Sky War Soul

Chapter 2080 false rules

Before seeing Chu Yun, she was rescued by the water god. She forgot that this guy stepped into the void at the ancient Tianting site.

Now hear Chu cloud mention, she just reflected.

Now, she also knows that Chu Yun is not controlled by the two gods of fire and water in front of her, but she still wants to take Chu Yun with her.

The two gods of water and fire did not know why they fell out with the emperor Xiashi, but they are the people of the ancient Tianting after all, and the forces of the present celestial world, especially the six forces in ancient times.

If they want to fight Chu Yun, then Chu Yun will not even have a way to save himself.

"I'm not under their control! Lord Qingshui, you'd better leave first. This place is about to be broken. It's not so easy to get involved in space cracks and want to return to the fairyland. "

After a slight meal, Chu Yun said: "what's more, the people of qingshuifeng still need your control. More than 10000 people are here. If they are surrounded by others after they go out, what should they do?"

"Since you are determined to understand the power of rules here, I will not dissuade you. Be careful! "

Qingshuifeng master no longer insists on taking chuyun away.

After dropping this, she also rushed directly to the huge light column in the middle of the small world and left the place.

"She cares about you."

When she left, Huo Shen looked at Chu Yun and said, "it's not that kind of concern between the same family, but another kind of concern. You should know what I'm talking about."

When Chu Yun heard the words, he looked up at the God of fire. He was not interested in paying attention to her words. Then he continued to keep his eyes closed and felt the power of the messy rules here.

More and more people have left this small world. The strong people of wuxiangshan immortal realm have built a channel to the outside world, which can send all people out.

Those immortals whose accomplishments are under the Da Luo are just like cannon fodder here. Fortunately, they didn't die under the frenzied energy fluctuation, were not swallowed by space cracks, or died under the force of chaotic rules. But when they flew into the light column in the middle of the small world, they suffered from the dark hands of other people, some evil minded immortals When people see the hope of leaving, they don't forget to kill some people to vent their anger.

This curtain falls in the eyes of the two gods of fire and water, and their eyes are full of ridicule.

"This is the immortals in the fairyland. They are selfish and full of hatred. They can't be compared with the fairyland people we used to control!"

It's the God of fire who laments that she hates these selfish immortals. She can unite and continue to open up remote areas, which can open up more living space for the people in the fairyland.

But they were so keen on fighting inside that they ignored the fog outside the fairyland.

If one day the existence of the misty area begins to attack the fairyland, I'm afraid it won't last long.

At that time, the fairyland is afraid to be reduced to the rations of those creatures from the misty area!

"It's better than the emperor Shitian doing evil things around under the banner of rebuilding heaven!"

Contrary to the fire god's expectation, the water god even contradicted her.

When the God of fire heard the words, he opened his mouth and tried to explain, but when the words reached his mouth, they turned into a sigh.

Then she suppressed what she wanted to say and asked, "well, it has nothing to do with us. Water god, what are you going to do in the future? "

What are your plans for the future?

Water god flashed a blank color in her beautiful eyes. She didn't know what to do in the future.

Reconstruction of heaven?

With their strength, if we rebuild the Tianting, I'm afraid that they will be destroyed by the powerful who are immortal in the first time.

At the beginning, the collapse of ancient Tianting gave birth to many forces. Now only six forces survive, known as the six forces in ancient times.

How could these six ancient powers allow a heaven to be above their heads?

What can we do without rebuilding the heaven?

After thinking for a while, the water God took a look at Chu Yun, who was already comprehending the power of rules, and said in a daze, "I don't know."

"I don't know either."

The God of fire smiled and said with emotion: "millions of years are like a dream. It's ridiculous that you and I should be confused about our future with your accomplishments. "

Both of them did not continue to talk. The small world broke up and sent out all kinds of deafening sounds. In order not to let Chu Yun and them be affected, the two even arranged a layer of protective cover on their bodies, so that they could safely understand the power of the rules.

The power of scattered rules is everywhere. Different rules are interwoven in the void, and Chu Yun is quickly comprehending them.

He understood the rules of space, and now he began to focus on capturing the rules of destruction around him.

When the small world is breaking, it is the destruction rules contained in the small world itself that start.

Now the destruction rule is also the theme here. He feels that the tangible material is changing into the intangible energy.

The form has changed, but the essence has not.

