Sky War Soul

Chapter 434 who is the universal?

Seeing the shock on Chu Yun's face, Wang Chengying quickly said, "Chu Yun, don't just look at the surface. I don't know much about the magic Buddha sect, so I can't help you make too accurate judgment. It's a good thing to help the refugees, but it doesn't mean that they are pure good people. You should have a steelyard in your mind. "

Chu Yun nodded: "of course, I have scales in my heart. What I have seen along the way, what those temples have done, I really can't believe that Buddhism is to help the world's people."

Wang Chengying smiled bitterly. In fact, in Chu Yun's heart, prejudice had been formed.

It can't be blamed for him. No matter who walks all the way and sees those scenes, he will be angry.

Monks in the temple deserve to enjoy the worship, with incense money, spicy food and drink, some also hug women to sleep.

And the refugees outside, almost all of them were forced to become beasts and beasts, and when they saw the corpses, they were all eager to rush up to fight for them and bite them.

Who's to blame?

Isn't it the monks who didn't do it?

Chu Yun didn't know what Tathagata thought. Maybe he was so high in Wanfoshan that he couldn't hear the wailing of the refugees at the bottom of his feet.

That's ironic.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chu Yun's heart moved and fell towards the temple below.

He wants to have a look at the difference between the monks of the devil Buddha sect and the monks of the Buddha sect.

Wang Chengying sighed and went down with him.

Outside the temple, several monks of the magic Buddha sect stood in a row, giving porridge and rice to the refugees.

The refugees came up with porcelain bowls and didn't say a word.

When the monks of the magic Buddha sect saw this, they served a spoonful of rice porridge one by one and then a white bread.

After taking the steamed bread, the refugees ran away as if they had been treasure. When they left, they didn't forget to look at them scornfully and spit: "bah, what a group of monsters! Evil monk! "

Not one person, but everyone.

Some people drink porridge and rice, and even smash a porcelain bowl. They glare at each other and say, "You evil monks, don't want to use this small favor to confuse our hearts. If you are against the Buddha, you should be condemned by heaven and thundered by the sky!"

The words of these people were immediately echoed by many refugees.

Some of the refugees were pushing forward, shouting, "save some for me, save some for me!"

Some monks began to dissuade them from jumping in line. Instead, he spit on his face: "You evil monks, do you want us to be grateful for a little favor? I will dream!"

The ugly and ferocious face is exposed to the public. The evil in the heart is vividly displayed.

The spitting monk wiped his face, but he did not speak. He continued to spoon food for the man.

As if I didn't mind at all.

The monks around were also expressionless, as if they had been used to their attitudes for a long time.

Chu Yun stood aside, stunned.

These refugees, or those kneeling in front of the Buddhist temple, begging for a meal?

In bad words, this is a group of animals, a group of white eyed wolves who don't know how to be grateful! This kind of person should die!

Soon, more than ten barrels of porridge and rice were distributed, and some refugees were not distributed. They jumped up like cats with their tails trampled on, smashing the bowl on the head of the monks.


The bowl is broken, and the monk's head is still clean without any scars.

"Grass, you monsters, these evil monks, don't know how many fish and meat they have eaten, but they don't even give us porridge and rice!"

"You should go to hell!"

"I thought that wearing this monk's robe was a monk who would go all over the world?"

"No matter how much you do, you can't cover up that black heart!"

"Yes, you monsters, why don't you care about giving us porridge? It's not that we want to bewitch our hearts, let's turn around and change our faith. "

The refugees jumped up and down, and they seemed to have endless power in them.

This makes Chu Yun very confused. He was so hungry that he couldn't walk before. Did he really pretend to do it?

"Amitabha, there is not much food in our temple. Stop porridge tomorrow. Please take a moment's rest and don't be impatient. We will definitely go to buy more food and try to continue the porridge as soon as possible. "

The monk folded his hands and looked very devout.

"I'll fuck you!"

"You don't have money, who believes it!"

"You monsters, you don't do a lot of burning, killing and looting, don't you say you have no money? Who can I show you crying for poverty? "

When they heard that the temple was no longer porridge, the refugees were red eyed and shouting, as if they were going to tear it down.

One of the monks, who was obviously a little older, had a livid face, gritted his teeth and restrained his anger.

That spit just now was on his face.

He suffered a lot and his expression was distorted. From his forehead, he gradually produced a small sharp corner.


When the monk nearby saw this scene, he immediately put his hand on his shoulder.

