Sky War Soul

Chapter 666 sixteen imperial halls

Hearing that, Mutu, who had lost his mind, calmed down in a moment. He put on an ugly smile and said: "I didn't really want to harm the dry land. I came for the purpose of friendly communication at the beginning, but I didn't wait for you to make it clear. You suppressed me..."

Chu's eyes gaped, and he could not help admiring Mutu's cheek thickness.

It's no wonder that you can become the king of the demons. You can lose your face anytime and anywhere. It's very rare.

Mutu scratched his head and said with a simple smile, "I managed to escape from the secret lines to suppress this time. I just feel like my family here. It's too warm."

"The land of Taiqian has a deep foundation. I hope to learn something here so that I can return to the twelve heavens as soon as possible and build a new home!"

Mutu looks yearning. He wants to be more devout and devout. I don't know that he is easy to be fooled by him.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor just looked at Mutu with a smile, waved his hand to him, and signaled to cool down.

Mutu, depressed, turned and walked aside.

It is impossible to say that he does not hate the old emperor.

Anyone who has been suppressed for thousands of years will be angry.

Just hate how to, at least a little bit of their own dissatisfaction, afraid that it will be suppressed!

The other side's strength is so strong that even in its heyday, it can't stop itself, let alone now.

"Tea first."

The old domain emperor conjured up his fingers to the ground, and suddenly four more tea cups appeared.

He saw his fingers gently in the void a little, the teapot pour four cups to pour full.

Four cups of steaming tea are fragrant, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Chu Yun is not polite. He reaches for a teacup.

Tang Zixian and Tang Haoran are shocked, but they don't have too many questions. They just pick up the cup and keep silent.

They don't know who the old man is, but obviously his status will not be low.

Mutu came here thousands of years ago.

Being able to crack down on Mutu and seal him thousands of years ago represents a powerful and extreme force. It's terrible that others are still alive!

"Thank you for your help."

Chu Yun held up his tea cup and looked up with respect: "I'll take tea for wine and respect the elder!"

Finish saying, Chu Yun tasted a cup of tea.

At the entrance of the tea, the fragrance is fresh and moist, which makes people feel refreshed. It seems to sweep away the haze.

Water mist is dense, winding and floating.

The old domain emperor smiled and said lightly: "he dare to fight here, that is to say, he doesn't pay attention to my shadow mountain. I broke the meridians in his arm with that palm, and I can't bring it back in half a year."

Tang Zixian's beautiful eyes flashed with shock, and he was able to understate and defeat the northern emperor with one hand. This world does not exist at all.

The strength of the five emperors is almost the same, there is not too much difference, and there will never be a thing that one side will easily crush the other.

Although the old man is indifferent, the majesty emanating from his bones makes people afraid.

It's like the natural gas of the emperor!

There is no one with this kind of temperament, plus the years of his existence.

It can be concluded that he is the first emperor of the central region.

"Master, the one who fought with me at that time..."

Chu Yun wants to stop talking. Now he really has a lot of doubts to ask.

"According to generations, you can call me an ancestor."

"It was a spiritual separation for me. That battle was also my test for you. I have to say that you surprised me."

The old domain emperor took a sip of tea and said with deep emotion: "especially the last holy product, the fierce battle pattern, let me fall into the memory. For so many years, I have seen the fierce battle pattern of shengpin reappear in the world. I have to say it's a kind of fate! "

After the voice fell, the old emperor pulled up his sleeve and saw a secret pattern of animal face on his arm.

Look at the lines, look at the posture, it's also the fierce battle pattern!

Just on the animal's surface, there is a fierce and brutal mark of terror.

Even after endless years of erosion, the scar is still clear, and there is a sinister air in it.

When Chu Yun saw the scar, his pupils contracted violently.

With the strength of the old domain emperor, who can leave scars on him, and a stay is thousands of years?

"I tried my best, but I still couldn't defeat the abyssal creatures. I was unwilling to do so, so I concentrated on studying for several years and worked out the fierce battle pattern of the holy product."

The eyes of the old king were muddy and he fell into deep memories.

"After activating the secret tattoo, the combat power will be doubled. I am happy to think that I can surpass him, but I am still not the opponent of that guy."

"He laughs wildly, one claw has scratched the holy product's fierce battle pattern!"

Old domain emperor voice sigh, cannot help but wry smile way: "the person is old, the memory always has some deviation, but that guy's name I still remember fresh!"

