Sky War Soul

Chapter 648 Twelve Gods

After hearing the voice, Chu Yun's expression changed and he couldn't help shouting, "what are you?"

He could clearly feel that the voice came from the bronze coffin in front of him.

The huge bronze coffin opened a crack, as if it was propped open by an invisible force, which was just that.

"If you want to know the answer, come up and erase the secret lines for me."

That voice is hoarse, but with the ultimate temptation, as if it can bewitch the mind.

Chu Yun smiled coldly and raised his eyebrows. "I used to control my body when I was relaxed, but it's a pity that your breath is too weak, and it's wiped out by the power of my soul. It seems that this is the breath of energy you have stored for a long time. If you meet someone else, you may succeed. "

After a long silence, the voice inside the bronze coffin began to say, "your thinking is really meticulous, without any mistakes."

Chu Yun reached out his hand and stroked the secret pattern of eternal Zhenxie on the bronze giant coffin. He could not help but say: "nothing that can be suppressed by the secret pattern of eternal Zhenxie is not a evil thing that can harm the world. It has been thousands of years at least to see the secret pattern. Those who can be suppressed for thousands of years and whose consciousness has not yet broken are certainly not ordinary people."

After a pause, Chu Yun asked, "tell me what you are."

"Smart human boy."

The voice of the hoarse smile, immediately opened his mouth: "you guessed well, I was really the evil of one side, originally living in the twelve heavens, and I am the twelve heaven devil king! On weekdays, my king roamed all over the small world, slaughtering countless creatures. When my king came to the land of Taiqian, he thought he could dominate the world, but he turned around and was suppressed by the old man here! "

Speaking of this, he was obviously a little angry and shouted: "I'm angry! My king is angry! Even if I am a devil, I will come back to me at least after the disaster is done. But just when I came here, I was suppressed. Thousands of years have passed. Do you know how much I hold back! "

Chuyun disdains a smile: "make up, continue to make up."

"This is tiandian, a small independent world, not a dry land."

"You can recognize the land of Taiqian, which means that you have been here at least. Because of your nature, you have not harmed anyone yet. Go to the devil!"

After hearing Chu Yun's words, the huge bronze coffin shook wildly for several times, as if the creatures inside were extremely angry at the moment.

"This is the dry land, of course! And it's also the space passage between abyssal continent and Taiqian continent! It's also my Wang's misfortune. He didn't control his position when he came. He accidentally fell here and was suppressed by the old man in a blink of an eye. Who could have thought that there was such a strong existence in Taiqian after being ravaged by the abyssal continent. It's a miscalculation, miscalculation! "

In the bronze coffin came the cry of remorse from the twelve great demons, and the whole coffin rumbled.

Obviously, he was completely suppressed here.

The secret pattern of eternal Zhenxie will never fail. If there is no accident, it will be suppressed until the world is destroyed!

Chuyun's head boomed, his pupils contracted violently, and all the confusion was clear in a moment.

Why does that space passage leave all kinds of traces?

Why do you drop the scales of a suspected snake?

This is really the space passage between the abyss and the Taiqian!

It was from here that those mighty creatures came to wipe out all the abyss!

For a moment, Chu Yun's mind was blank, which was obviously hard to accept.

According to the two stars, it took many years for those monsters in the abyss to retreat before several emperors appeared.

The first emperor, that is, the old emperor, was the top Tianjiao at that time.

He led the major human forces in the Middle Kingdom to fight against nature, against other races, taught all kinds of slash and burn farming methods, killed countless evil things that caused disaster in the world, and finally led human beings to live and work in peace and contentment.

And he is also respected as the emperor of the region, as the name implies - the emperor of the whole central region!

At that time, all the major forces produced a rare treasure. They invited countless craftsmen to create a black imperial seal.

At that time, the imperial seal symbolized the supreme right!

The ancestors of countless forces made a vow to heaven before the emperor's seal, which must be remembered by their descendants from now on.

When the emperor urged the emperor to move his seal again, it was the time when the central region encountered a new crisis.

At that time, all future generations will come to pay homage to the former Emperor of the region for saving the whole region.

Therefore, the old emperor knew the threat of the abyss.

Now that he knows it, why does he want to create Youying mountain under the space channel?

Now that he knows it, why does he want to use the space channel to become the temple of heaven and guard it for generations?