The little monk suddenly woke up and read a few words of Amitabha consecutively. The corner of his head gradually retreated.

Chu Yun saw all this in his eyes, but he was shocked: "these monks are all demonized!"

Wang Chengying seemed to see through Chu Yun's intention, and attached to Chu Yun's ear, whispered: "there is no threshold or discrimination for the magic Buddha sect, and any race can convert. Therefore, it's not surprising that there are monsters and different races. "

"Demon monk, all die for me!"

"Go to hell early!"

Countless refugees picked up stones and threw them in the face of the monks.

They had no choice but to return to the temple and close the gate tightly.

Chu Yun and Wang Chengying take a look at each other, and the figure flashes into the temple, trying to make it clear.

"Elder martial brother, I can't help it. We worked hard to buy food to relieve the disaster, but in the end we were so humiliated by them. What's wrong with me? I've never done anything harmful to the world. It's much better than those Buddhist monks who are dignified, amitabha in their mouth, but are lewd in private and wear gold and silver! "

Some of the young monks were red faced and could not help roaring, "why should we be so angry? They don't understand us. Why should we please them?"

"Amitabha, Huixin, have you forgotten what you said when you joined the sect?"

The other monks were expressionless: "you should have this kind of awareness since you entered the sect of magic Buddha, which is misunderstood by the world."

"Huixin, the doctrines of our sect need not be compared with other people. It's enough to do well in ourselves and have a clear conscience."

A monk touched the head of his heart, then smiled, "we have dinner. Let's go for dinner."

Chu Yun and Wang Chengying are standing in the air, looking at the monk in the temple.

This temple is obviously different from the former Buddhist temple. It is full of dilapidated things. The house has not been renovated for many years, and it smells of mildew.

The Buddha statues in the temple have been damaged in many places. The gold powder on them has long been lost.

The monks in the temple, one by one, are yellow, skinny and malnourished. They are obviously different from those monks with big brains and big bellies.

They eat rice, but also steamed bread porridge, but compared with the porridge of the almsgiving refugees, what they eat is more sparse, just like soup without water, they can't see a grain of rice for half a day.

Chu Yun was completely shocked by what they did.

Wang Chengying was also stunned for a moment, and smiled thoughtfully: "it's really The world is different! "

A distinguished host came out and looked up at the sky with a smile on his face: "Why are you standing there and want to be guests? Come in."

Chu Yun and Wang Chengying fall on the ground and say Amitabha.

"Host, why do you do this?"

Chu Yun can't wait to ask what he wants to ask.

The abbot clearly understood Chu Yun's meaning, and he said with a smile: "you may have some misunderstandings about devil Buddha sect. We devil Buddha sect are not the rebellious monks with evil mind as publicized outside. On the contrary, we have our own doctrines. All we do is based on doctrines. There is no reason. "

"As for what we have met, it's just that the world is ignorant and can't distinguish between black and white. We don't blame them, we don't explain, we just keep doing it until they wake up

When the host spoke, a touch of kindness flashed between his eyebrows and eyes, like detachment.

"You, eat this?"

Chu Yun pointed to the lack of water in the host's job, which was unbelievable.

"Delicious food, clear water porridge, the purpose is just to fill the stomach. It doesn't make any difference to me."

The host smiled and took a bite of white bread and asked, "I don't think they are Dongzhou people..."

"We are from the central region."

Chu Yun took a deep breath, and he had to admit that compared with those monks in Buddhism, the devil Buddha sect were the real monks.

Their doctrines are truly universal and benevolent to the world.

"If you two don't dislike it, how about coming to use the fast with us?"

The host smiled and invited.

Chu Yun nodded and sat at the table.

The young monk served a bowl of porridge to Chu Yun, which seemed to be intentional. He scooped most of the rice into the bowl.

The same is true for Wang Chengying.

As for himself, he was satisfied with the water like rice soup.

Chu Yun lamented that the strength of the little monk was at least in Xuanwu.

This kind of strength, when placed in the central region, can even set up sects and become masters. What's the need to suffer and suffer here?

The refugees they please every day are just a group of animals in human skin.

In front of the Buddhist monks, these animals wag their tails and beg for mercy. They never get a piece of bone when they break their heads. Instead, they are domineering and arrogant here.

It's a joke.

And this host, he gives a deep feeling, at least is the cultivation of the divine realm.

They stay here, drinking rice porridge and eating steamed bread. Don't they really have any complaints?

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