface.

Even 72 peaks are pawns to Wuxiang mountain!

"There is a long way to go!"

Chu Yun sighed in his heart, but his heart became more determined.

How about a strong enemy?

I have inherited barbarian's mantle and have promised to fulfill his last wishes. Even if the road ahead is the abyss of eternal disaster, I will never look back!

In making this decision, his whole momentum has changed differently, as if the whole person has changed a little.

The lonely cold wind blows on the square of the Meridian Gate hall. The master of Qingshui peak, standing beside Chu Yun, looks at Chu Yun in surprise and says, "have you broken through?"

Chu Yun hears the words, Leng Leng, way: "No."


What is your breakthrough?

The master of Qingshui peak doubted: "you feel different now. Isn't it a breakthrough? "

Chuyun smiled and said: "it's not just a breakthrough that can make people reborn. Sometimes you can change your mind a little bit, make yourself more confident, and give people a different feeling."

Qingshui Feng's master smelt the words and said with a ponderous smile, "then what makes him become confident with me?"

Chuyun calmly said: "we have no foundation of Xiangshan!"

Qingshui peak master also felt this way and agreed: "it's true, I didn't expect that we have wuxiangshan, but there is still such a background!"

It was the first time she had heard of such a secret thing.

As the master of Qingshui peak, I don't know the root of wuxiangshan at all.

She only knows that wuxiangshan is very strong, but she doesn't know how strong it is.

But now, she has a hazy guess.

The founder of wuxiangshan used to be the immortal official of the ancient Tianting, but later there was a civil commotion in the ancient Tianting, which resulted in the ancient Tianting being broken directly, and the other forces were independent and ruled by themselves.

Listen to this transparent creature. There were many forces that divided the land into King's own ways, but only six have survived since ancient times.

Before, she had only heard that wuxiangshan was one of the six forces in ancient times, but she did not know why it was called "ancient".

Now she knows that, on this basis, wuxiangshan is an ancient force. Today, there are only five forces that can compete with wuxiangshan.

Then she said to chuyun, "so, Lord Tongtian, if you want to have any bad ideas about wuxiangshan, you have to stop it as soon as possible!"

Chu Yun was stunned by her sudden words.

If you think about it a little, you'll understand why.

This qingshuifeng master is afraid that he thinks that the existence hidden in his mind may be harmful to wuxiangshan, so he said this!

Although she guessed that the person in Chu Yun's mind was at ease, she couldn't make a conclusion directly until she was sure.

This is also a reminder to Chu Yun, which can also be regarded as a beating.

"Ha ha, master qingshuifeng, it's you who worry too much. I have no idea about wuxiangshan. "

After Chu Yun finished, he took another look at the location of the transparent creatures and asked: "the emperor of heaven looked at the separation and disintegration of the ancient Tianting, did he directly escape the fog area or did he do anything?"

The transparent creature said: "at that time, the cultivation of heaven and earth was at a critical juncture, and there was no free hand."

Chu Yun asked again, "did he say he would return?"

"Not coming back."

The transparent creature sighed and said: "with the strength of the emperor, even if you step into the fog area, you can create a new force.

Compared with the unknown fog area, the known fairyland is nothing at all.

The emperor of ancient heaven once said that the world level in the fog area is likely to be richer than the known fairyland. The fog area belongs to the training ground of the strong. We know the fairyland, but it is a barren land. "


Barren land!

Hearing these four words, Chu Yun took a breath of cold air.

If it is known that the fairyland is a barren land, what will be the so-called rich fog area?

Once upon a time, the Xuanzhou he stayed in was also a barren land. There, because the rules of heaven and earth were incomplete, people could only cultivate to the celestial realm at most.

When he stepped into Tongtian peak, he thought that Tongtian peak was the real holy place of cultivation, but now listen to this transparent creature, it seems that it is not like this!

The misty area is richer than the known fairyland!

Maybe, when you find out the cause of death, you can go to the fog area to have a look!

Put aside the thoughts in his mind, Chu Yun stared at the location of transparent creatures.

