Sky War Soul

Chapter 2054 the temple of thunder?

Hearing this from the God tree of Hongmeng, situ Yun was stunned.

"You also say that the way of our town's demon clan's behavior is like the devil way. What you call justice wuxiangshan now is the real devil way means!"

Soul searching!

One of the forbidden means of the fairyland, under the art of soul searching, even the mystery of the fetus can be clearly dug out.

There is no secret under soul searching, and when soul searching, it's hard to imagine the suffering of your soul.

What he likes most is to use soul searching to deal with those who plot against him. There are so many immortals who died under his soul searching. Unexpectedly, the reincarnation of heaven and the retribution are not good. Now he will also suffer from other people's soul searching!

"No, don't use soul searching to deal with me. What do you want to know? Whatever I know, I will tell you. I will never dare to cheat you!"

If you are going to suffer a lot of pain before you die, it's too hard to die.

Anyway, it's all death. It's better to die without pain!

"If soul searching is confronted with fierce struggle, it will not have any effect in fact, but will lead to the direct destruction of my spirit. You believe me. I'll tell you everything you want to know! "

Afraid that Chu Yun would not believe it, he stressed it again.

Forcing the king no longer pretends to force like before.

No generation pretends to be a master. Now, in order to bear less pain, it is like a wild dog, begging for mercy in front of Chu Yun.

"The first question is, what are the people in your town who come to death valley to do?"

The biggest function of death valley is for the immortal to understand the power of rules. Few immortal who have understood the power of rules are willing to step on the death valley.

At present, situ Yun clearly understood the existence of the power of the rules, and he also threatened himself, saying that there were elders of his demon clan here, who could be called elders by the king, at least in the Empire.

If there is no other business for the powerful emperor of Zhenmo sect, what are you doing here?

Before the bloody wasteland, the appearance of the ancient Tianting site was probably caused by the unknown means of the demon sect.

Now in the valley of death, maybe it has something to do with the ancient Tianting. Otherwise, why do the people of the demon sect appear here?

"There is a big secret in the valley of death, which is related to the ancient heaven. I don't know much about it, but the elder of demon clan knows something about it. He came here specially to look for the treasures left here in the ancient Tianting period! "

Situ Yun was very honest, and directly told his purpose.

"Oh? What treasure is it? "

Chu Yun is interested. There are treasures in death valley. That's for sure.

It's not because there are many magnets here. There are also magnets in the evil moon mountain, but there's no thunder and lightning in the sky over the evil moon mountain.

Situ Yun said: "I don't know, but according to my senior teacher's guess, this place is probably related to the Lei Temple of the ancient Tianting!"

"Thunder temple?"

Chu Yun stares at situ Yun in surprise. This guy knows a lot about this place!

Situ Yun nodded and said, "it's said that there are twelve temples in the ancient temple of heaven, such as the God of war, the God of fire, the God of water, the God of thunder, and the God of spring. When the ancient temple of heaven was destroyed, the twelve temples were separated and analyzed. This death valley is probably the old site of the God of thunder."

"The old site of Lei temple?"

Chu Yun still remembers that in the ancient Tianting ruins, the palace group looks very complete, and it doesn't seem to lack some main halls at all.

However, it is impossible to see whether the palace complex is complete from one's own perspective.

Now listen to situ Yun. This is the old site of the thunder temple in the ancient Tianting. It has a certain degree of credibility.

"Chu Yun, it's just a guess. Whether it's the old site of the thunderobot hall or not will be known after the elders of the demon clan in our town explore it."

For fear that his uncertain answer would make Chu Yun angry, he quickly explained again.

Chu Yun, hearing the words, asked, "do you have any contact information for the elder of the demon clan in your town?"

Situ Yun said: "this space is isolated from death valley. I can't contact it for the moment."

Chu Yun asked again, "how many elders have come from your demon clan? What are the accomplishments? "

"Three, all empire!"

Hearing this, Chu Yun frowned slightly. The three powerful emperors are now exploring the valley of death. It may not be long before they find this space.

Time is very urgent. If the formation of death valley is really related to the Lei temple, then the broken palace here is probably the Lei temple!

Then, Chu Yun asked the last question: "what happened on the bloody wasteland, is it your evil master's hands and feet?"

"You know about the bloody wasteland?"

Situ Yun exclaimed in surprise. The whereabouts of the demon sect in the bloody wasteland are confidential. Except for those who came to Liangzhou with them, some elders of the demon sect do not know.

This Chu cloud, unexpectedly knows own town demon Zong still has a person to go to the bloody wasteland!

"Now is not the time to ask!"

Chu Yun stares at him coldly. His cold eyes make situ Yun feel nervous and shocked. He explains: "the bloody wasteland looks like the ancient Tianting site. The elders of the demon clan in our town have already gone there and are ready to explore it."