The reason why the small world is destroyed is that the change of the material form can't have some kind of joint reaction again, which leads to the extinction of the self recovery ability of the small world and its destruction.

If we use the past, it is the matter in the small world that has been transformed into the most primitive energy. There is no longer any chemical reaction between various particles, or even the power that should belong to the same attribute originally. After the interference of external forces, it suddenly becomes mutually exclusive.

It is this exclusion that makes the little world break.

Chu Yun sat in the void, carefully feeling the power full of destruction.

The power of change, it observed very carefully, would not miss any details.

Gradually, he felt as if he had grasped something, or nothing.

He began to simulate trying to destroy the rules.

Guided by his own immortal power, he intercepted one side of space by space rules, isolated this space from the surrounding space, and then began his own attempt.

The power of destruction is to change and disturb the form of matter in this space.

He turned his Xianli into a source of interference, pulled the energy that turned into nothingness by consciousness, and decomposed them into the most primitive atoms, even small things, so that there would be no chemical reaction between them.

All of a sudden, a breath of destruction suddenly passed from the space he intercepted. Then, the whole space suddenly turned into powder, and everything in the space turned into nothingness!

But this kind of nihility is not nihility, but a kind of energy invisible to the naked eye, even invisible to the divine sense without careful observation. They are extremely small, and they are interfered by the consciousness of Chu cloud, and no longer produce chemical reactions!

"The rule of destruction is so simple!"

At this moment, Chu Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and his mouth slightly raised a smile. He never thought about some theories he had seen in his previous life, and applied them to the fairyland, and even had an effect!

"You're in charge of the rules of destruction?"

At the moment when Chu Yun opened his eyes, the gods of fire and water couldn't help but widen their eyes.

They looked at Chu Yun like monsters. How long was that? This rule of destruction, so he's in charge?

They have always been paying attention to Chu Yun's every move. The space he intercepted directly annihilates into nothingness, which never escapes their eyes!

"The rules of destruction are just the beginning. Other rules are not a problem for me to understand!"

Chuyun smiled a little, and then he raised his hand and waved a blade towards the front.

All of a sudden, the sharp rule contained in it, with the force of force, directly cut in front of him, a space crack suddenly formed, the remaining strength of the blade, also directly transmitted to the void through the space crack!

"Sharp rules!"

The two gods of fire and water looked at each other. The color of shock in their eyes was hard to hide.

"In my opinion, it is also a kind of control over the power between heaven and earth. The so-called power of rules lies in one's own understanding of the power between the heaven and the earth. It is the rule to find out what the world is made of, to find out the structure they make up, and then to destroy it in our own way! "

Chu Yun said, slowly stood up, no longer open.

But his words fell into the ears of the two gods of fire and water, but they were confused.

What is this so-called "material" and "structure"?

They didn't understand what Chu Yun said at all!

"No wonder you are called the greatest genius in the history of the fairyland. You can really bear the title with your speed of understanding the rules!"

The God of fire involuntarily sighed.

The power of the rules here is scattered, but it is not so easy to understand.

But how long did Chu Yun understand?

Not only have you understood the sharp rules, but also the destruction rules!

According to what he said, it seems that there are more than these rules. Since he said that the power of rules is only a means of controlling the power between the heaven and the earth, can he use any rules?

Then the God of fire asked, "what about the rules of life? Chu Yun, do you control the rules of life? "

Chu Yun smelled the words, smiled and said, "I don't know if it's counted?"

As soon as the sound fell, he gently put out his palm. On the palm of his hand, a light green light came out. Gradually, a tree seedling that no one had seen emerged in his palm. As the green light converged, the small tree grew slowly. When it grew to about a foot high, Chu Yun waved gently. Suddenly, the small tree turned into a little light and disappeared In the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, the God of fire frowned slightly and said, "I don't feel the vitality. It's more like a tree condensed by Xianli."

Then, her eyebrows stretched out, and her mouth curved with sarcasm, and she said, "you don't know what you're doing. You show off in front of me. How do you want to capture my heart?"

Slightly provocative tone, at the end, but also gently blinked left eye, every move, are so intriguing.

Chu Yun's heart and soul were stirred by the fire god's actions. This beauty is born to be obsequious and can move her heart with every word and deed.

Chu Yun knows that under this beautiful leather bag lies the earth shaking cultivation. For the moment, I dare to follow her words and flirt with her. I'm afraid

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