He couldn't see the invisible transparent creature, but suddenly a doubt came into his mind.

Why does this transparent creature know so much?

It was just born. Even before the ancient Tianting existed, it had been in the ancient Tianting, but there was no reason to know so much?

In the words of emperor Tian, it can remember that the existence of emperor Tian would tell it that there are so many "eggs"?

Chu Yun has doubts in his heart, and Qing Shuifeng also has doubts in his heart.

At this time, she even had doubts about her new pet.

"How do you know that?"

The sword in qingshuifeng's right hand is clenched, and there is a tendency to attack it.

It's not normal.

How can a new born dragon know so much?

Hearing this, the transparent creature was afraid and said, "I was moved by the emperor of heaven. Master, you should believe me, my loyalty to you, heaven and earth can be a mirror of the sun and the moon! "

The master of Qingshui peak heard the words and said in a cold voice, "just believe you once! If you do anything harmful to us, I will not forgive you! "

The transparent creature nodded repeatedly and said, "mm-hmm, master, don't worry, I will never do anything to hurt you."

Unfortunately, they can't see it at all.

At this time, the God tree of Hongmeng in Chu Yun's mind suddenly said, "misty area, once the people of the fairyland fought with the monsters and beasts born from chaos, created various skills and physiques, but in fact, there are still some insufficiencies in the face of those monsters and beasts born from chaos."

"Old Hong, you are the first spirit born from chaos?" he asked

"Not bad! But at the beginning, I was confused and busy with transformation. I didn't know much about things in chaos. If you want to know everything about the fog area from me, it's a miscalculation. "

He directly blocked his words for fear that Chu Yun would ask the East and the West.

Chu Yun turned his mouth and said, "what kind of scene is it when the world is at its beginning?"

"I said, don't ask me some boring questions!"

The voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng seemed impatient.

To ask about things in chaos is to expose his scars.

He was once cut off by people, and refined into a weapon. At last, he fought with his "master" in the South and the north. He was always ignorant.

It was only in the end that he was born with wisdom and found a chance to escape. Otherwise, it might still be weapons in other people's hands.

Chu Yun doubted: "at that time, did you not have the birth of wisdom?"

"Nonsense! From the beginning of the world, this seat was born with wisdom. Heaven and earth have not given birth to me. This great fairyland is supported by this building. It is the sky that this building has divided chaos and supported for the known fairyland! "

Chu Yun said without a word: "you just blow it. That's too much. Do you know that fairyland is supported by you? Why don't you say that you are the way of heaven. "

The God tree of Hongmeng hears the words and says, "love, believe or not!"

Then he said: "boy, now is not the time to care about other things. Don't forget where it is. Crisis will come all the time. Now there is a crisis around you. You'd better think about how to solve the current crisis!"

"Well? Crisis? Where is the crisis? "

Chu Yun is suspicious.

The immediate crisis?

He didn't feel any crisis. If anyone here can bring crisis to him, I'm afraid that only the Nagi in the Meridian Gate hall will be in the sky.

But Ji Changkong is now cracking the rune, and has no time to fight against himself. What crisis is he facing now?

In doubt, he heard the God tree of Hongmeng say: "you don't know what kind of crisis you are facing. Let me remind you that there are other people coming in, your acquaintances! "

"My acquaintance?"

Chu Yun's heart is awe inspiring. He instinctively thinks of the cloud that escaped from the underground square!

However, after the other party came out of the underground square, he left directly. How could he return?

Isn't it his granddad, the bodyguard, who came?

At this time, a sarcastic voice suddenly came into Chu Yun's ear: "Lord Tongtian, where can we not meet in this life? I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon!"

Hearing this, Chu Yun followed the sound and looked at the past. The two figures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

But it's not misty clouds, but situ Qing!

At this time, behind situ Qing, there was also an old man with a white hair and a childlike face. The old man was dressed in a blue robe. In front of his chest, there was a black-and-white Taiji picture. He took a brush in his hand and dressed as a Taoist.

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