Sky War Soul

Chapter 264 xuanhuang ancient Qi


When Chu Yun punched, the whole hall fell into silence.

None of the strong people on the scene is weaker than Shentong, so you can see at a glance that Chu Yun's fist is very important.

"Guwei is in danger..."

Many people think so.

Gu Hong's eyes brightened again. He only knew that his son was recommending Chu Yun. He didn't expect that Chu Yun had two brushes.

Just from this fist, Chu Yun absolutely has far more than the same level of combat power!


Chu Yun hits Gu Wei with a fist and hears only a loud noise. Gu Wei's figure is flying out at an incredible speed, which collapses a wall.

Although it's only one punch, everyone has a pretty good idea.

Gu Wei's strength under the fury has surpassed the Xuanwu realm, but Chu Yun still didn't take much effort to defeat him, which only shows that Chu Yun's strength is really terrible!

"I made a fool of myself."

Chu Yun smiled quietly and stood up with his fist closed. There was no pride of the winner on his face, but more peace.

As if his victory over Gu Wei was not a great thing, but he could do it at will.

"Heroes are young!"

Li Yin quickly reflected from the stupefied spirit. He laughed and preached to the ancient people: "chuan'er, your friend is really good. If he wants to join the team of attacking red marshal, it can be discussed."

In Liyin's view, once Guhong died, the ancient legend was the one he had to uproot. He has been recognized by the totem of the green fire sword. It's a big trouble to let him grow up!

As for Chu Yun, he is a good friend of the ancient generation, and he has strong talent, which is also in the list of inevitable elimination.

Since Chu Yun wants to die on his own initiative, Li Yin certainly doesn't mind helping.

It's said in ancient times that there was a smile on his face and no words to return to Liyin.

In fact, he tried to restrain his anger from the bottom of his heart. If Chu Yun hadn't told him again and again, he would have rushed up.

Previously, the strong man who satirized Chu Yun frowned and didn't speak.

Although Chu Yun's previous words were arrogant, they were not bad at all.

If the realm is suppressed to the same level as him, no one here will be his opponent, not even Gu Hong!

Gu Hong brewed a speech for a while, then asked: "you are extremely talented and have a bright future. Your future development will never be under me. Why do you want to join in the siege of Marshal Chihong? You should know, it's very dangerous, let alone you, even I have the possibility of death. "

Chu Yun held up his chest and said, "as a member of the market, I have an absolute obligation to stand out when the market is facing a life and death situation. And I have the strength, and I believe in myself! "

Gu Hong was very surprised. He didn't expect that these righteous words would come out of the mouth of a 20-year-old boy.

Confident, but not conceited.

Modest, but not humble.

What a rare young hero!

Gu Hong nodded his head and immediately asked again, "together with me, there are four people willing to surround and kill Marshal Chihong, and Li Yin will lose his fighting ability once he applies secret arts. So to be exact, there are only three people. Would you like to follow the three of us?"

"Only three?"

Chu Yun is stunned and can't help looking around.

It's incredible that so many miraculous realm Taoists gathered here, but only two of them were willing to fight.

Are there so many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? After

felt Chu Yun's questioning eyes, some of the strong faces turned down, and some of them turned their eyes away, pretending that nothing had happened.

"I will."

Chu Yun said without hesitation.

After hearing Chu Yun's words, Gu Hong sighed and looked up again: "a young boy has such a spirit, what do you say you are afraid of? Are you not even a young boy? "

Gu Hong is helpless. Other people do not want to participate in it. He cannot force himself. Everything is voluntary.

"Commander, it's not that I don't want to participate. Once I'm suppressed, my strength will decline by a factor of nine."

"Yes, so am I."

"Commander, my skill, you know, is not suitable for siege."


Many strong people take the initiative to argue for themselves, but their eyes are dodging, because they are guilty.

"What if I were willing to take out a trace of xuanhuang ancient gas from our barbarian tribe? "

Gu Hong suddenly opens his mouth.


"Is the commander joking?"

"Xuanhuang ancient gas! "

many strong people all screamed out, their faces were petrified, obviously they didn't expect Gu Hong to be so generous.


Chu Yun raised his ears for fear that he would miss any news.

"If anyone joins the queue and cuts off Marshal Chihong's head in the battle, I'm willing to take out the xuanhuang ancient Qi that has been stored in the tribe for thousands of years as a reward!"

Gu Hong's expression was very serious, not at all like a joke.

Not far away, the ancient people opened their mouths in shock, but they didn't speak at last.