Chu Yun didn't interrupt. He knew that the old emperor was recalling the past.

It seems that he also experienced ancient wars and survived!

"Don't talk about it. Talk about you, chuyun."

The old emperor focused on Chu Yun again and said, "you are very strong, and there are many things I can't even see. In other words, you are much better than me at that time! "

Chu Yun did not expect that the old emperor would give himself such a high evaluation.

"After you killed my separation, I asked you to come to the imperial palace to find me. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

The old domain emperor drank up the tea and threw it on the ground. The tea cup disappeared as a smoke.

"Yuhuang palace Ancestor, do you mean here? "

Chu Yun was a little shocked. It was just a small mountain ditch. All the thatched houses were built in it.

"Yes, this is the imperial palace."

For Chu Yun's surprise, the old emperor was not surprised, but he pointed around with a smile and said seriously: "the place where the emperor lived should not be called the palace of the emperor."

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

It's true that the place where the emperor lived should be called the hall of the emperor, which seems a bit domineering.

If it's called Yuhuang village, it's too local.

"You stay here for tea. I have something to talk to Chu Yun."

The old king smiled and said to Tang Zixian and Tang Haoran.

"You don't care about us, senior."

Tang Haoran said quickly.

This is the first emperor of the domain, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. Every word contains infinite mystery.

Since he said to drink tea, there must be a mystery in the tea!

The old domain emperor nodded and led Chu Yun into the thatched cottage.

There is nothing special in the thatched hut, only a simple bed, a reclining chair, a desk and a bookshelf.

Simple as it is, it is clean and spotless.

The old king turned around and rubbed his head and said, "Wang zhanting, that kid, should be the 17th king, and you are the 18th king."

Chu Yun nods.

"There are sixteen thatched houses here. Do you know why?"

The old emperor suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked.


Chu Yun smiled a little embarrassed. He didn't count how many thatched houses he had before, because he didn't think it was important.

"Because every thatched house is the remains of one emperor. There are sixteen emperors, and there are sixteen thatched houses."

The old domain emperor put away his smile and his eyes became sharp, just like they were shining in a flash.

He then said, "every king will move here in his old age."

"They sit quietly in the thatched cottage, before the ambush, and record all the skills, fighting skills and experience they have learned all their lives, and put them on the shelf for future generations to read. And their bodies will also lie in this coffin. "

When the voice fell, the old king reached for his hand.

Chu Yun followed the direction he pointed to, only to find that there was a small coffin in the corner.

The coffin is only two meters long and is completely black, just like the cheapest one sold in the coffin shop.

Chu Yun is stunned, unbelievable.

Those kings were all super powerful people, each of them had left a shocking legend.

But after he died, he lay in this kind of coffin, unknown.

"Every domain emperor will have the qualification to enter the temple of heaven once. He will come here after a variety of tests."

The old emperor pointed at his feet and said solemnly: "the emperor who comes here will pay a visit to his predecessor's hall one by one starting from the last one. Those Yuhuang will leave all his life's learning to posterity to read. For the new Yuhuang, this is a great opportunity to improve himself! "

Chu Yun was about to open his mouth when the old emperor in front of him waved his sleeve and suddenly the scene around him changed.

Open his eyes, Chu Yun found that he was sitting in a thatched house, which was no different from the previous furnishings.

On the desk, there is a piece of white paper on which some essays are recorded -

Chu Yun looks at them, all of which are his feelings.

When it was settled there, it was the 16th emperor of the region, Wang Qing.

"This is the palace of the 16th emperor of the domain!"

Chuyun was so happy that he understood what the old emperor's words meant.

The new emperor can freely observe the whole life of all his predecessors, which is a kind of chance.

Since he can become the emperor of the region, it shows that he has his own unique features.

Every inch has its own advantages. If you can observe all the domain emperors' life-long efforts one by one, understand their feelings and learn their experience, it will definitely be an improvement for you!

Thinking of this, Chu Yun restrained his excitement and stood up to walk to the bookshelf.

As soon as he got to the bookshelf, Chu Yun was absorbed by a strange force.

All around is darkness, as if in a world without light.

I saw a man standing not far in front of me. He was carrying his hands on his back. He was very dignified and spirited.

Chu Yun knew that he was the 16th king of the region, Wang Qing.

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