Sky War Soul

Chapter 2055 the God of Swords

The sky of death valley is full of lightning and thunder, and the sky dome at the core is full of spherical lightning, which sometimes comes down from the sky and threatens the emperor.

Fog is the color of death valley. Walking in the fog with visibility less than five meters, it has great danger. No one knows what living creatures are living five meters away.

The cultivation of monsters that can survive in the core of death valley is not low.

At this time, the three Taoist figures in the core are running towards the periphery. They are all the elders of the demon sect and the powerful emperor.

In fact, they didn't pay much attention to situ Yun's death, but he carried the treasures they used to explore here. If his space ring fell into the hands of others, the crisis of exploring Death Valley would definitely increase for them.

Before that, situ Yun took a wrong step and separated with them.

Now the soul jade slips of situ Yun are broken, which proves that the other side is dead.

If the beast died in the death valley, it's OK to say that if he was killed, the space ring in his hand must have fallen into the hands of the murderer.

The three men carefully march towards the last place where situ Yun disappeared. Because they are in the core area of death valley, none of them dare to fly in the sky, so they can only leave here quickly by running.

"That situ Yun really has more than enough success and more than enough failure! If this time his death has ruined our great event, his situ family will suffer together! "

There is an old man who angrily scolds them. In fact, what he wants to scold is their leader. Why do you want to put the things that are loaded with the treasures here on situ Yun?

Isn't it good to put it on yourself?

After all, you are the emperor!

When the leader heard the words, he frowned and said, "OK, just say a few words. Situ Yun is dead. The priority is to find out who killed him! "

The three men continue to move forward. Along the way, there are dangers from beyond their sight. But no monster can get close to them. Any monster that appears beside them can always be directly killed by them at the first time.

Along the way, all the monsters that dare to attack them and can threaten the ten level immortal of xianzun are directly killed by them.

In front of the emperor's powerful, the immortal level monsters, even those living in the valley of death, have no ability to threaten them.

Before long, the three came to the last place where situ Yun disappeared.

A few people are lucky. They didn't walk in different space and were not transported out a hundred miles.

"This is the place. This is the last place where situ Yun disappeared."

The three stood at the last place where situ Yun disappeared, and at the same time explored the surrounding situation, but they were helpless. Even with their divine sense, they dared not explore in vain because of the obstacles from the fog.

It was speculated that the formation of the fog in the valley of death should come from the fall of an immortal power.

In addition, they have explored the fog more than once, and they are naturally aware of the crisis hidden in the fog.

At this time, the three people searched for the last place where situ Yun disappeared for a while. They did not find his figure at all. They did not even notice the crisis lurking around, which made several people frown.

"Situ Yun must be dead. According to the situation here, there are still traces of the battle, but others are not here. It's hard not to succeed. His body has been swallowed by the unknown existence?"

The chief of the three frowned even tighter.

It's a very troublesome thing to look for someone in the valley of death.

It's almost unrealistic that the fog here blocks the divine sense and wants to find people directly by divine sense.

In addition, there are many space debris here. If you make a mistake, you will be hundreds of miles away. Even some space debris will become a small world. This kind of space may look like a dust on the surface. It will be opened at a specific time and can directly swallow people close to these small worlds.

That kind of small world is quite a strange world. If it is outside, the powerful emperor can find this kind of place, but it can't be found in the death valley.

"In any case, we must find the murderer who killed situ Yun! The things in his space ring can't fall into other people's hands! "

The tangled look of the leader suddenly became extremely ferocious. The treasures in situ cloud's space ring are related to their exploration of the death valley. If they can't find situ cloud's space ring, the exploration of the death valley has become empty talk!

Just as the leader's voice fell, another old man suddenly said, "elder Luo, do you think there will be a small world here? Situ Yun has fallen into the small world now?"

"Well? It is possible! "

As soon as long Luo's eyes brightened, he didn't take this into account because of his anger. Now he hears another elder say it, and he naturally believes it.

Even they had suspected that the ancient temple of thunder in the death valley might be hidden in a small world formed by space debris.

After all, it's not the first time for them to explore here. The sages of the demon clan in death valley have been exploring, but they haven't found out any big secret.

"From now on, we will start to search. Within five meters, we must find out for me. Don't let go of any details. Even if it is a dust, we must test it well!"

