Sky War Soul

Chapter 2075 the territory of the empty elephant family

The seeds of the gap have been planted at the moment when the flying dragon formula was used from the sacred tree of Hongmeng.

Even if the cooperation between the two before is so close, once there is a gap, if you want to cooperate as before, there is a gap.

Moreover, the gap is not so easy to repair.

The rift between friendship can only be repaired after many things have been experienced together.

At present, from the aspect that the God tree of Hongmeng can actively control his body, if he wants to plot against Chu Yun, it will be as easy as the back of hand.

So far, the gap between the two sides has been very clear.

The God tree of Hongmeng can do anything about chuyun, but chuyun can't do anything about the God tree of Hongmeng.

The feeling of powerlessness surged into Chu Yun's heart, which could not be eliminated by just a few words.

Perhaps knowing that the seeds of the gap have been planted, the sacred tree of Hongmeng no longer makes redundant explanations, and no longer guarantees Chu Yun anything.

At this time, his eyes moved to the elephant king. When the symbol he drew and the symbol of the elephant king were integrated, the purple light from the elephant king's long nose suddenly spread to the whole body of Chu cloud.

The purple light is very beautiful, noble and atmospheric. It contains the power that Chu Yun can't understand.

These purple lights converged towards Chu Yun's body, just like the current, submerged his whole body, and finally all fell into Chu Yun's body.

Because his body was controlled by the God tree of Hongmeng, Chu Yun could not perceive the change of his body.

However, Chu Yun, who is located in the sea of knowledge, saw that there are some more things in his sea of knowledge. It is a purple fog, which wriggles in his sea of knowledge, changing into different shapes. It looks like an image of void, a cloud, a mountain, and it changes regularly, like a life.

What is this?

Chu Yun stared at the purple fog in his sea of knowledge.

Everything in the outside world has not escaped Chu Yun's eyes.

He only knew that this was from the long nose of the void elephant, but he was in the sea of his own knowledge. Was it an enemy or a friend?

Moreover, what's the meaning of Hongmeng God tree's letting the purple smoke run into its own sea of knowledge?

As he wondered, the purple smoke in his mind changed.

The creeping purple smoke finally condenses the virtual shadow of an empty image. Its whole body is purple. Compared with those empty images outside, this one is a little smaller now, which gives people a kind of lovely feeling.

It's like a cat. Any cat is extremely cute when it's young.

The same is true of the void at the moment.

"It is the medium to control the king of the void. Any command you give can be conveyed to it. It will feed back to the king of the void and execute your command."

The voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng resounds in the ear of chuyun.

Hearing this, Chu Yun asked, "so you can control the elephant king? It's in my sea of knowledge now. In case of a collision, isn't it a threat to me? "

He didn't try to test the image king. The image without eyes was floating and sinking in his sea of knowledge, which seemed very strange.

Chu Yun doesn't know if it has his own consciousness. Suddenly, a virtual animal appears in the sea of knowledge. He doesn't want to leave this guy in his mind until he finds out whether the other party is harmful to him.

There was a gap with the God tree of Hongmeng. He didn't believe it for the moment.

"It will not threaten you," said the sacred tree of Hongmeng. "It's like a slave mark. Although it can't decide its life and death by one thought, it can make it suffer through torture."

Then, with a sigh, he said, "Chu Yun, how do you become timid now? It's just a virtual animal. Now it's under your control. You should worry so much. You're a different person now than you used to be! "

It always seems a little strange to say some emotional words from the mouth of the sacred tree of Hongmeng.

"Come on, old man, don't say anything else. Now the king of void beast is under control?"

Chu Yun didn't want to think so much.

It's a brain burning thing to guess whether the God tree of Hongmeng has any ulterior motives for himself. So far, at least, he hasn't shown any evil intentions.

The sacred tree of Hongmeng said: "if you have given your brand to you, how can it threaten you? You just think too much about it! "

Chu Yun heard the words and said, "ha ha, I think too much? Do you want to take control of my body and learn my unique skills

"I said, I have no malice to you!"

Some helpless voices, Hongmeng God tree also did not know how to explain.

Chu Yun sneered twice and said, "since that's the case, give me the control of my body first."

Reluctantly, the God tree of Hongmeng said, "I give you control of your body. Can you find the fire gods?"

Chu Yun said: "your ability to shuttle through the void at will and find people in the void. I have observed something temporarily. If you can't find them, you can help me."

The body is better controlled by itself.

