Sky War Soul

Chapter 263 general accounting

Hearing general Shenjian's words, marshal Chihong raised a proud smile on the corner of his mouth and said calmly, "it's because I know those two boys are here that I can talk so much nonsense to Liyin. Otherwise, what's his qualification to talk to me for so long?"

"My subordinates are stupid and still don't understand the meaning of the marshal."

General Shenjian's attitude is very respectful. He is the most loyal right arm of Marshal Chihong. Even if he knew that marshal wanted to rebel, he would not turn back.

"In the final analysis, my goal is only the chain of ancient witches, and the big market is the place where I am bound to step down. Since the final result is the same, why should I bear the stain of cooperating with the demons in the market? "

Marshal Chihong sneered. He looked at the sky with clear pupils, and there was a terrible ambition burning in the bottom of his eyes:" these uncivilized savages in Daxu are proficient in calculation and are skilled in calculation. But I will not cooperate with them, because I just feel sick! It's just a matter of killing more soldiers. Do I care? "

General Shenjian nodded thoughtfully.

"As for letting those two guys watch, what do you think they will do when they see it? They will tell Guhong what they have seen today. Then there will be chaos in the market. I don't need to cooperate with these disgusting monsters and ghosts, but I can achieve the ultimate goal! "

Marshal Chihong took back his eyes and murmured, "holy sword, you have a lot to learn..."

"Yes, marshal."

General Shenjian figured everything out and threw himself into the ground with admiration.

The marshal came to the meeting and got the secret method of ancient witch chain without paying any price, and his reputation will not leave any stain.

Even so, the original goal can still be achieved.

It's a good trick, a good trick!

It is clear that nothing has been paid, but the secret method of ancient witch chain has been set up, which can also cause irreconcilable contradictions within the market.

Marshal Chihong only needs to command the army to stand in the market, and everything will be solved!

"The market is not a good place. I will only feel disgusted after staying here for a long time. Let's leave early so as not to be spared. "

Marshal Chihong carries his hands on his back, and his figure becomes a torrent of light, disappearing into the clouds.

General Shenjian did not dare to neglect. He immediately followed.

Li Yin is really able to calculate. He has calculated everything. From any point of view, it is a flawless plan. Unfortunately, he has not calculated the heart of Marshal Chihong.

Marshal Chihong is a person who has the habit of spiritual cleanliness. He absolutely demands that he be perfect. In his eyes, Daxu is a dirty place to hide dirt. He can't cooperate with Daxu!


After returning to the ancient tribe, Chu Yun solemnly said to the ancient legend: "elder brother, you must not expose anything in the period before the war broke out. Liyin is a sensitive person. If you are aware of anything wrong with him, our plan will be finished! "

Ancient biography nodded: "don't worry, brother Chu. I'm a man who focuses on the overall situation. You've told me all about it. I'm sure I'll let you rest assured."

Chu Yun's eyes are strange, focusing on the overall situation? If I didn't press your head then, I'm afraid you would have rushed to fight with Liyin!

"On your side, you must also help me to talk to Uncle Gu. This is the key to the plan!"

Chu Yun hugged the shoulder of the ancient biography, extremely serious.

"I remember, this time we must let Marshal Chihong steal chicken and not eat rice!"

Ancient biography grins.

After sending off the ancient biography, Chu Yun stayed in the cave and devoted himself to cultivation.

He has arranged everything, just waiting for the war to start.

If there is no accident, the plan should come true!

It's impossible for me to be worse than Marshal Chihong if I just compete with him?

Even if he is a Taoist in the divine realm, what can he do? After he is forbidden to use his aura, he is not just an ordinary person with a stronger physique?

Cut off the red Marshal's head, and even pass the customs.

It's just that we need to find out what it is.

Chu Yun's thoughts gradually became clear. As the saying goes, there is no way to solve the problem of mountain poverty and water, and there is another village with a bright future.

He is in such a state now.


Half a month passed quietly.

In this half month, Chu Yun didn't deliberately climb up the realm, but followed the ancient biography to exercise his body with the most primitive methods of the ancient tribes.

Falling from a thousand meters cliff, climbing the volcano naked, facing hundreds of meters high tide, and moving mountains

In various ways, Chu Yun's original strong physique has been toughened even harder. Once the force is exerted, it is like a hard iron block. Every inch of flesh and blood contains tremendous power to the extreme.

In addition, Chu Yun also played with the ancient biography several times.

From the beginning to the end, even without any aura, Chu Yun was able to take the ancient biography as a uniform.

It will take years for others to reach the point, which is easily completed by Chu Yun.

As for the reason why Chu Yun has been pestering the ancient biography, one is that he really wants to exercise himself, and the other is that he is afraid that the ancient biography will make a plan of sabotage on impulse.

