Sky War Soul

Chapter 2076 gathering the third spirit

Doesn't it matter?

The water god sighed and stopped asking about it.

It's a very annoying thing to ask the bottom of the story. The secret Chu Yun didn't want to say, he continued to ask himself, in fact, has no meaning.

The existence of chuyun's body, whether it is a sacred tree of Hongmeng or not, is not so important.

It's his secret that she won't covet his God tree and tell him that there is a God tree in his body.

The immortals and officials in the ancient Tianting period did not kill or loot the mobs. She came to life millions of years later. Even if she hated the rising people who split the ancient Tianting, she would not do what the bandits would do.


The territory of the virtual elephant king is empty, and nothing can be seen.

When people are confused, the purple light on the long nose of the virtual Elephant King blooms and spreads around.

Where the light passes, this seemingly empty space reveals the tip of its iceberg.

The purple light of the virtual elephant king is like unlocking the seal here. As the purple light continues to spread towards its front position, a huge land gradually appears in the virtual sky.

It's like someone slowly opened the curtain of the stage, and the scene behind the stage slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Different from the land of fairyland, the territory of the virtual elephant family is more like a huge purple nebula. There are scattered lights in the nebula, showing various colors, gorgeous and beautiful.

Light spots are scattered in all corners of the nebula, and each one seems to be a star.

Light points are not static. They are rotating constantly. Smaller stars are rotating around larger ones. Larger stars are rotating around larger ones. Just like the galaxies known in Chu Yun's previous life, they seem to be gravitationally pulling each other and won't collide with each other.

With the purple light advancing again, more and more faces of the void elephant clan are displayed in front of them.

The purple awn emanating from the long nose of the virtual elephant king is much faster than the speed of light.

What Chu Yun learned about the speed of light in the universe before, let alone in this void, is that there is no comparability in the whole fairyland.

For example, when the cultivation reaches a certain level, the immortal can move in a blink, which is equivalent to appearing at another point in the world in an instant, and how many times faster than the speed of light.

But there are still people who can attack beyond the speed limit, and the energy attack can be sent out beyond the speed of blink, killing their enemies.

As it is now, if we look at the speed of light propagation as Chu Yun knew in his previous life, the purple light emitted by the king of the void doesn't know how many years it will take to fly before he can shine his territory.

But now, just for a moment, the territory of the virtual elephant king is all presented in front of Chu Yun.

Rough estimates, at least a light-year diameter range, are the territory of the virtual family!

How exaggerated is that?

Just now, the territory of the virtual elephant king is much larger than any other known land in the celestial world!

But what's the number of empty elephants?

He saw only a hundred thousand of them.

Now, I'm afraid that most of the empty elephant families are in their own territory, which is equivalent to the territory of one light-year distance known by Chu Yun in his previous life. How many empty elephant families are there?

This is an astronomical number!

Only from this point of view, the number of void beasts, compared with the known celestial beings do not know how much more!

The first glimpse of the tip of the iceberg in the void shocked Chu Yun.

He even thought, what kind of existence was the existence that split the chaos and separated the pure and turbid Qi!

Is it the eternal realm?

I'm afraid that even the strong of the eternal realm can't break the chaos and open up a big world where the immortal can't imagine its edge distance!

As the first ancient tree in the world, how big was the body of Hongmeng God tree?

How strong has he been?

It's impossible to imagine how strong its existence once was. It will be shocked when it sees the false shadow of the God of war, and it will be scared when it meets the high-level existence of the Immortal Emperor.

However, in the face of these virtual beasts, he was unconventional and put on a rather domineering posture. What is the reason for this?

When Chu Yun was shocked and confused, the voice of the king of the void elephant once again rang in the ears of all: "this is my territory of the void elephant family. Although I submit to you, you are determined to come to my territory. If you die in my domain, you have nothing to do with me! "

It has a grudge against chuyun. It was in the face of the God tree of Hongmeng before that, and it was submissive to chuyun.

Now it's meaningless to know that the existence is just hiding in the body of the other party, and it's submissive.

But he has already given his own mark to the other side. The other side can torture himself through the mark. For the sake of his ethnic group, he has to obey the other side.

There are too few creatures in the void that can produce wisdom.

