Sky War Soul

Chapter 649 source of aura

After going out from the temple of heaven, the demon clan will completely invade the central region, as if it has reached the critical point of life and death.

Because of this, Chu Yun has no time to spend here all the time.

After all, the time to enter the temple of heaven is only three months. He has to improve himself in a limited time.

After being humiliated by himself, Luo Xiao will surely practice hard and want to be ashamed before snow.

The young masters of the other two holy places are also not easy to provoke.

The more you go to the cave in front of you, the more you can feel the rich energy, basically in an increasing state.

Obviously, if there is a source of this energy, it must be in the front.

The cave is very wet. Moss grows on the walls of the cave everywhere. Sometimes, water drops down into a small pit.

Chu Yun is very careful and always keeps vigilance.


Go out for about 100 meters, a little roar into your ears.

Although the sound is very small, it can clearly show that there is a turbulent current ahead.

Chu Yun stepped forward at a faster speed. It was true that the sound was getting louder and closer.

After walking out of the cave in front of him, Chu Yun felt the light was dazzling and instinctively extended his hand to block it.

As a result, I felt the sole of my foot on the void and almost fell down.

Chu Yun was shocked. He immediately offered his breath and floated in the void.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He found that he was in the gap between two mountain walls. The cave he had been in was only a cave at the middle of the mountain, which was not noticeable at all.

Now, I am about 20 meters away from the mountain wall in front of me. There is a surprising waterfall from the top of the mountain, which is roaring down.

The roar and roar that I heard before came from this waterfall.

And this waterfall is not flowing water, but full-bodied to the essence of pure aura.

These spirits turn into a white fog visible to the naked eye, and drill into the cave, which is the energy that Chu Yun absorbed previously.

"Such a huge pure aura, each drop is equivalent to several top-grade pills. If I can bathe under this waterfall, my realm will easily be upgraded to the feathering realm!"

Chu Yun's pupils contract violently. He didn't expect such a waterfall.

The existence of such waterfalls is beyond all imagination.

"Are you dreaming?"

The voice of taling was cold, and he directly opened his mouth to strike: "still bathed in the waterfall, you don't need to think about it in your mind. So many pure auras can't bear even the high-level lords in the eclosion. You are gifted and strong, but do you think you are more vigorous than those masters? "

Chu Yun frowned: "can't I still bear it with my body and soul?"

"You can try."

Taling sneered: "if it can be absorbed, I'm afraid the waterfall will not be left."

Chu Yun takes a deep breath, reaches out his fingers, and wants to touch the Lingqi waterfall flowing straight down.


Only two drops of water from the waterfall fell to the side. Chu Yun's eyes were quick and his hands were fast. A finger suddenly stuck out and caught the two drops of strong aura.


A bang, from the two drops of water to convey a torrent of energy, will directly blow Chu cloud.

His finger, too, was half broken.

Chu Yun's expression was shocked, and he was shocked by the impact.

He clearly saw that when he met the energy water drop, a torrential force which was visible to the naked eye came out and shook him.

It's not just the power contained in the water drop, it's the power of the whole waterfall!

If I really get into the waterfall, I'm afraid it's light.

Taling has a saying that it's good. If it can be absorbed, can the waterfall remain!

"Damn it."

Chu Yun was a little annoyed and hit the mountain wall with a fist.

He saw his broken finger recover at the speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, it recovered as before.

"I'm lucky I didn't lose my life directly."

Taling is understated, but there is always a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

"What can we do, then, is to absorb only the breath from the waterfall?"

Chu Yun is helpless. Now, it seems that there is a golden mountain in front of Mingming, but he can only scrape a layer of gold powder off the gold.

Do you hold back?


At this time, the concave and convex body of taling appeared beside Chu Yun. She held the nine square purgatory tower in her hand and frowned slightly: "let me try it."

Chu Yun retreated two steps. Although he was not good at physique, the nine square purgatory tower, Wanyi, was OK.


Taling is holding the Jiufang purgatory tower, close to the edge of the waterfall.

Some splashing spirit drops fell on the nine square purgatory tower, and were sucked in instantly.


Chu Yun's eyes brightened, and he said excitedly, "nine Fang purgatory tower can absorb these auras!"

Taling looked pale, shook his head and said: "it can absorb some, but it can't absorb too much, which is also very heavy for my own loss..."

After a few rest, Tallinn could not hold on.