Now that I know

Since we know that the top of the head is the space passage that once came from the invasion of abyss continent, why take root here?

There is a saying that a gentleman does not stand under the wall of danger. Doesn't the wise old king of the region understand it?

Chu Yun's mind is in a mess now. He doesn't know why the old emperor wants to do this, or why or why.

Does he want to guard the space passage with himself, his descendants and his eternal inheritance?

Take a deep breath, Chu Yun returns to the spirit.

He hasn't been so flustered for a long time.

Everyone knows how powerful the abyss creatures are. The once most prosperous land of Taiqian can't support their attack, let alone the present land of Taiqian.

Although Youying mountain is strong, if you really want to block those abyss monsters, you must also hit the stone with an egg.


Just as Chu Yun continued to be stunned, the voice in the bronze coffin came out again.

"Why don't we make a deal?"

His voice is full of demagogues. He laughs like a spy ghost.

Chu Yun was completely unmoved and said coldly, "I have nothing to do with you. Since you have been suppressed here, it has become your destiny. You can stay here."

Finish saying, Chu cloud turns to want to walk.

"Wait, boy, stop!"

The twelve heavenly demons were in a hurry and shouted: "I have lived for thousands of years, invaded countless small worlds, destroyed countless civilizations, and naturally I have rich knowledge in my mind. I can give you everything you want! As long as you are interested, I can give you anything! I can teach you martial arts, skills, and... "

"As long as you can let me out, I will promise you anything!"

Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows. The origin of the twelve heavenly demons is unknown. With his treacherous character, even if he stood in front of him, he could not believe it.

It's impossible to fool yourself with a few words.

"You say you are the Lord of the twelve heavens?"

Chu Yun's heart moved. He didn't agree to exchange with each other, but wanted to hear more from him.

The twelve celestial realms are obviously an independent world, equivalent to the Taiqian and abyssal continents.

How did he come here, and how did he know that the abyss had invaded here.

In the vast universe, how many worlds are similar to those of Taiqian.

At the level of Taiqian, are there any new worlds and what they look like.

Similar to the God of war, what kind of world is he? Why is he so powerful?

These doubts, the twelve heavenly demons can obviously answer most of them.

"Not bad!"

Twelve days demon king lived for several years, naturally not stupid, he knew Chu Yun wanted to talk from his own here, so played a twelve point vigilance.

"What kind of existence are the twelve heavens compared with the land of Taiqian?"

Chu Yun squinted and asked.

"Boy, you don't want to set out the king's words so easily."

The twelve heavenly demons snorted coldly. Although he wanted to be free, his pride was still there. He could not be so inferior.

"If you answer honestly, I may let you out."

Chu Yun frowned.

"Boy, you're smart like a ghost. I want to cheat my king, but I'm worse. If you are willing to let me out, I promise you everything. Don't ask these questions. I can teach you everything you want to learn. But if you want to cover the White Wolf empty handed, you should save this heart! "

The twelve heavenly demons spoke in a strong voice without any intention of compromise.

In fact, he was also worried.

He was imprisoned for thousands of years. He spent all his life in the endless loneliness and loneliness, which made the bronze coffin open a gap.

Now I finally meet a kid, how can I let him go easily?

Therefore, the twelve heavens devil is gambling. He knows that he must not be inferior in the negotiation process, so he will have a natural disadvantage in the right of speech.

"When you're a bitch, you want to build a memorial archway!"

Chu Yun didn't eat this at all. After a sneer, he left directly.


The twelve heavenly demons are stupid. He wants to open his mouth to call Chu Yun, but he is ashamed to speak.

"If you want me to let you out, I don't know how to give you some sweetness. I'm easy to compromise on inducements."

Chu Yun said to himself with a smile on his lips.

In fact, he didn't care about the identity of the devil king of the twelve heavens.

As long as we can ensure that he will not be a disaster to the world, it's OK to let him out. We can also make a lot of money out of it and ask ourselves how confused we have been.

I didn't expect that the twelve heavenly demons were so unruly. They were obviously seeking for themselves, but they still kept a high attitude.

Fuck you!

I also want to negotiate with Lao Tzu equally, and I don't want to see who has the initiative right now.

This is actually a kind of psychological game, and Chu Yun is just good at it. When he saw the twelve heavenly demons like this, he would not go back.

I haven't explored the cave at the bottom of the pond. Who has the time to talk with you?

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