But all the void creatures born with wisdom will be protected by their own ethnic groups even if they have no accomplishments. After all, wisdom is much more important than strength!

The voice of the void Elephant King interrupted Chu Yun's thoughts.

He took a deep breath and said, "I won't blame you!"

In fact, there is no such thing as air and Immortality in this void, but immortals no longer need such low-level things as air.

His eyes are on the territory of the virtual elephant king. In the purple nebula, the dots of light are the real stars.

It's incredible. It's reasonable to say that there should be nothing in the void!

"It seems that the void is not what I imagined!"

He said to himself from the bottom of his heart, then looked at the people behind him and said, "I'm going to go to the realm of the void elephant king for a walk. Follow me closely and don't lose it."

"Do you really want to go?"

Shuiyue is a little reluctant.

She clearly felt that the purple Nebula contained some unknown power, which she had never seen before, and even made her feel fear from the bottom of her heart.

"Chu Yun, it's not the same life form as us at all. What's useful to them is probably extremely toxic to us. I know you want to steal the power of void, but to get the power of void, you have to change your life form first. "

The God of fire admonished Chu Yun with a solemn face.

She continued: "to change your life form, you need to give up your self-cultivation. Now, no matter you are in the physical body or the cultivation realm, every stage is almost perfect. Do you give up?"

"Of course not."

Chuyun smiled and said, "but this is not the only way."

"What else can you do?"

The God of fire asked involuntarily.

However, she was relieved to think of the Hongmeng divine tree in the body of chuyun.

It can shuttle through the void and find her. From this point of view, the Holy tree of Hongmeng must have a way to use the power of void.

If the God tree of Hongmeng teaches Chu Yun, then he must have a way to steal the power of void.

When Chu Yun and Huo Shen talk, Shuining's voice flies into his mind: "I won't go there, I can wait for you here."

Like Shuiyue, she also felt the power of terror contained in the purple nebula. Even if she had not yet stepped into it, she felt a very strong crisis.

Different environment breeds different species.

The place where the void creatures live, for the immortal of the fairyland, is the place of extreme poison.

The same is true for void creatures.

If they reach the fairyland, they will also suffer from the suppression of the rules of the fairyland. Different environments create different species. It is very difficult for them to get out of the constraints of the universe.

Cultivation is a process of constantly expanding oneself and constantly adapting oneself to various environments.

No matter what kind of cultivation system, there is only one ultimate goal, to immortality.

Shuining and Shuiyue are reluctant to take risks. The void is full of crisis for them, especially the boundless purple nebula. The power contained in it is too terrifying for them to easily get involved in it!

Seeing Shuiyue and Shuining, leizhen said, "I'm not going either. I'm here with my younger martial sister."

"And you?"

Chu Yun's eyes are on Lin Tianjiao.


If you step into the purple nebula, you may gain the power of the void.

The premise is that one's body must be able to withstand the invasion of void power.

It's totally different from the cultivation system of the fairyland. The horror contained in the purple Nebula makes her feel scared even though it's a long distance away.

"I'm not going either."

She bowed her head and felt ashamed to say these words.

As a person of Wuxiang mountain, Chu Yun, the leader of Tongtian peak, dare to take risks, but he is a true disciple of himself, and dare not step into it.

"I want to see it."

Tianrui takes the initiative to open her mouth, and as a result of being drawn, she is born with a smart painter. Now everything outside makes her curious.

Void, she heard it for the first time.

She also felt the crisis in the purple nebula, but she was still willing to choose to enter it.

She wants to see the world outside the painting and feel the different power systems of the world.

Chu Yun smelled the words, nodded, and then put his eyes on the God of water and the God of fire. He said seriously, "the God of fire, the God of water, get rid of them and take good care of them."

"Well, rest assured."

They agreed.

When everything was done properly, Chu Yun's eyes turned to the elephant king and said, "let's go!"

"Since you are determined to go, I have to warn you again."

The king of the void elephant gave a little pause and said: "my people have almost no intelligence. In the whole void elephant family, there are only a few of them. If you step on my territory and encounter attacks from my people, you are not allowed to kill them! "

Chu Yun hears the words and jokingly says, "didn't he prepare 100000 cannon fodder for us to kill before?"

"That's not the same. That's the power resistance that our group wants to gain in your body! Powe

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