Only her figure, have become a lot of gloom.

"What's the gain?"

Chu Yun asked with some concern.

"I've added a lot of energy. After I refine these pure auras, the nine way purgatory tower should be filled with 10%

Taling's voice was weak. She didn't stay outside for long. She turned back to the cloud.

"Only 10%?"

Chu Yun was shocked. Taling had just absorbed no less than ten drops of strong aura, but it was also able to recover energy.

If the energy of Jiufang purgatory tower reaches its peak, it will become the great weapon for blocking and killing the god Buddha.

Why can Murong Cang drag the body of serious injury and stir the whole central region?

It's not by the nine square purgatory Tower!

Therefore, the importance of Jiufang purgatory tower is self-evident.

Chu Yun looks away. Although the waterfall is good, he can't touch it.

The source of those strong auras is found, but Chu Yun is still not satisfied.

Here, isn't there any chance like "war" formula?

Thinking like this, Chu Yunfei turned around and found nothing.

He raised his head, looked at the top of the mountain, murmured: "now I am in the gap between these two walls. If I climb the top of the mountain, will I find anything?"

After the voice fell, Chu Yun's figure suddenly rose to the sky, like a sharp arrow piercing the sky, flying higher and higher.

The more you fly up, the narrower the gap.

The source of Lingqi waterfall is in the opposite mountain wall.

It was a mouth tens of meters wide. The water was rushing and falling.

One drop of this aura can crush the great mountain and one drop can cut the sky. I didn't expect that the source would be here.

Able to withstand the impact and roar of spirit waterfall, the mountain itself is certainly not simple!

Flying to the top, the crack is only enough for chuyun to squeeze out.

After coming out of the crack, Chu Yun stood on the top completely.

This is a high mountain range. The so-called cracks in the mountain walls are just a small crack in the huge mountain range.

Who could have thought that under such a humble crack, there was something else.

Standing on the high mountain, all vision becomes open.

In the distance, there is an altar shrouded in dark light. The altar is shining with colorful light, and the light is constantly changing, which is very strange.

"Is there any chance in this altar?"

Chu Yun murmurs that everything in the temple is unknown. It's possible that there is a chance that you will never encounter in your life, or a void creature that makes you regret your life.

"I'm here anyway. Come and have a look."

Finally, Chu Yun decides to go and have a look. The altar is just a few hundred meters away. In a blink of an eye, he can make it.

If you miss any chance, don't you regret for life?

Chu Yun took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the altar.

His base card is the life of Saint Dan that day.

Anyway, I have a life. I'm afraid of nothing.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Within ten meters of the altar, Chu Yun could clearly feel the fury in the void around him, which was like a continuous winding of thin threads around the altar.

They are too heavy. Even in this temple, which is more stable than any other small world, the void is still hissed and cracked by the impact.

Fortunately, this breath did not cause any discomfort to Chu Yun himself, just like the wind was tearing, just let the clothes puff up, without any harm.

The altar in front of us is in front of us.

Even he could see the complicated and crooked lines on the altar clearly, which were not secret lines, and Chu Yun could not recognize them even after racking his brains.

On the altar, there is a strange creature carved. Standing there majestically, it looks like looking far away.

From this creature's mouth, it continuously spews out all kinds of light, and the colorful and violent breath is spewed out of its mouth.

"It's all so close. There hasn't been any abnormal appearance yet. Shouldn't it be ok?"

Chu Yun was careful not to touch the altar directly. The scene of the water drop explosion of spirit gas was still vivid.

I saw him take out a high-quality spirit soldier and gather up.


When the elite spirit soldiers touch the altar, they are like rotten rotten wood. In a blink of an eye, they are torn to pieces by the violent air flow.

There is no reaction time at all. The excellent spirit soldiers turn into flying ash and fly away with the wind.

Chu Yun is surprised. This altar is really not simple.

If he had stretched out his hand before, he might have been seriously injured by a blow.

"This altar must have meaning here."

Chu Yun didn't want to go back without success. He paced back and forth and thought calmly.

What is the purpose of this altar? What is its purpose?

If these problems can be solved, will there be any chance of creation, and the truth will be completely revealed.

"Go away, this altar, it's amazing!"

At the time of Chu Yun's tangle, the voice of taling sounded, which was extremely shocked.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: will stay up late to write the third more, everybody do not worry.

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