Sky War Soul

Chapter 2079 chaos in Liangzhou

The world is full of frenzied energy. They are frantically venting to all around. Where they pass, some immortals with lower accomplishments are directly crushed into vermicelli.

Here, all kinds of treasures have been taken out by the immortals. They are escaping from the frenzied energy attack while fighting with the enemy in this small world. The scene is extremely chaotic.

What are they fighting for?

Seeing now, Chu Yun didn't understand why these people were fighting.

It's understandable that there were Horcruxes invading and they launched their own attacks against them.

But there are other forces in Liangzhou besides the sous. All the forces are fighting in a melee, not all of them are attacking the sous at all.

Even Chu Yun saw that there were forces of Liangzhou and the horcrum people who were killing immortals!

What on earth happened to make this battlefield the way it is now?

When Chu Yun was confused, Qing Shuifeng's eyes turned to Shuiyue. She sighed and said, "I've heard the name of Yunyi. When I came here, I didn't see the sword God Yunyi! "

"You didn't see it? Is this the little world in death valley? Is there a thunder temple in this small world? "

Shuiyue asked anxiously.

Now she is not only worried about Yunyi, Shuining and leizhen, but also about him.

Although he is called by an "old guy" at ordinary times, he is their respected teacher after all. At present, the master of Qingshui peak says that he hasn't seen Yunyi. Where has Yunyi gone?

Should not be killed by the emperor?

Seeing the anxious look on their faces, qingshuifeng hurriedly comforted them and said: "when we arrived here, this small world was on the edge of breaking. What you said about Yunyi may not be here. They may have gone to the void and fought against the enemy in the void! "

"It must be! The old man won't die so easily. "

Shuiyue talks to herself, and the flustered appearance really makes people not know what to say.

"Don't worry, either. Is the God of swords able to deal with? Even if the emperor has a real body, the real body can never reach the immortal state. What he relied on were only the immortal implements of the ancient Tianting. With the strength of Yunyi, it was impossible for him to die in the hands of a lower corpse emperor who relied on weapons to fight! "

The water God opened his mouth.

They were the first people to follow emperor Shitian. They did not see the real body of emperor Shitian, but according to the body of emperor Shitian, we can infer that the other side is not very strong.

"Well, I'm not worried."

Water moon gently hum, that pair of bright eyes but gradually covered with a layer of mist.

She bit her lower lip slightly, stubborn, not to let her worried tears fall.

Seeing this, Chu Yun sighed and quickly changed the topic, asking, "Lord qingshuifeng, what happened here? Why did it become such a scuffle? "

If it's all people who unite to deal with the spirit clan and the emperor, that's all.

But in the current situation, this is not the case at all.

Chu Yun didn't know the power of Liangzhou, but according to the power division of wuxiangshan, the land of Liangzhou belongs to qingshuifeng. Qingshuifeng has absolute control over the land of Liangzhou. Now those forces attached to qingshuifeng are rioting. As the leader of qingshuifeng, why can't they stop it?

"The land of Liangzhou has long been out of the control of our qingshuifeng. Some foreign areas have infiltrated into Liangzhou and gained the support of other forces. "

The master of qingshuifeng sighed a little, and then her eyes burst out with a sense of killing, saying: "among them, the most suitable object is the demon sect of the town, the demon sect of the town! Now, in addition to the forces of Liangzhou, there are some people in the town, but they hide their identity! "

"Demon lord!"

Chu Yun frowned slightly.

Although the ancient Tianting site has a certain relationship with him in the present world, it must be what the demon sect has done behind the scenes if we want to see it in the real world.

In addition to the ancient Tianting site, there are also sudden changes in the small world, which are also related to Zhenmo Zong.

At that time, the three powerful emperors of Zhenmo clan set foot in the small world of death valley. After they went to the broken Lei temple, they lost their trace. Even Yunyi did not find them.

At that time, it was speculated that they might have left the small world. Now, it seems that this is not the case.

Even Chu Yun doubted whether their demon clan had something to do with the emperor Xiashi in the ancient Tianting, or even whether the real body of the emperor Xiashi had been hidden in the demon clan?

"In addition to the people of the demon clan, there are also people of the spirit clan who have come here, but they are very hidden, not so easy to find!"

Hearing that, Chu Yun said with a smile: "master Qingshui, this soul clan is also called hidden deeply? Just now, the soul clan is dealing with you blatantly! "

The Lord of Qingshui peak, hearing the words, glared at Chu Yun and said, "what do you do now to care about these details? I'm just telling you what's going on here. "

Chu Yun hears the words and is silent for a while. He looks around. He is full of cathartic energy. There are space cracks everywhere. There are immortals dying everywhere. This place has become a purgatory.

