Sky War Soul

Chapter 774 strength gap

Fearing animals are also pitiful. They were trembling under strong pressure. They wanted to run for their lives, but they didn't escape from the palm of Lulas's hand and were torn by a blow.

The sharp light cut the body of the terror animal, along with its flesh and bones, as well as its stomach, into two parts.

The stomach splits, and there are countless undigested flesh and blood, and even many hard rocks, which are inhaled into the stomach together.

Lulas carefully felt that it was obvious that there were spatial fluctuations, and there were more than one.

One of his skulls sniffed, then growled, "six of them, six of them ants, escaped under Lord Lulas's eyes!" The reason why

is six is because Tang Baichuan's breath is just like the abyss.

Therefore, when Lulas calculated, he did not include Tang Baichuan.

"I'm so angry. There is a transmission channel here. Nobody has noticed it for so many years!"

Lulas's huge body roared one after another, the sky with his roar, constantly changing color.

"If you realize it earlier, you don't need to wait for the space channel to reopen. You can kill those people here!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Those ants, I remember your breath! Death, all must die! "

Several heads were shouting frantically to express their anger.

But the biggest head in the middle, like a dull one, kept repeating two words: "kill, kill, kill!"

The joy of the discovery of the portal, the disappointment of the destruction of the portal, the regret of not realizing it earlier, and the anger of watching Chu Yun escape.

A lot of emotions mixed together, so that Lulas became extremely irascible, ranting to the sky.

The roar was heard millions of miles away, even over thunder and wind.

On the fourth floor of the abyss, all creatures trembled, kneeling on the ground, and dared not lift their heads.

The sudden arrival of the seven serpents of the abyss and the terror released were like a whip to torture their souls, which made them all stupid.

No one dares to touch the mould of Lulas at this time.

And Lulas has a habit that his emotions often need to be expressed by killing.

There is no reason for these creatures in the fourth abyss to become the object of Lulas's vent.

The sky gradually becomes dark, like a real hell.


In the cabin.

Six people look anxious and wait for Chu Yun in the transmission gate.

In particular, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty clenched his fists and looked worried.

If there is only one person to come out, he is absolutely willing to be the one to be sacrificed, but Chu Yun's last move is too fast to let him react.

"Chu Yun, you must come back safely."

The emperor thought about it like this.

Chuyun's last move made him know more about chuyun.

Courageous, fearless, responsible, upright, obedient and tough.

It's a great honor for him to be the king of the land!

"Chu Yun, I said I would wait for you here."

Tang Zixian is looking forward to her beautiful eyes. She firmly believes that Chu Yun will come back.

"Chu Yun, if you don't come back, I will kill you back to the abyss land to find you!"

The great sage gnawed his teeth and secretly made up his mind.

Mutu's eyes closed and he didn't know what he was thinking.


The transmission door in front of him suddenly vibrated violently. Under the nervous and excited eyes of six people, Chu Yun's figure fell out with a bang.

He fell to the ground limply, his pupils couldn't even focus: "the space passage is broken, I I almost didn't die in it! "

Six people that carry the heart all put down, chuyun came back, safe back.

"Just come back."

Emperor Tang was relieved and smiled again.

Tangshan River and Tang Baichuan are also thankful. Although this time they are not a nine dead life, they are also hard enough. Fortunately, the final result is still perfect.

"The portal has collapsed, and even if they find it, they can't follow."

Chuyun grinned. He was about to leave the abyss continent when he noticed a horrible spiritual exploration.

This spirit is so powerful that it's a hundred times stronger than the eighteen leaders.

If the expectation is good, it should be one of the four masters of the abyss.

It's a coincidence to say that if this spiritual awareness is earlier, it will be able to find that it is blocking its own departure.

By then, not only will they not be able to run, but the portal will also be exposed.

If there are creatures in the abyss who are proficient in this way, once the portal is firmly fixed, it will be a bloodbath waiting for the dry land!

Seeing Chu Yun's peaceful return, Tang Zixian smiled, laughing from the heart, it was brilliant.

She could not help but think of that time in the purple fairy palace, Chu Yun put a bunch of flowers in his head.

And the next conversation -


"I know I look good."

"I mean, the flowers look good."

"The flowers look good. What about me?"

"You It's always been beautiful. "


Tangshan River and Tang Baichuan, a missing man who has not returned for more than ten years, have long been dead in our eyes.

Their return, very low-key, low-key to the root of few people know.

With their return, the Tang family had two more strong men at the peak of their feathering environment.

