Sky War Soul

Chapter 2071 it's not suitable to stay here for a long time

It's a cold moment.

Besides speaking with Chu Yun, Huo Shen has no interest in other people.

"It's very dangerous to stay here. Now I'll take you out!"

The God of fire shifted the topic, her right hand fingers in gently pinching, in the calculation of this small world outlet.

The God of water is helping to resist the thunder that came to them from time to time. Each of them can tear open a space crack. Countless space cracks spread in the whole small world, which is the real end of the world.

"Everything in the world is mine! Today, I will give you one last chance. If you submit to me, I will give you a future after the Tianting reconstruction! "

At this time, a voice resounding throughout the small world came into the ears of all.

The sound comes from the direction where the thunder temple is located. The sound that looks extremely sinister brings waves and waves, which makes the clouds on the sky roll continuously. The thunder and lightning that shuttle among the clouds, under this sound, is directly annihilated!


With the sound of the whole small world falling down, a slight clicking sound came into Chu Yun's ears. Looking at it, it was the protective cover of the two gods of fire and water that disappeared in the roar!

"So strong!"

The water god's look became more and more dignified. She looked at the direction of the Lei temple, and her eyes were more and more worried. She didn't know who was worried.

Shuiyue, Shuining and leizhen are the same. Their master is still there. The voice that resounded through the whole world before is afraid that the real body of Xiashi Tiandi will come. Can their master deal with it?

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go!"

The voice of the God of fire is a little anxious. She has figured out where the exit of this space is. As soon as the voice falls, she does not hesitate to wrap Chu Yun and his party with her own immortal power and run straight towards the exit!

When the voice of the God of fire fell, the voice of the evil and violent came again: "escape? God of fire, you are the God of fire under my command. You control the fire temple and try to betray me. If I let you escape, how can I face the immortals in the world in the future? "

Hearing this, Chu Yun's face changed greatly.

How far away are they from the direction where the Lei temple is now?

Yunyi is still holding the corpse emperor in the thunder temple. Now the other side can distract them. From this point of view, the real body of the corpse emperor is definitely better than Yunyi!

Before the reaction of all the people, a big palm formed by dark red black clouds suddenly appeared in the clouds above the sky.

The big palms covered the sky and covered the sun, and they floated on their heads.

When the big palms appeared, Chu Yun felt an unspeakable pressure from the bottom of their hearts. The big palms hanging over their heads were slowly suppressed, and the pressure increased by one point for each drop.

The palm that seems to come slowly contains unparalleled power. Even with the cultivation of the two gods of fire and water, it feels heavy in the face of this falling palm!

"It's the God of the dead!"

The God of fire sighed a little. There was no choice in his eyes.

If they had known that the inner heart of the emperor could not be purified, how could they arrange the meditation array in the soul binding return array?

What's more, they don't know at all that the lower corpse emperor, who has been getting along with each other, is just a separation. They don't even know when the separation was formed!

Now, the emperor Shitian and them turn their faces. The attack from the other side is beyond their imagination. The terror is wrapped in the big palm formed by the clouds. The two men use all their powers to attack the palms falling on that day. But no matter what the attack is, they just pass through the big palm of the clouds and can't break it Bad!

"Water God, you protect them. I will try my best to break this slap!"

The fire was burning on the God of fire, and she could not see her original appearance.

Her momentum is rising rapidly. In an instant, it has become a dazzling light, which makes it hard for others to see what she looks like.

The light of the God of fire rises slowly, which is similar to the attack of that palm. Every time it rises, its momentum will become more powerful.

When she came to the slap that came down, the light had become as big as the slap.

When they touch each other, the silent explosion suddenly spreads, and a huge space crack is formed in an instant, which directly inhales the light into the boundless void!

"Vulcan failed!"

When the water God saw the huge space crack on the sky, the whole person's face became particularly ugly.

The beautiful face was full of determination. She took a look at Chu Yun and said: "originally, she wanted to protect you from the impact of the battle and return a favor to your master. Now, it seems that this favor can't be returned."

After all, the light blue light on the water God shines on the sky, making her look like a real God.

Her clothes were floating, and her beautiful eyes were in the direction of the sky. The God of fire did not cause any damage to the palm formed by the clouds on the sky. The palm ignored the space cracks and was still suppressing.

This palm, as if it could not be destroyed, at least, it is not the power of the God of fire or the God of water.