"Do you know what's going on in Lei temple now?"

Chu Yun didn't care about the battlefield. He was more concerned about the things over there.

He speculated that the thunderobot hall might be the key to the collection of this small world.

Qingshuifeng said: "I don't know. When I came here, the Lei temple had disappeared."


Just as several people were talking, suddenly a murderous voice came into their ears.

At a glance, it was a young man with a long black gun in his hand. On the tip of the gun, there was a bright little sun, and he came to kill them with a fierce momentum.

Before the arrival of the long gun, the powerful momentum that was carried by it had already come. The momentum that was released from the long gun made Chu Yun feel that he was carrying a mountain. Facing the attack, he wanted to avoid it directly, but he found that he could hardly move his body!

Not only he, Tianrui, Lin Tianjiao, and Shuiyue, they are the same. When this long gun hits, they seem to be shrouded by the rules of space, and they are imprisoned in place, so that they can't move!

Who is this person?

With so many people in the battlefield, why are you staring at yourself?

Chu Yun's heart is full of doubts. Before he can react, the water God beside him has already made a move.

The sword in her hand danced lightly, and the sword suddenly swept to each other.


Under this sword spirit, the spear directly turns into powder.

The sword Qi will not be reduced. It will be smashed to the young man's face and split him in two!

"Who are you?"

Although the youth were cut in two, they did not die completely.

It's hard to kill the emperor's powerful without the attack that contains the rule of destruction.

There is no doubt that the young man in front of us is a powerful emperor!

Between the young people's words, the two halves of their bodies burst with blood light. They spread from the position where their bodies split, interacted with each other and pulled together quickly.

Then, the young man waved gently, and the concussion energy gathered in his right hand. Gradually, a black long gun appeared in his hand again!

The long spear that was just smashed by the water god is just made of energy. It's not a high-grade immortal weapon!

"Take my sword, and you are entitled to know!"

In response to the youth, it is the water god's once again.

On the light blue long sword, a light blue light gradually bloomed. Taking the long sword as the center, the immortal spirit around converged towards the long sword crazily, turning into the energy of terror.

The water God controls the long sword in his hand, gently raises his hand, and then splits it towards the young man in front of him!


The sword spirit across the sky, across the distance of space, appears at the youth's side in an instant.

Before the young man had time to react, the sword split him in two again!

Different from the previous attack, in the moment of splitting the young man's body, a powerful and extraordinary force erupted from the sword gas. The gorgeous sword gas suddenly exploded, carrying the power of terror, directly blasting the young man's body into powder!


Then the water god gave a light drink and waved his sword again at the place where the young man turned into powder.

A dark space crack suddenly appeared in the place where the young man stood. The water god waved his left hand continuously, and the gusts of palms chopped out of her palm, and all those powder were put into the space crack!

Feel their body pieces are pouring into the space cracks, the youth suddenly changed color, with the divine sense of voice shouting: "Stinky women, what are you doing?"

The water God hears the words, looks a cold, indifference way: "banish you to the endless void!"

"Dammit, banish me? Do you deserve it? "

As soon as the youth's voice fell, a terrible momentum was transmitted from the pile of powder in front of him.

that is a direct effect on the soul of the human soul, a shadow of the sky suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yun, and the image of the youth alike!

"You have some skills. It's worth using your real skills!"

When the young man finished speaking, it was obviously like the unreal hands immediately pinching the Dharma decision. His long hands had complicated marks, which made it impossible to see what the secret formula was.

At the same time, with his body as the center, immortal Qi is constantly used in his position, but in an instant, the youth's body once again erupts into a frightening momentum!

"Go to the void and use your means!"

Where will the God of water give him the time to make his mark?

As soon as the voice fell, she waved her sword again.

It seems that it's a very common move to swing the long sword in the hand. It's like a beginner who is practicing the sword. He's practicing the "stab" action.

However, when the sword of water god stabbed out, the space suddenly collapsed. On the basis of the original space cracks, the space was once again broken open. Before the young people's signet knot was finished, the whole body was swallowed up by the black space cracks!

From the young man's sudden surprise attack on them to his exile into the void, the battle began with an amazing beginning and ended with a less shocking ending.

From the beginning to the end, no one knows the name of the youth, let alone the origin of him

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