Li Yin was stunned, then her eyes were shining, and she thought to herself, "how can I forget this? Old Gu hong'er has a trace of xuanhuang ancient Qi in his hand. He can turn stone into gold and waste into treasure The reason why the barbarian tribes can stand in the ruins is mostly due to the xuanhuang ancient gas. "

"If I can get it, the barbarian witch tribe will surely become the first force in the market! "

" but what can I worry about? When Gu Hong, the old man, died in the hands of the marshal, I can't get xuanhuang ancient Qi easily. "

Thinking of this, Li Yin was soon relieved.

He had a false smile on his face and said nothing.

"Xuanhuang ancient Qi is the second only to totem ancient pillar of your barbarian tribe. It's in charge of you..."

"Is the commander really willing to take it out?"

Those strong people have red eyes. Everyone lives in the market. They have heard about the xuanhuang ancient gas for a long time.

Ordinary weapons, as long as they are touched by xuanhuang ancient Qi, will become magic weapons.

If you can warm up for a period of time in xuanhuang ancient gas, you can become invincible and powerful!

Take Guhong's weapon, Longjiao's spine, for example. It's very hard. After being nourished by xuanhuang and ancient Qi, it can't be overemphasized that it's now called the first Shenbing of Daxu!

It's too hard to be willing to take out xuanhuang ancient Qi as the color to kill Marshal Chihong!

Gu Hong nodded, his voice full of righteousness: "if we lose this battle, the ruins will no longer exist. How can I guard the xuanhuang ancient Qi?"

The whole hall fell silent again.

The faces of those strong people changed a lot. Everyone was thinking about whether it was worth it or not.

Xuanhuang ancient Qi is absolutely the first-class treasure. It's the end of nine lives to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Marshal Chihong!

Although the treasure is good, you need to gamble with your life. Is it worth it?

Seeing that no one spoke to these strong men, Gu Hong was so angry that he shook his head and said, "come on!"

"Counting the chuyun kid, there are five of us. Li Yin uses the secret method alone. There are still four of us. It's almost enough for the four to besiege Marshal Chihong! "

Chu Yun heard from the beginning to the end, and his eyes were shining with pure light. He knew that the opportunity had come.

What taling asked for in exchange is absolutely the xuanhuang ancient gas!

"Commander, if I can cut off Marshal Chihong's head in the end, can I get the so-called xuanhuang ancient Qi?"

When the scene was completely silent, Chu Yun took the initiative to stand out.

Gu Hong was stunned and immediately laughed: "good boy, good self-confidence! I promise you, as long as you can cut off Marshal Chihong's head, that wisp of xuanhuang ancient gas is yours! "

After that, Gu Hong's eyes seemed to sweep through many strong people in the hall, saying meaningfully: "some people are really living more and more backward, and their hard work in their youth has long been worn out. It's a pity!"

"Thank you, commander!"

Chu Yun's body trembled a little and he was too excited to be himself.

All the prerequisites are finally in place!

I only need to kill Marshal Chihong myself, and then I can exchange xuanhuang ancient Qi to return to Jiufang purgatory tower.

In the next meeting, Gu Hong was the only one who said that other strong people seemed to be somewhat absent-minded.

Finally, Gu Hong decided that the final battle would be three days later.

This time, it was an active attack, rather than a passive one.

"Boy, your name is Chu Yun, isn't it? I appreciate you very much. I must kill Chihong with my own hands and show them! "

After the meeting, Li Yin took the initiative to come to Chu Yun, with a smile on her face, as if to encourage her.

But Chu Yun knew that the emotion he hid in his heart was absolutely ironic. He ridiculed himself that he was going to die.

"Thank you."

Chu Yun grins. Li Yin has calculated everything, but has not yet calculated that he is now being used as a chess player by himself.

What a satire!

"Chu Yun, I admire your courage, but this battle is not so easy."

A small alien, about the size of Chu Yun's waist, came here. He was the magical realm Taoist who manipulated the puppet to fight side by side with Gu Hong and Li Yin. His name was Shi Kui.

There is also a stranger with two heads and yellow skin. He said in a voice: "anyway, since you are willing to stand up, you are standing on the head of most people here."

His name is manjin, and he is one of only a few people willing to fight.

Manjin, Shikui, chuyun, Guhong, Liyin.

This is the team to kill Marshal Chihong!

"Brother Chu, although you are confident, I am still a little nervous. Or can I talk to my father and fight with you? "

On the way back, the ancient legend said uneasily.

"You'd better forget it. After the strength is suppressed, your green fire sword can't be used, and the combat power will be greatly reduced. As for the physical strength, you're not as good as me now!"

Chuyun smiled and shook his head: "besides, uncle Gu will never allow you to take risks. After all, you are the only one recognized by totem Guzhu in the barbarian tribe."

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