Sky War Soul

Chapter 667 drink a cup of tea to eliminate Qi

Chu Yun's heart moved. Is this the separate image left?


Almost without any hesitation, Wang Qing's body method and various moves are dazzling.

Chu Yun was shocked. It seems that Wang Qing left this illusion in front of the bookshelf by wonderful means. It is in the illusion that he explained all kinds of moves, combat experience and skills before his death.

The illusion in front of him is lifelike. It really seems that Wang Qing is standing in front of him, only about five meters away.

Any subtle action, the change of aura, is very real.

Chu Yun sinks down and tries his best to understand.

Every move and action of the other side is printed in the mind.

Why did he do it? What's the benefit of it? What's his idea.

Chu Yun has a keen mind and can temporarily freeze any picture, analyze it and get the final explanation.

Wang Qing is also the shadow soul of martial arts. The cultivation method is called "three Dragon Emperor".

This skill can make the aura strong. Each ray of aura has a hot wave. Once the aura is exerted, it is like the river is flowing.

What he is most proud of is that he has strong aura. If you look at the whole world, you may not have opponents.

Unconsciously, time flies by.

After Wang Qing practiced all the moves, he slowly raised his head and smiled at Chu Yun.

He has a handsome face, which is similar to Wang zhanting. Obviously, this is what he looked like when he was young.

Chu Yun's heart moved. He was about to open his mouth to communicate with Wang Qing. The darkness around him began to twist. He went back to the thatched hut.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Chu Yun bowed to the coffin at the corner of the wall, his face respectful.

Wang Qing is the father of Wang zhanting, so he should be called.


The scene around changed again, and then came to another imperial palace.

This should be the palace of the 15th emperor.

Still or those furnishings, Chu Yun even has an illusion. Is he only in one room from beginning to end?

Chu Yun took a deep breath, digested the huge knowledge in his mind, and walked to the bookshelf.

Wang Qing didn't help him very much, but he also gave some inspiration in using Reiki conveniently.

What will the fifteenth emperor leave behind?

After touching the bookshelf with the palm of his hand, he entered the illusion again.

Standing in front of him was a man with a domineering air, with a cold face and a cold temperament.

His eyes, like wild beasts, were fierce and calm, giving a sense of being ready to fight.


Old Yu Huang is lying on the couch, his eyes are a little sad.

For the progress of Chu cloud, he is very clear in the bottom of his heart, and the speed is really very fast.

In such a short period of time, we can fully understand the life-long efforts of the previous emperors. It can be said that Chu Yun's talent is unprecedented and has no future.

Jiufang purgatory tower of Holy Spirit soldiers.

It's a magic Buddha with all kinds of skills.

Holy product fierce battle pattern.

And I have never heard of the meaning of sword.

Ordinary people with one of them can stand on the peak of Taiqian continent and smile.

And Chu Yun took all these.

"Boy, you have surpassed me. If you want to fight with the abyss continent, it's not enough to surpass me..."

The old emperor said to himself, his voice mixed with a trace of frustration.

No one knows more about the responsibility of the Emperor than him.

The space passage can't bear for a long time. When those monsters come to the abyss, the first one is Youying mountain!

The emperor of the region should not only guard the central region, but also do more.

"There's not much time, and the old man hasn't had many years to live. I wish I could see the collapse of the abyss continent before I die..."

Even tears twinkled in his eyes as he spoke.

Since ancient times, he has experienced too many things. It can be said that he is looking at the revival of Taiqian continent.

Because of this, he realized the weakness of the dry land.

Let alone compare with the abyssal continent, even one tenth of the ancient Taiqian continent is inferior!

In this case, how to fight against those giants in the abyss?

The old domain emperor experienced a failure, the failure of the ancient war, the failure of the unforgettable, he did not want to experience a second time.

"The demon clan that is about to attack is the best one to practice at present, and all the heavy tasks will be on you, boy."

Old Yu Huang closed his eyes a little tired and fell asleep in the reclining chair.


"Well, I have suppressed my king for thousands of years. I hate him so much!"

In front of the thatched cottage, Mutu wandered back and forth with his hands on his back. His expression was ferocious, and he wanted to fight inside to revenge.

The demons themselves are cunning, vicious and evil. They are never willing to suffer losses. They will report to each other. Mutu is the most serious of them. Otherwise, they will not become the demons.

At the thought of thousands of years of loneliness, Mutu itched his teeth and wanted to eat his meat and drink his blood.

If Chu Yun didn't come to the cave by chance, he might have been suppressed to the day when the mainland died.