Speaking of this, he felt that something was wrong. What Chu Yun asked was what happened on the bloody wasteland. Is it hard to fail? The elders of his own demon clan have succeeded in exploring the bloody wasteland?

"I don't know what happened on the bloody wasteland."

He answered honestly, only to suffer less before he died.

"Boy, it's too slow for you to ask! He's just procrastinating! Don't forget that there are elders of his demon clan in this place. He disappeared somewhere in the valley of death. If the elders of his demon clan can't contact him, they will definitely find him. It's not hard to find the mystery here by means of the powerful emperor! "

In Chu Yun's knowledge of the sea, the sacred tree of Hongmeng reminds Chu Yun.

Hearing this, Chu Yun smiled and said, "Lao Hong, I already know that."

He looked down at situ Yun in front of him, and a hint of sarcasm came up from the corner of his mouth, saying: "delay time? Do you think I don't see it? "

At that moment, situ Yun changed color.

Whether he is soft or threatening, the reason why he behaves so badly, as the God tree of Hongmeng said, is to delay time.

As long as the elders of his demon clan can't contact him, they will surely come to him and find this space by their means.

When the elder of the demon clan in his town steps into this space, Chu Yun has only one way to die!

But now there is no delay at all, and my purpose is penetrated.

I'm afraid it will take some time for the elders of the demon sect to come here. I'm afraid I'm really doomed.

At this moment, situ Yun said nothing more.

Only the spirit of him, a desperate look at Chu Yun, now he has no hope of survival!

"Laohong, search for souls directly!"

He didn't talk to situ Yunduo anymore. Chu Yun dropped the words and stood aside to watch.

He can also search for souls, but his spirit strength is only equal to the fifth level of Taishang, and situ Yun is the sixth level of cultivation. He wants to search his soul with his own cultivation, and there is a great possibility of failure.

The God tree of Hongmeng is different. The state of this guy is not clear to chuyun now.

It must be at least in the emperor's territory. Soul searching is a simple thing for him.

"No problem!"

The God tree of Hongmeng agreed with a smile. At this time, his whisker formed a steel needle, which directly pierced into situ Yun's body. At that time, the painful howl came from situ Yun's mouth. He only felt that his spirit was being delayed by others, and the pain was unbearable!

"Search my soul, you are delusional!"

Knowing that he can't live, situ Yun, with a fierce face, immediately mentions all the forces in his spirit and is ready to explode it.

In Chu Yun's sea of knowledge, he can explode his sixth level spirit, which can definitely cause great damage to Chu Yun's sea of knowledge.

Before he died, he still wanted to find Chu Yun some trouble!

Feeling the strong power suddenly emerging from the spirit of situ Yun, the God tree of Hongmeng despised: "self exploding spirit? In front of me, you have no possibility to explode yourself! "

As soon as the voice fell, a strong suction was directly emitted from the root. It took the spirit of situ Yun as its food and constantly absorbed the power of his spirit!

Situ Yun, who is about to explode himself, suddenly feels that the self exploding energy he has gathered is like a river bank eaten by ants. The energy he has gathered is constantly pouring into the body of the sacred tree of Hongmeng!

"You are the real evil when it comes to evil in our town! How dare you absorb the power of my soul? If you want to subdue the demons and subdue the demons, you should be killed first! "

Situ Yun screams in despair.

Unfortunately, Chu Yun and the God tree of Hongmeng did not continue to deal with him.

The information contained in his spirit is slowly being read by the God tree of Hongmeng. Situ Yun looks miserable and wants to struggle, but he has no strength to fight against the God tree of Hongmeng.

In a short time, all the information in situ Yun's mind was read by the God tree of Hongmeng, and all the pure soul power contained in his spirit was absorbed by the God tree of Hongmeng.

So far, situ Yun, one of the few masters of the demon sect, has completely died out in this world!

After absorbing the soul power of situ Yun and reading the information recorded in his mind, the God tree of Hongmeng said to Chu Yun thoughtfully, "do you want to know if there is any plot or plot against the demon clan?"

Chu Yun hears the words, impatiently says: "don't play games, hurry up to say!"

The God tree of Hongmeng said: "the demon sect controls the clues of the ancient Tianting. They know that the ancient Tianting used to be powerful. They specially opened the ruins of the ancient Tianting in the bloody wasteland and stepped into the valley of death to find the thunder temple. The main purpose is to destroy the five ancient forces."

Chu Yun frowned slightly and said, "destroy the five ancient forces? Can he control the devil clan? "

"Ha ha," laughed the sacred tree of Hongmeng, "of course, it can't be done by the demon sect alone, but don't forget that they want to lead the old part of the ancient Tianting and destroy the other five forces!"

"Zhenmo clan wants to rule the whole known fairyland like the ancient Tianting. To do this, the other five forces are the problems they have to face. They are ready to wake up the remains of the ancient Tianting and destroy wuxiangshan, tianwangzong and other forces in one fell swoop!"

Chu Yun hears the words and says

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