"Here comes the news!"

Just when Chu Yun wanted to look for the ancient biography like yesterday, there was a very excited voice outside the cave.

Just listening to this loud voice, Chu Yun knew that it was an ancient biography.

These days with him, Chu Yun has been used to his thundery voice.

"Brother Chu, I told my father that he said it's not easy. If you want to be one of them, go to see him."

Ancient biography's expression was very excited: "my father must want to test you to see if you have participated in the siege of Marshal Chihong's strength. As long as you pass his test, you will be in a good position!"

ancient flood is the rule of the alliance of the great ruins, and has the final say.

Chu Yun wants to participate in the siege of Marshal Chihong. He must nod his head.

"Uncle Gu wants to see me?"

Chu Yun has absolute confidence in his own strength, even if Gu Hong really wants to test himself.

"Yes, follow me!"

Chu Yun follows the ancient legend to the biggest fortress of the tribe. The whole fortress is made of stone and tough black wood. It looks like a small castle!

The entrance to the fortress was more than ten meters high. There was no door, only one hide curtain.

"Dad, I brought brother Chu!"

It's said in ancient times that we should open the curtain and walk into it.

In the hall of the fortress, there are more than ten powerful men with strong breath. They are different in appearance. They are warriors of ancient tribes, Wizards of witch tribes, strange foreign powers and cold puppets.

It is Gu Hong who sits on the main seat. He is tall and full of a strong and oppressive atmosphere. Even if he doesn't exert it deliberately, he is like a mountain in his heart.

After more than 20 days of healing, Gu Hong's injury has almost recovered.

This meeting is exactly the deliberation before the real decisive battle.

After Chu Yun came in, more than ten eyes were fired at the same time. These are the strong of all the tribes in the big market, and the worst are all magical places.

Under the eyes of these people, there seems to be an invisible pressure around them. If you change to be an ordinary martial artist, you will be in a state of mental collapse.

But Chu Yun just smiled at this and didn't care about the pressure. He looked directly at Gu Hongdao and said, "see the commander!"

In such a formal situation, we must call the commander.

When Gu Hong saw that Chu Yun was still able to be humble under the pressure of such a horrible atmosphere, he couldn't help but flashed a flash of praise in his eyes, but the praise came from praise, and the words were always clear: "I heard that kid in my family said that you want to participate in the siege of the red queue?"

"Not bad."

Chu Yun nods.

During the conversation, Chu Yun felt a slightly chilly breath and looked at himself up and down. He didn't need to guess at all. This was Li Yin's vision.

Li Yin sits beside Gu Hong. When he hears that Chu Yun wants to participate in the siege, he flashes a flash of surprise between his eyebrows and eyes, and immediately looks at Chu Yun carefully.

After all, his plan is very thorough, and he can't tolerate any mistakes.

When he saw that Chu Yun's realm was only Zhenwu realm, Li Yin didn't even bother to speak, so he kept his eyes closed.

What a fool to die!

To participate in the siege of Marshal Chihong, it is said that the good point is bravery, and the bad point is death!

Even if Marshal Chihong is suppressed from all spiritual accomplishments, what can he do? The terror of his strength is not conceivable at all.

It's another kid who's been carried away by honor!

"What qualifications do you have, boy!"

One side has the barbarian urn of voice to drink to ask a way.

"If the breath and realm are suppressed to the same level, no one is my opponent."

Chuyun is confident and does not squint.

"How arrogant!"

"Is this boy crazy?"

"How bold!"

After Chu Yun's words fell, it seemed that he suddenly stabbed a hornet's nest. Many people showed disdain and thought Chu Yun was talking big.

"Since you are so confident, let me try you!"

The barbarian laughed and roared out. He said in a thunderous voice, "you are the real martial arts sevens. If I don't bully you, I will use the real martial arts Sevens to compete with you!"

"For the sake of safety, you'd better use the power of Xuanwu realm to meet me!"

Chu Yun said kindly.


The barbarian thought that Chu Yun was insulting him, and his expression suddenly changed into an abnormal twist. He roared and came with infinite impact.


He is like a moving steel chariot. It's so stormy that he doesn't even need to fight. The breath attached to his body is enough to crush the martial artists in Xuanwu!

Chu Yun's eyes are shining.

He was clear in his heart that after he came in, Gu Hong's eyes remained on him all the time, and now it was a great opportunity to prove himself!

In any case, I must participate in the siege of Marshal Chihong!

Even if Marshal Chihong died, he could only die in his own hands.

"Come on!"

Chu Yun's fist seems to be light, but it is accompanied by endless violent force, which leads to the strong turbulence of void.

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