Sky War Soul

Chapter 2081 thunderobot is dead and Yunyi is separated

The broken Lei temple is now floating into the void, even if it is an ownerless thing.

How can we not intercept such treasures that are floating in front of our own eyes?

"Leave it to me!"

The God tree of Hongmeng looks at the thunder temple, which is also hot.

He manipulated Chu Yun's body, directly into the void, completely disappeared from their eyes.

By the time Chu Yun reappeared, he had come to the thunder god hall.

In an instant, the Hongmeng God tree that controls Chu Yun's body moved to the front of the Lei temple. Then, he kept the same speed as the Lei temple, and checked whether there were other dangers in the Lei temple.

The two spots of light flash away in the void. They are out of the sight of the water god and far away in the void.

The God tree of Hongmeng didn't act rashly. He was checking whether there was danger in the thunder temple.

As before in the small world, Lei temple still can't be explored by divine sense. The bloody runes in Lei temple are shining, and the power of runes is activated, isolating the exploration of divine sense.

"Why don't you take it?"

Seeing that the sacred tree of Hongmeng had no action, Chu Yun couldn't help but urge it again.

"What do you know, after all, this is the main hall once controlled by the God of thunder, and the ancient Tianting is built according to the rules of the heavenly way. If you collect it rashly, it will be dangerous for you and me."

Hongmeng God tree's words made Chu Yun sneer. He sneered: "I have collected the beheading platform, and the true spirit of beheading platform has not come to me. Now it's just a thunderobot hall. Is it more terrible than beheading the platform?"

"No killing of Sendai? Don't forget, the real spirit of killing Sendai didn't appear at that time, but the thunder temple is different. The thunder god came out and woke up completely. The level of power is unknown. What we are going to take away now is his mansion. The ghost knows what kind of prohibition he left in his mansion. If we touch it, it is likely that you and I will be trapped in a land of total destruction! "

The God tree of Hongmeng is still not busy with action.

When chatting with Chu Yun, he hesitated whether to enter the Lei temple or not.

According to the divine sense, there is no hidden crisis in this thunder temple. However, the bloody rune is extremely strange. The scarlet light is blooming and covers the whole thunder temple. It seems that there are some evil schools.

"Don't you have all the means? So many means, now I'm afraid of a thunder temple? "

Chu Yun smiled. There are many ways for Hongmeng divine tree to hide. He knows all his secrets now. Only this guy knows nothing about him.

In other words, he wants to know what he wants to know.

He doesn't want to let himself know, he has no way to understand!

"Now I'm in charge of your body. If you want to collect the thunder temple, you have to rely on me. When to act is up to me! "

He didn't bother to entangle with Chu Yun. After Hongmeng said this, he was silent.

Since the divinity can't find out the abnormality here, it can always find some problems with its own naked eyes.

Chu Yun did not continue to speak. When the God tree of Hongmeng stared at the Lei temple, he also looked at the Lei temple from the perspective of the God tree of Hongmeng.

Before in the small world, the Lei Temple looked broken on the surface, as if it might collapse at any time.

But now the appearance of the Lei Temple seems to be broken, but because of the scarlet light, it makes people feel that the Lei temple is no longer in danger of destruction and collapse, but rather like a place of great violence. If it is a little careless, it will fall into a place of total destruction!

"I'm going to go in and have a look!"

With the naked eye, there is no doorway.

The God tree of Hongmeng dropped this word and was ready to step into the thunder temple.

"Wait, there's a situation!"

All of a sudden, Chu Yun said something to remind Hongmeng of the sacred tree.

The sacred tree of Hongmeng frowned slightly and said, "I haven't found the situation. How can you find it?"

Chu Yun said directly, "look at the color of the rune in the center of the hall. It has changed!"


Following the direction pointed by the spirit of Chu cloud, the look of Hongmeng God tree suddenly becomes dignified.

The thunder temple, shrouded in scarlet light, is becoming more and more radiant.

This is a gradual process. If you don't look carefully, you won't see it at all.

Moreover, Chu Yun feels that there seems to be a rare beast in the Lei temple to wake up. If they are born, they will be trapped in a land of eternal doom!

The God tree of Hongmeng didn't have the feeling of Chu Yun, but he also saw the changes of the broken thunder god hall.

"Old Hong, do you know these runes? What do these runes mean? "

Chu Yun's voice came into the ears of the God tree of Hongmeng, and when he heard this, the God tree of Hongmeng looked awe inspiring and said, "I don't know. I can understand that a single symbol is placed elsewhere. But put them all together, I don't know what it means

At this time, the red light of the broken Lei Temple suddenly flourished. It was like someone was manipulating the Lei temple to awaken some power in the Lei temple!