After hearing this, the God tree of Hongmeng gave Chu Yun the right to control his body, and then took root in his second spirit.

The gap has been created. Now, the God tree of Hongmeng wants to eliminate the gap between it and Chu Yun as much as possible, so that they can return to the close cooperation relationship they had before.

Whether Chu Yun has learned to shuttle in the void and find people in the void is not so important at present.

What's important is to gradually eliminate his inner estrangement from himself!

At the moment when Chu Yun regained control of his body, the king of the void suddenly said, "you are not the one just now. Who are you?"

The image of the void felt the abnormality. The shadow of the big tree behind Chu cloud, which covered the sky and covered the sun, disappeared with the sacred tree of Hongmeng, hiding in the second spirit of Chu cloud.

Just let him feel the power of the sense of oppression, but also suddenly disappeared, replaced by a completely strange breath!

This breath is very weak, it even feels that as long as it blows, it can kill the man in front of it!

Before and after but a moment's effort, this strength gap unexpectedly so big, if there is no problem in this, kill it not to believe!

Why does it choose to submit?

It's not because of the Hongmeng tree behind the sacred tree that I decided to surrender.

It was a tree that existed in the chaos period, and it was the first spiritual root before the opening of the world.

It instinctively regarded Chu Yun, who had just exerted the state of empty shadow of Hongmeng tree, as Hongmeng tree, so it directly chose to submit.

But now that Chu Yun has regained control of his body, his fifth level cultivation of immortal is no secret in the eyes of the king of the void!

The difference between before and after is too big. It's just another person!

"It doesn't matter who I am. You are my subordinate now. You should respect me!"

Chu Yun responds coldly to the elephant king of void.

It is impossible to transmit sound in the void, but there is no limit to the transmission of divine sense.

Obviously, I feel that the brand that I just sacrificed is controlled by the man in front of me. The long nose of the virtual elephant king suddenly becomes hard, and the purple light bursts out. With the power of terror, there is a trend of killing Chu Yun directly!

I've been fooled.

I can only use it to explain what I just did.

If it had known that there was another soul hidden in this guy's body, it would have said nothing and would not actively give its own spiritual mark to the other party!


The king of the void is very angry. His voice is full of uncontrollable anger. If he didn't know that Chu Yun had controlled his mark, he would torture himself with that mark. I'm afraid that now he would tear the fifth level immortal into pieces!

"What the man said before, but really?"

The king of the void doesn't want to pay attention to other things. It only cares about this problem now.

As long as it can acquire enough strength resistance, even if it submits to a fifth rank ant of immortal, it also recognizes it.

Chu Yun, hearing the words, said with a smile, "I didn't cheat you. You want strength to resist this kind of thing, I will let you get enough later! "

"I hope so!"

The void Elephant King finish saying, that is like the sharp sword general nose suddenly becomes soft, the purple awn which curls around the nose, also slowly disappears.

This means that the king of the void has lost that anger, or that he has completely suppressed the anger in his heart.

Seeing that the elephant king didn't speak any more, Chu Yun ordered again, "now I'll give you a task to find my friend back!"

When the king of the void heard this, his soft nose suddenly hardened, and he was trembling all over. It was obviously angry by Chu Yun's words!

I am a strong emperor. Now, an ant in the realm of immortality really dares to command himself and really regards himself as his master!

Seeing that the elephant king had no action, Chu Yun's voice was cold, and he said, "why, don't you want to? If you can't do these little things well, what can I do for you! "

"I'll go!"

The king of the void replied with a gnashing of his teeth, and then his nose trembled rapidly, sending the news to other void elephants.

Shuishen and his party didn't go far. They just hid for a while because of the outbreak of war.

Now that the crisis here is over, they don't need to be found by the king of nothingness. They come by themselves.

As soon as several people came, the God of fire could not help saying, "Chu Yun, there is another old monster in your body? Just now I felt a similar breath. The old monster is afraid to be the God tree of Hongmeng, right

Hearing this, Chu Yun glanced at her lightly and replied, "you think more."

I didn't admit it. This is even a disguised denial. I guess it's one thing. I admit it. It's another thing.

The God of fire didn't want to stop. Her beautiful eyes stared at Chu Yun and said, "is it the God tree of Hongmeng? We are old friends, please come out and see us! "

Although he looked at Chu Yun and even transmitted his voice to him, he said this to the God tree of Hongmeng.

There was no response from the God tree of Hongmeng. After waiting for a while, Huo Shen continued, "how come we old friends have a chance to meet each other, and you still have to hide from me?"

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