Sky War Soul

435 folly of the world

After all, there was only one bowl of rice soup and one steamed bun, and three or two people ate it up.

After dinner, the young monk looked embarrassed and said to the abbot, "abbot, there is no food in the temple. What we have just eaten is the last two fights."

The host picked up his eyebrows and said, "I still have some silver. Take it to buy some food. Anyway, porridge can't be cut off."

When the host's voice fell, many monks were all faced with embarrassment.

Finally, the young monk Huixin said: "abbot, your money was used last time. Now there is no food or money in our temple. Elder martial brother Huilan told the refugees earlier that porridge will be stopped for a few days, and we will continue after we buy food. "


The abbot sighed, and looked embarrassed: "well, I'll see what else can be sold in the temple later. Take it all away and pawn it. Some food can be exchanged, some food."

Huixin nodded: "stop, then I will go down first."

Chu Yun was stunned again.

Before he came here, he had no idea that a magical state Taoist would mix up like this.

It's more than miserable, it's just miserable to die!

With the strength of the abbot, he can easily get rich and powerful in the middle region. Even if he doesn't set up his own sect, relying on those super large ones alone will be enough for him to stop worrying about these trivial matters.

Now he is in Dongzhou temple. He has a headache for some food. Really It's puzzling.

The abbot said with a smile, "I forgot that two guests are here. Those just now make you laugh. By the way, please follow me. "

He took Chu Yun and Wang Chengying to a meditation room.

It's just like the outside, it's all ragged, there's no difference.

Chu Yun involuntarily remembered that in the Buddhist temple, those halls and statues were all made of pure gold, not to mention how luxurious they were.

It's also temples. Why is the gap so big?

After the abbot sat down, he said to the two with a smile, "I think both of them seem to have a lot of doubts. Please ask them freely. If you can answer them, I will tell you nothing."

Chu Yun was not polite, and took the lead in asking, "how can you fall to such a level?"

The abbot smiled and didn't feel ashamed at all: "without faith, there is no incense money, no incense money, this is the only way for our temple."

"With your strength, you can nourish your life at will. Why do you have to stick to the three parts of this acre and limit your vision?"

Chu Yun asked again.

"Before entering the sect of magic Buddha, the poor monk swore to the Buddha with all his heart, no desire and no demand. Without fighting, these things become insignificant. "

The abbot is not ashamed but proud.

"When I came here, I saw the Buddhist temples, where the monks were full of fish and meat, and their mouths were full of oil. You are the rebellious monks in their mouth, but I think you are more like the real Buddhism. "

Chu Yun could not help feeling that this is his sincere words.

"We have our own doctrines, not to compare with them."

The abbot put his hands together and praised the Buddha's name: "because our Tathagata's idea is different from the Buddha's, he left in a rage and founded the magic Buddha sect. The rules he set are our teachings and the things we must abide by in life."

"I ask you, the world is foolish, I do not know your silent pay, you do not get any return, will continue like this?"

When Chu Yun asked, his eyes were fixed on the Abbot's eyes, and he wanted to see the hesitation, even the slightest.

But the Abbot's eyes were clear and he said with a smile, "that's what it should be."


After leaving the temple, Chu Yun was filled with emotion.

"What do you think?"

Wang Chengying didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He has been observing Chu Yun's psychological changes.

"If you don't experience it in person, you really can't experience it."

Chu Yun Chang took a sigh of relief and said quietly: "in my opinion, the bottom of the Buddhism is rotten. They are rotten like this. Don't they know what's going on? There is only one possibility. Buddhism is full of decadent atmosphere. It is devout in appearance, but extravagant in fact. The monks of the devil Buddha sect are the real monks! "

Wang Chengying said deliberately, "but they are not human beings."

"So what?"

Chu Yun shook his head: "those refugees, although they are human, but what they show is like human? Obviously, it's a beast in human skin. I wish I could die! "

"They are all bewitched by the Buddhism. They are all devoted to the Buddhism, and they have resentment towards the devil Buddha sect."

Wang Chengying said with emotion.

"As the saying goes, those who eat people's soft mouths and short hands are those who eat the food saved by the monks of the demon Buddha sect. Have they ever read half of it? Even if these grains are fed to dogs, they will wag their tails and feed them the white eyed wolves. What do they get? But they don't care, they don't want to ask, they don't care about the length, this is the true universal life. "

Chu Yun's eyes twinkled with pure light.

"I still say that, don't just look at the surface. After you go to Buddhism, it's not too late to judge."

Wang Chengying reminds me.

"You always advise me not to only look at the surface, but how do you think of these when you have been to Buddhism?"

Chu Yun turned his head, looked at Wang Chengying and asked.


Wang Chengying said with a smile: "I have the same view as you. Those people are not worthy of being monks."


After three days, they saw several tall mountains in the distance.

These mountains, each of which is straight into the sky, seem to pierce the sky.

This is Wanfo.

On Wanfo Mountain, there is a brilliant golden light, and there is also a singing voice of Wanfo. It is sacred and solemn, as if stepping into it, it can wash the soul.

If not all the way to see those, Chu Yun would really think that this ten thousand Foshan is so sacred on the surface.

"Tut Tut, if I am right, the Buddha statues on the mountain are all made of pure gold, right?"

Chu Yun holds his shoulder and sneers.

"Just complain here. Don't talk about it when you enter Buddhism."

Wang Chengying reminds me.

"Can't these people talk about what they've done?"

Chuyun's voice is cold, of course, he just said that.

Most Buddhist monks are very careful. If they really talk about it in Buddhism, they will be thrown out.

"Anyway, I'm just going to see Da Sheng and see how he is. I wish he didn't become those big monks with big brains and bright faces. "

Chu Yun shakes his head, follows Wang Chengying and continues to drive towards Wanfoshan.

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