Chu Yun didn't see it clearly. Suddenly, the thunder temple, which was shining with brilliant scarlet light, suddenly shrank rapidly. But in an instant, it became a two meter or so reduced version of the thunder temple!

The sudden changes made Chu Yun and the sacred tree of Hongmeng stand still.

They didn't know what happened. Looking at the suddenly shrinking Lei temple, they were just instinctively alert.

They retreated a little bit, and opened some distance with the Leishen temple. Suddenly, the changed Leishen temple. The ghost knows what dangers are hidden in it. The closer they lean, the more dangerous they may be. So the Hongmeng God tree chose to avoid them at the first time.

Just as they avoided the Lei temple, the Lei Temple moved in their direction. It didn't stop until they came three meters ahead of Chu Yun.

At this time, a delicate balance has been formed between the two. The Lei temple is like their shadow now. It always keeps a distance of three meters from Chu Yun. However, if they want to move, the Lei temple will also move. No matter whether they move backward or forward, the distance of three meters is not more than one point, not more than one point.

"Old Hong, do you think it's possible for Lei temple to produce its own consciousness?"

Suddenly, Chu Yun asked.

Immortal implements, generally reaching the level of five products, will give birth to spirit.

Although the Lei temple is only a building, over millions of years, ghosts know whether there is something similar to an artifact in the Lei temple.

"Chu Yun, you hateful boy, die for me!"

Without waiting for the answer from the God tree of Hongmeng, suddenly, a monster, about a foot in size, looks like a lion, but is full of sharp Lin armour, comes out of the shrinking thunder temple.

This little guy like a lion threatens Chu Yun with his divine sense. Tightly, he stands up and draws a gesture of humiliation on his chest with a pair of claws. Then he makes an action of wiping his neck, and rushes towards Chu Yun in a thunder like manner!

Little lion, it's the thunderbeast before!

The God of thunder woke up from the body of the beast and temporarily suppressed its will.

Chu Yun always thought that the consciousness of the little thunderbeast would disappear when the Thundergod was born. Unexpectedly, the Thundergod kept its consciousness and let it survive in a different way!

Seeing the figure of the little lion that suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared in front of himself, Chu Yun's face slightly changed.

A pair of claws of the little lion encircles the power of thunder and lightning. Before the attack falls on him, the awe inspiring momentum has been transmitted.

If his body was still under his control, Chu Yun could not resist the attack of the lion.

But now it is the Holy tree of Hongmeng that controls his body. The Holy tree of Hongmeng allows the attack to fall in front of him. When it is about to fall on chuyun, a green light suddenly blooms, like a volcanic eruption, with irresistible power, turning into a big palm, and catching it towards the small thunderbolt!

All of a sudden, the two attacks collide, and the furious energy immediately flows towards the surrounding area. Ripples emerge in the void. If this place is the fairyland, I'm afraid that this space will be damaged by the suddenly released energy!

One blow didn't work, and the small thunderbolt quickly retreated, and they opened a long distance with Chu Yun. Then he asked aloud, "you are not Chu Yun, you are the one in his body!"

"Is this Chu cloud important?"

The sacred tree of Hongmeng still responded with voice transmission. Then, Chu Yun continued to control his big palm formed by green light and grabbed it at the little thunderbolt!

The nimble small thunder beast is galloping through the void, occasionally using the means of blinking directly, dare not let the green light touch his body.

It doesn't know how strong the existence in chuyun's body is, but from the prestige shown by the other side, it is definitely not an opponent!

Little Lei beast regretted a little. How could he forget that Chu Yun was still stationed in his body?

Now, in the face of the big green hand, it seems that we should suppress ourselves on the spot. The little thunderbolt is in a hurry!

"Don't run away, you can't run away from my palm!"

The body shape of the little thunderbolt is constantly shuttling in the void. Its brain seems to be a little stupid. It knows that it can't beat the existence of Chu Yun's body, but it still doesn't want to leave with the thunderbolt temple. It's on the edge, its body shape is constantly flashing, like a ghost.

Now it can't help but continue to attack Chu Yun. The green palm is like a shadow. It seems that if it doesn't catch him, it won't give up.

"Little guy, you can't make waves in front of me. I can suppress you before, but I can still suppress you now! "

Looking at the small thundering beast that kept dodging, the sacred tree of Hongmeng began to sneer.

"Suppress me? ... if it wasn't for that damned Yunyi, could you suppress me? You sneaky guy, only dare to hide in Chu Yun's body. There is a kind of direct way out. Your grandpa and I will fight you for three hundred rounds! "

The small thunderbolt is hiding from the pursuit of the green big palm, and is shouting loudly.

The God tree of Hongmeng doesn't care about its sarcasm at all. It continues to chase after the small thunderbolt with the big palm formed by the green light. It can take the small thunderbolt down in an instant, but he doesn't.

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