Sky War Soul

Chapter 2072 the family of virtual images

The two gods of fire and water are at least the seventh level accomplishments of the Immortal Emperor. They can't resolve the offensive, so they are dissolved by a blue thunder?

What kind of power does Thor have when he wakes up?

Is it difficult or not? Is it the tenth level of Xiandi, or even stronger?

Chu Yun is not only shocked, but also the water god on the side. Facing this situation, she doesn't even know what to say!

How can she not be familiar with Thor?

Millions of years ago, she, the God of fire and the God of thunder were all good friends. At that time, the God of thunder was only one step away from the legendary immortal realm.

But the difference is one step, after all, plus the division of the heaven, the great calamity made by the flying man comes, and the God of thunder has to make another body to escape the calamity in the way of fake death!

For millions of years, he has been hiding in the deepest subconscious of the body he created. That body is the thunderbeast!

He has been instilling the origin of thunderstorm, modifying the thinking of thunderstorm, instilling some things that have happened, but thunderstorm has never experienced, into thunderstorm, let thunderstorm as it happened in their own body, so as to become an independent life.

In this way, he can completely hide himself. Even if one day, the thunderbolt is found, it is difficult for people to think of it and himself.

Such a man who has been hiding for millions of years and dare not show his face, today he wakes up from the body of thunderbolt and shows his extraordinary power.

How strong is the attack of emperor Shitian?

The palm gathered just above the cloud is the power that erupts from the real body of the emperor. Even the God of fire is directly exiled into the endless void. Even the God of water takes the heart to die to resist the palm gathered by the cloud.

This makes fire and water both helpless to attack, but under a blue lightning of thunderobot, it turns into powder. How strong is the power of thunderobot?

"It seems that we don't have to hide in the void!"

Water God smiled, but there was some helplessness in the smile. She never thought that one day when she met danger, she would hide in the void.

Although the proposal was put forward by Chu Yun, it is still difficult for her to accept it.

Chu Yun smell speech, looked at water god, shook his head, way: "no, still want to go in."

Water god that a pair of beautiful eyes son put on Chu cloud's body, some surprised to ask: "why?"

Chu Yun said: "the God of fire is in the void now. Before she leaves too far, find her back!"

The water god was completely stunned. He never thought he would hear such an answer from Chu Yun's mouth.

Into the endless void, find the God of fire?

Is this a joke?

In the boundless void, it is much wider than the known fairyland, or even the whole fairyland.

There are many void creatures in the void, but because the void is too vast, the creatures distributed in the whole void are hard to meet the people who step into the void.

Rao is so, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case of meeting those void creatures, there is only one way to die waiting for them!

What's more, it's not realistic to find the God of fire in the boundless void!

Great power once said that all the stars and all the universes in the fairyland move at an incredible speed, while the void is still.

Stepping into the void, you will lose the movement ability given by stars. Maybe someone will fly in the void continuously, but compared with the speed of stars and the whole universe, it is not enough.

It's hard to say that the current God of fire is far away from where they are, and whether there will be any danger in the void. Compared with the vast void, it's more difficult to find a person in the void with the adjective "looking for a needle in a haystack" than looking for a needle in a haystack, Million times!

"I see what you mean. But the God of fire has stepped into the boundless void, and cannot return at all. Almost no one can find the exiled in the void! "

The God of water doesn't think that he can find the God of fire. Comparatively speaking, now he has solved the crisis from the sky with the help of the God of thunder and left here as soon as possible.

Chu Yun looked at the water God seriously and said, "believe me!"

After all, he didn't care what the water God thought. He took a look at the space crack like a black hole not far away, took a deep breath, and sent it to the God tree of Hongmeng and said, "Laohong, my body is temporarily borrowed from you. You have to protect them."

"Don't worry, I said that if you want to save people, you must save them!"

After a little meal, the sacred tree of Hongmeng said: "besides, we will come back later, maybe we will have unexpected harvest!"

"Oh? What gains? "

Chu cloud came to the interest, generally can be called harvest by Hongmeng God tree, are not ordinary harvest.

"Keep it secret for the time being. You will know when we return!"

After that, he directly controlled Chu Yun's body.

Chu Yun's first spirit has also been let to one side, sitting in his sea of knowledge, watching Hongmeng divine tree manipulate his body, which makes him have a strange feeling.