"It's no use talking about it here. Rush in and kill the old king!"

Tang Haoran sat aside, humming, disdaining.

"Easy to say, how terrible the old man is, do you understand?"

Mutu suddenly blew up. Now that scene is still vivid. The desperation suppressed by one hand is like a mark deeply imprinted on his bones.

He said that he hated, but just let out his anger?

Give more courage, he dare not!

"Come on, don't talk so much. Have a cup of tea to kill your breath."

Tang Haoran was drinking tea cup by cup, but he still handed Mutu a cup.

After a drink, he immediately refilled it.

Strange to say, the teapot doesn't look very big. It can be emptied by pouring several cups at most, but it can pour out tea all the time.

Tang Haoran has drunk more than ten cups, and he is still tireless.

The key is that the tea is really good to drink. It has a soft fragrance and no astringency. People can't help but want to drink it.

"How much did you drink?"

Tang Zixian didn't say a word. It's too unpromising. There's no such tea drinker.

"Elder sister, listen to me. The emperor of the old domain is unpredictable. He must have his reason to let us drink more tea. Maybe this tea is equivalent to the best pill. You must drink more

Tang Haoran's face was solemn and awe inspiring, and he said a lot of great principles.

Tang Zixian's face was helpless, and she was completely defeated.

Mutu sat down and took a whimper of tea.


After swallowing the tea, Mutu's expression suddenly changed.

He can feel that the energy lost in his body has recovered a lot, which is very strange.

For a moment, Mutu understood why.

"Here In this tea... "

Mutu was trembling with excitement, and his eyes were filled with ecstasy.

It's amazing, it's amazing!

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his mouth was not controlled and could not move.

"What's the matter with the tea? Do you recognize it?"

Hearing Mutu's words, Tang Haoran could not help but catch up with him.

"No, I don't know."

Mutu nodded quickly, but what he said didn't match the reality.

"Play the devil."

Tang Haoran murmured a few words and turned his head and stopped talking to Mutu.

Mutu was in tears. I didn't say that at all!

After all, he was a king. Mutu was well-informed and had a delicate mind. He soon recovered.

The reason why I can't say it is most likely that the old domain emperor restricted myself.

As for that sentence, it was also said by the old domain emperor who controlled his mouth.

Why do you do this? It's very simple. He doesn't want to tell himself the secret of tea!

Mutu's heart is complex and his expression is speechless.

The old man is so unpredictable. How did he find it and how did he integrate it perfectly into the tea?

This method is amazing.

Looking at Tang Haoran and drinking hard, Mutu was very anxious. He immediately reached for the teapot and said, "don't drink it all up, leave me some!"

However, just after Mutu's hand touched the teapot, it suddenly retracted like a lightning stroke.

Oh, I can't even touch this teapot!

Mutu's body trembled with anger. The baby was in front of him, but he could not touch it.

Old man, you are too careful!

Anyway, it's an old man who has lived for so many years. How can he be so narrow-minded!

Mutu rubbed his palm and pleaded, "then why, pour me another cup of tea."

"I don't have long hands. I'll pour them myself!"

Tang Haoran looks at Mutu strangely. Are the demons so stupid that they can't pour tea?

Or I'm used to being a big man. I have to be waited on?

Mutu's unspeakable grievance, I really want to pour myself, but I can't touch this teapot at all!

Just when he wanted to explain, he found that his mouth was sealed again. He could only hum, and could not say a word.


Tang Haoran left his mouth and chewed the peony like a cow. Then he poured a cup of tea on his head.

It's so annoying. This stinky kid clearly doesn't know the secret of tea, but he's lucky to go to shit. One cup after another!

I can only look at this scene and weep silently.

If you have any idea about this tea, you will be immediately shut up. You can't speak, your hands can't be compared, just like a fool.

"Elder sister, you drink too!"

Tang Haoran simply didn't pay attention to Mutu, and poured a cup for Tang Zixian.

Tang Zixian looks at the thatched cottage in front of her eyes. She wants to go in and see how Chu Yun is.

Why didn't a sound come out after a long time?

Seeing the tea delivered by Tang Haoran, Tang Zixian really felt a little thirsty and sipped a few to quench his thirst.

It has to be said that she still likes this tea.

Mutu sat and watched. He was shivering. He was about to breathe.

In his opinion, they didn't know how precious and where the tea was, but they could drink it all the time.

I understand that, but don't say that I can't touch it.

It's not fair!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: there will be a third watch around two points. Tomorrow, on the basis of the normal three night shift, we will make up one or two more. Buckle group 469470711, hurry up and publish

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