The God of fire was involved in the space crack in a moment. Now the chaotic small world can't be located. It's almost impossible for her to get out of the void.

If the God of water were to fight against this slap, it would be the same result.

But she still has to choose the past.

Said to protect them, so at least in their own alive before, can not let them be hurt.

What's more, millions of years of vicissitudes, wake up again, all of the world is strange.

I should have died a million years ago and survived for a million years. Today I wake up, but I can't find the meaning of my existence.

The Tianting has been destroyed. It's a joke to rebuild it.

It's funny that I even had this idea before, and as a result, I released an extremely evil existence.

He is bound to stir up trouble in the fairyland, and he is one of the black hands.

He is guilty. At the moment when he released the corpse, he was a sinner and a sinner of the whole fairyland!

Only death can wash away your faults, and only death is the best destination for you, a stranger in the fairyland!

After making a decision, shuishen's eyes became more determined.

She looked up at the palms that came down from the sky, waves of water like waves rippled around her body, and slowly washed towards the palms of the sky.

The light blue light is surging with the ripples, which seems to be a very peaceful attack, but the power contained in it can kill the immortals below the Immortal Emperor in a second.

At the same time, her body shape is also slowly rising. She learns the fire god's attack method. Her body gradually becomes a light blue river. From the bottom to the top, she wants to wash the palm of the sky.

Chu Yun, who was shrouded in the water god's protective cover, could not understand the practice of Water God and fire god at this time.

The moment before, it was clear that both sides were the enemy. How long has this time passed? The enemy turned into a benefactor in a flash.

At least the God of fire was involved in the space crack because he wanted to help them resolve the palm of the heaven.

At least now water God has the same idea.

With the cultivation of the two of them, we can completely throw them away and run away alone. But these two beautiful women, whose heads are stupid, have no reason to sacrifice themselves as human beings?

"Those sages who once lived in ancient heaven are really worthy of admiration. Most of them are selfless. They used to fight for the living space of the immortals and the wild beasts. In order to open up a peaceful world, some people died in martyrdom and built houses for ordinary immortals. "

The voice of Hongmeng divine tree suddenly came into Chu Yun's ear.

There are regrets, regrets and yearnings.

He then said: "the emergence of the Skywalker has changed everything in the ancient heaven. Under the influence of imperceptible influence, selfishness has become the theme of the fairyland. Few people will stick to their faith again. However, they pay their lives to save you, which is really admirable!"

In fact, he took the initiative to stand out from the God of fire to protect them and fight with the palms of the heaven, which changed Chu Yun's view on her.

Although she said that she didn't care about the moral shackles in the secular world, but she just showed that a great sense of righteousness, why not suffer from the shackles of moral shackles?

In fact, she can abandon them in spite of her promise, but when she cares, it proves that she can't get rid of the shackles of the secular world.

Chu Yun's heart is absolutely respectful of the two gods.

However, after hearing this from the God tree of Hongmeng, he retorted directly and asked, "what do you mean by saying so much?"

Hearing the words, the sacred tree of Hongmeng laughed twice and said, "ha ha, I mean to tell you that this seat is also worthy of your admiration!"

Chu Yun frowned slightly and realized that something bad was going to happen.

As expected, the sacred tree of Hongmeng continued: "we will enter into this space crack together later. As long as we hide in it, the attack will not do for us. Besides, I can find the God of fire and rescue her. "

Chu Yun asked, "aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"It's no big problem to expose them in front of them. They don't pose any threat to me."

After a little meal, the sacred tree of Hongmeng said: "what's more, I have been hiding for so long. If there's something that doesn't fear death to covet this seat, this seat will let them see, what is moth to put out fire! "

Old Hong, who is afraid of death, has changed!

Some surprised that the God tree of Hongmeng suddenly changed his mind. Then Chu Yun said, "in this case, I will dissuade the God of water!"

At this time, the God of water is close to the palms of the sky. Her light blue with transparent water waves, interweaves into a big net of light blue.

One end of the long river is close to the big palm formed by the cloud. If it touches, I'm afraid it will make another space crack and devour both of them.

"Water God, don't go, let me take you away!"

Chu Yun opens his mouth.

Since the God tree of Hongmeng has decided to help, there is no need for shuishen to take another risk.

Although the God of fire was penetrated into the space crack, the ghost knew that when she touched the big palm formed by the cloud above the sky

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