The leader's surname is Luo Zhengyi. The seventh level cultivation of Xiandi is one of the elders of the demon clan. Among the three, his cultivation is the highest, which makes him the leader of this group to explore the death valley.

The other two immortal emperors, Liu Zhendong and peigeng, were also the elders of the demon clan.

The three of them took situ Yun, the little leader of the demon sect, to explore the place together. They wanted to find out whether there was a Lei temple. If there was, they would find out the secret of Lei temple. However, due to the death of situ Yun, their subsequent search could not be carried out.

This is the last place where situ Yun disappeared. There are still traces of battle on the ground. But it is not easy to find the small world that is likely to exist here.

"According to the situation here, there have been at least five people involved in the fighting here. One of the breath belongs to situ Yun. According to the residual breath here, situ Yun should protect the other four people at the same time and be absolutely in a state of crushing. "

Liu Zhendong opened his mouth. He had a good idea of exploring the traces of the battle. After observing this place for a while, he could distinguish the past battles here.

Then, Liu Zhendong took a look at his front, which was full of fog, but still in the range of vision.

All of a sudden, he looked at the scene and said, "this is where their last breath disappeared."

As he said this, he went directly to the place where situ Yun left his breath.

Just stepped there, his whole body suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared here!

"Little world!"

Luo Zhengyi and peigeng couldn't help but look very happy.

Although situ Yun died, there is no doubt that he must have died in this small world.

There may be Empire level existence in the small world, otherwise situ Yun could not die soon after stepping on the small world!

Now Liu Zhendong suddenly disappeared, probably because he stepped into the small world!

Then, Luo Zhengyi and peigeng did not hesitate to go to the place where Liu Zhendong suddenly disappeared. At that time, a strange attraction was acting on them. They did not wait for two people to resist. When they appeared again, they had arrived at a place different from death valley!


"It seems that the broken hall is not far from here. How can it be so difficult to walk here?"

Chuyun and his party are walking in this small world, and Shuiyue is complaining of boredom.

It's clear that they can fly in the sky, or even move in a blink, but Chu Yun doesn't allow them to do it.

He had to leave without giving a reasonable explanation.

"Chu Yun, shall we fly there directly? I've seen that there seems to be no wisdom among the monsters here. As long as we don't provoke them, they won't attack us directly. "

Lei Zhen can't stand the slow speed.

He also used his divine sense to explore before, and found the broken palace in the most central place.

The architectural style of the palace is totally different from that of any other architecture in the world today. The architectural style of the broken palace gives people the feeling of rough, savage and even wild.

Hearing their complaints, Chu Yun pointed to the sky and said, "you can detect the monsters above the sky and clouds?"

Lei Zhen and Shuiyue are stunned. They look up at the boundless sky. There is no white cloud under the blue sky, but there is a round of tomorrow hanging. They can't see that this is a small world.

Seeing the two stupefied gods, Chu Yun said with a smile: "there are monsters in the sky, and there are many more. Those who have concealed their body shape by special means are waiting for those who fly in the sky to take the bait. "

Lei Zhen is surprised: "how can we not find it?"

Lin Tianjiao also stared at Chu Yun in a daze, and she also didn't find out what Chu Yun said above the sky.

"Some dangers are invisible to the divine mind. Be careful. "

After Chu Yun finished speaking, he continued to move towards the location of the broken palace, but he did not take two steps. The God tree of Hongmeng in his mind suddenly reminded him: "boy, there is a strong emperor, probably the elder of situ Yun!"


When Chu Yun heard the words, he was shocked in his heart!

Situ Yun's elder unexpectedly came here!

The elder generation of situ Yun, that is the emperor's powerful. Facing the emperor's powerful, there is only one way to die!

"Three in all!"

Without waiting for Chu Yun to ask the number, the voice of Hongmeng divine tree came again.

"Shit, three!"

All of a sudden, Chu Yun was even desperate.

All of a sudden, the three powerful emperors came here. For Chu Yun, it was an irresistible existence.

He killed situ Yun. These three people are the elders of the demon sect. When they come here, it's his crisis!


Without any hesitation, Chu Yun had a big drink, and then his body suddenly soared into the air and quickly flew to the location of the broken palace.

Lei Zhen, twin sisters and Lin Tianjiao are stunned when they see Chu Yun suddenly rise into the ai

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