Such strength is the first in the whole Taiqian continent, and almost no one can match it.

The overall strength of the Tang clan is not much worse than that of Youying mountain.

After this incident, the emperor of Tang Dynasty left all his ambition to fight for hegemony. He was completely conquered by Chu Yun. He did not think about Unifying the Middle Kingdom any more. He just swallowed up Xiao Kingdom and expanded his family.

Of course, these are all allowed by Chu Yun.

Chu Yun returned to Chumen with Mutu and the great sage, and kept a low profile.

His stability lasted for less than half an hour, and Wang zhanting pushed the door in.

"Grandpa, although you are my grandpa, you can't come in without knocking!"

Chu Yun was very dissatisfied and sat up with his bleary eyes.

"Where have you been these days, you little boy? I have something important to ask you! "

Wang zhanting was very angry. He was in a fierce questioning as soon as he came in.

"Where have I been?"

Talking about this, Chu Yun got up his spirits. He smiled mysteriously and said, "why don't you guess where I am?"

"Don't do this!"

Wang zhanting waved impatiently and said, "hurry up! Don't say it! "

"I went to the abyss."

Chu Yun Dun, the expression is very serious.


Wang zhanting thought that he had heard it wrong, and his eyes were full: "where did you say you went?"

"I went to the abyss!"

Chu Yun repeated it patiently.

Wang zhanting's breath was suddenly rapid. He knew that Chu Yun would not make fun of such things.

I went to the abyss and came back safely, which is very important.

Wang wanted to suppress his emotions, but he couldn't.

He grabbed Chu Yun's collar anxiously and shouted, "don't be critical. Tell me what's going on. Didn't the passage open? How did you get to the abyss and how did you get back? "

He has always been such a grumpy man, and Chu Yun has been used to it.

"Tang Zixian's father Tangshan River, Grandpa should know?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and asked.

Wang zhanting nodded: "he is a rare wizard. His cultivation talent is the same as your mother's. It's a pity that he disappeared in the lost wasteland. I heard that he hasn't heard from you for 20 years, and I don't know whether he is alive or dead."

"It's not lost wilderness, it's abyss!"

Chu Yun solemnly said: "some days ago, Zixian came to me and said that the fire of her father's life was suddenly burning vigorously. She guessed that her father was still alive, so she asked me to go to the lost wasteland with her. I promised to come down and find the gateway to the lost wasteland and walk in. Who knows that it's not the lost wasteland at all, but the abyss! "

"How could there be, how could there be a portal to the abyss?"

Wang zhanting's face changed. This is not a small thing. If the abyssal creatures know that the portal exists, they will flock to it.

The troubles of the demon clan have not been solved yet. At that time, they will face the abyss creatures.

At that time, the land of Taiqian will sink completely in many crises.

"The portal has existed all these years, and the emperor of Tang also knew about it, but he didn't know that it was the abyss. He knew nothing about the abyss and thought it was a dangerous little world. The reason why he didn't disclose it was that he was afraid that frequent access to the portal would lead the monsters out of the little world... "

"So he kept the secret for more than twenty years."

Chu yundun then said: "I met Tangshan River in it. He was lost in the abyss these years, not only did not die, but also reached the pinnacle of yuhuajing. Just before we went in, Tang emperor and Tang Baichuan also came. They heard that Tang Zixian and I came in here, and they wanted to rescue us. "

"Tang Baichuan? Didn't he die early? "

Wang zhanting frowned and found that things were not as simple as he thought.

"He was only seriously injured and cursed by the power of the abyss. Although he didn't die, he was not far away from death."

"Who knows that he has miraculously carried the power of curse and integrated the power of abyss. In the years of closing, his accomplishments have also reached the pinnacle of feathering realm!"

Chuyun smiled meaningfully.

There are two pinnacles of yuhuajing in Youying mountain, namely Laoyu emperor and Wang zhanting.

No one could have expected that the Tang family would jump out of the room.

"And Another pinnacle of feathering? "

Wang zhanting was stunned. He was shocked and lost his words: "really Do you really think that the pinnacle of feathering is cabbage? "

For the former Taiqian continent, only a few emperors achieved the peak of feathering, and the rest of the religious masters, even if they were strong enough, were only nine feathering.

Today, we can only say that the times have changed.

Chu Yun's long story is short. He tells Wang zhanting about their experiences in the abyssal continent and the last thing that the portal hides in the stomach of the terror beast.

Wang zhanting's pupil contracts violently, his heart

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