This time, because the God of fire is kind to him, he doesn't want to see the God of fire floating in the boundless void forever, so he actively gives up his body.

In addition, he can take this opportunity to explore how old Hong actually shuttles through the void.

So many people can't do it, even the strong people who can't destroy the realm can't do it. What kind of power did Lao Hong exert to come and go freely in the void without being lost due to the influence of no coordinate?

At the moment when Chu Yun's body was controlled by the divine tree of Hongmeng, a pair of beautiful eyes of shuishen couldn't help but put them on Chu Yun. He stared at Chu Yun. Now Chu Yun gave him a very different feeling. I don't know what happened. He gave her a different feeling, just like a new person.

"Is that where you stand?"

The water God said to himself without asking.

Everyone has his own secret. It seems that Yunyi has seen Chu Yun's secret before he can protect Lei Zhen's party.


The God tree of Hongmeng doesn't care about the water god's eyes. He controls Chu Yun's body and shines a green light around everyone.

Endless vitality roams in the green awn, with constant circulation and strong defense, all people are wrapped up in death.

Then, with a flash of his body shape, he fell directly into the space crack in front of him, completely disappeared from the small world.

He couldn't control the war at the Leishen temple, and didn't have the heart to manage it.

The urgent task is to rescue the God of fire from the void.


The boundless void is black.

God knows to sweep around, is an empty piece, can't see what will appear in front of oneself.

In fact, there will be nothing. Compared with the vast void, the number of creatures living in the void is still too small. It is a rare thing to find one.

After the God tree of Hongmeng controls Chu Yun's body to the boundless void, the first thing he does is to find the shadow of the God of fire.

Chu Yun, who is in his own sea of knowledge, carefully observes every move of the sacred tree of Hongmeng.

He found that this guy in this void, there are countless invisible, even God can not capture the power is constantly spreading towards the void.

They are much smaller than electrons, because they are so small that even the mind can't catch their existence.

When they are under the control of the sacred tree of Hongmeng, they spread around, flying at an incredible speed, surpassing the speed of light, even faster than blinking.

This is almost against the common sense of the fairyland, but the vast fairyland, even if the practice to the legendary eternal realm, I'm afraid I can't understand the material of the fairyland.

Chu Yun just named the subtle things that the naked eye can't detect and the divine sense can't detect on the sacred tree of Hongmeng according to the memory of his previous life.

The reason why he could see it was that the God tree of Hongmeng borrowed the subtle things that his body sent out that he could not even see the divine sense, and he could sense their existence.

There are too many of them. They spread out towards the surrounding areas, taking Chu Yun's body as the center, flying continuously until they encounter obstacles.

In this way, they can find obstacles, and at the same time, they can feed back to the God tree of Hongmeng in the first time, so that he can avoid danger in the void, and also find his own goal in the void!

"This kind of move is very rebellious in the void. I just don't know if I can practice it!"

Chu Yun saw a flash of hot eyes, and learned this move. As long as he met the enemy who couldn't defeat, he would go into the void and let the void soar, he didn't believe that anyone could find himself!

When you are sure that you are safe, find a place to tear the void and return to the fairyland. Although you don't know where it will appear, you can also guarantee your absolute safety!

"I found it!"

When Chu Yun observed the move of looking for people in the void, the voice of Hongmeng God tree came into the ears of Hongmeng God tree.

"But she's in trouble."

His voice is a little dignified.

If there is trouble in the void, is there a void creature?

"What's the trouble?"

Chu Yun asked again affirmatively.

"A group of void beasts!" said the sacred tree of Hongmeng

"One A group? "

Chu Yun is a little silly.

A bunch of void animals?

He had only heard of the void beast, but he had never seen it.

The abilities of the void beast are boasted too much. Their whole body is almost the sharpest weapon. Some of them are very small, the smallest, smaller than mosquitoes, and the larger, beyond the size of stars. Even if you stand on the body of the void beast, you can't feel that it will be a void beast!

Is Vulcan's luck too good?

I was led by the God tree of Hongmeng in the void. I don't know how many times I have shuttled through the void, but I haven't met the beast of void. This fire god, who has been driven into the void, has met a group of people?

"Let's go and have a look!"

The God tree of Hongmeng didn't say much. He took the water god and thunder shock with him and flew to the position where the God of fire was.

In other people's eyes, Chu Yun is just flying in the void, aimless

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