Sky War Soul

Chapter 775 please leave the imperial seal

After hearing Chu Yun's inquiry, Wang zhanting suddenly woke up.

"By the way, I have something urgent to tell you..."

Wang zhanting smiled bitterly and almost forgot the business.

Chu Yun sat up straight. When grandpa came earlier, he was in a hurry. It was not easy to think about things.

In fact, we don't need to think about it. This so-called emergency must have something to do with the demon clan.

Today, the land of Taiqian is safe and stable. Under the threat of the demon clan, it has unprecedented unity.

Although it's still a long way from Dongzhou Tathagata, it's a long story.

"In the days when you left, we fought with the demon clan several times. All the strong men on both sides came on the stage. The fight was very fierce and dark."

Wang zhanting pulled back his clothes, pointed to a striking scar on his abdomen, and sighed, "this wound is what Luo Zheng left me. He almost split his stomach. How can I be suppressed by a man who is old and whose combat power has declined so much

Chu Yun looked down and saw that the scar on Wang zhanting's abdomen was really frightening, about half a meter long, just like a centipede.

"And the final result, did we win?"

This is a problem that Chu Yun is very concerned about. The Terran alliance is absolutely no worse than the demon clan in terms of cards. Of course, the premise is that all the families abandon their prejudices and join hands.

"Not winning, not losing."

Wang zhanting sighed. He was obviously upset about it.

It's worth pondering why human beings are obviously stronger, but they have failed to win the demon race for many times.

"There's nothing to worry about."

Chu Yun's face was full of Indifference: "I was even with the demon clan because I was not here. Now I am back. In addition, the Tang clan has two more pinnacles of feathering. The demon clan will fight us with its head? "

Wang zhanting laughed: "after the last war, Luo Zheng took the initiative to invite many giants of the human race to discuss together."

"Consultation, either you die or I live. What is there to discuss?"

Chu Yun sneers. The human race and the demon race compete for survival. They all hate to kill each other. There is no room for negotiation at all.

"Luo Zheng means that the demon clan doesn't want to continue the full-scale war with us, so the damage to both sides is too big to accept. So he proposed that each of our two families should send 20 people of similar strength to fight fairly and fairly with each other, and gamble on drying up the land on the mainland! "

Wang zhanting said slowly.


Chu Yun said: "take our land and gamble with us. What a white wolf with empty hands!"

"Wang Qian and Tathagata agreed to the demon clan's proposal on the spot. They are choosing the strong ones in these days..."

Wang zhanting wryly smiled twice, and quite sighed: "although I also feel sorry for the heroes who died in the war on the battlefield, the war can never be without blood and sacrifice!"

After a pause, Wang zhanting then said, "besides, the demon clan is ambitious. They have planned for so many years to counterattack the land too dry. Even if they lose this Taoist convention, will they be willing to let us kill them?"

"That's right. Although the demon clan is stupid, it's not so stupid."

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed and he thought, "Luo Zheng is cunning and cunning, and his mind is very cunning. I think it's their plan to slow down their attack."

"I've always wanted to discuss this with you, but you're not here. It's so easy for me to find."

Wang zhanting was worried: "but Wang Qian and Tathagata don't want to fight anymore. They are more willing to divide the victory and defeat through the Taoist assembly. The Tathagata has even come to me face to face and said that Buddhism is compassionate and can't see so many innocent lives passing away, so they won't continue to participate in the war... "

"It's just people fishing for fame."

Chu Yun disdained a smile: "after several years of famine in Dongzhou, millions of people died of starvation. What was he doing at that time? Now that I know how to be compassionate, go to his old bald ass! "

"Under the joint promotion of them and Luo Zheng, the Daofa conference has already set a date, which will be held in the San Xuefeng three days later. Our central region has been in an awkward dilemma. If we don't participate, they will occupy the moral commanding point, attack us as much as they can, and count us as the sinners of the Taiqian continent. But if they participate, it means their threat works. I can't swallow it! "

Wang zhanting is gritting his teeth. He is the oldest of several emperors. He should have abdicated decades ago.

Just because of Wang Sidi's willfulness, Wang zhanting can only continue to bite his teeth.

Now Chu Yun sits in the position of Emperor Yu. He can rest normally, but he can't stop.

"Grandpa, you don't have to swallow it."

Chu Yun smiled quietly, his brows returned to their former demeanor, and his eyes looked up like kings: "Tathagata and Wang Qian thought that they had grasped our life gate and wanted to intimidate us to comply. In fact, what are they? I really think we can't do without him. "

"Chu Yun, you mean..."

Wang zhanting has to admit that many times he has to rely on Chu Yun to make a decision.

"Now that they have counseled us, we will fight for ourselves!"

Chu Yun's eyes twinkled and said: "Grandpa, don't underestimate the strength of our central region now. Even without Dongzhou or Nanhai, we can defeat the demon clan!"

Wang Zhanzheng took a breath of cool air and was a little shocked: "chuyun, do you mean Tangshan River and Tang Baichuan?"

Both of them are the top powers in the new era. After Wang zhanting, there are three pinnacles in the Middle Kingdom.

In addition, the real dragon 3000, the sky demon king Mutu, dozens of strong cloud.

If the old domain emperor comes out of the mountain again, it will be stronger!

Even if there is no Tathagata and Wang Qian, the present card face of the Middle Kingdom is no worse than that of the demon clan.

Wang zhanting's pupil shrank. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun's courage was so great. He dared to fight against the demon clan only by virtue of the influence of the Middle Kingdom.

"Grandpa doesn't need to be too shocked. I know it."

Chu Yun grinned and said to Wang zhanting, "please help me spread the news. Tomorrow, I'll call all the powerful men from the Middle Kingdom to Truman. I have something to announce."

Wang zhanting was silent for a while, and finally nodded heavily: "Chu Yun, you are the emperor of the region, and the emperor of the region is printed in your hands, and your order is the imperial edict."

He flashed a decisive look in his eyes and said: "we, Youying mountain, will support your decision unconditionally! If I need my grandfather to come out of the mountain, I will tell him about it myself. "

"You don't need to kill chickens with ox knives. You don't need ancestors to come out of the mountain."

Chu Yun waved his hand and said, "they will hold a Dharma meeting in shengxuefeng in three days. Then we will kill them directly and wipe out the demon clan in one breath."

When he spoke, Chu Yun's eyes were shining and his ambition was in his chest.

At this age, there is such boldness, which is really unprecedented.

After seeing off Wang zhanting, Chu Yun went to find Mutu.

"What's the matter?"

Mutu yawned feebly. He was so consumed in the abyss that he couldn't wait to have a rest when he came back.

"I don't want your red crystal. If it's not enough, there's another one here."

Chu Yun touched a small red crystal, which he bought from Qin Bai: "I ask you, can you restore your strength to the peak within three days?"

As soon as Mutu came down, he rubbed his hands and said: "in three days, it's hard to recover."

He said this in order to continue bargaining with Chu Yun.

"That's all."

Chu Yun's face was cold. At this time, Mutu dared to play tricks on himself.

"Yes, I can!"

Mutu was in a hurry and reached for it.

Red Lingjing is in front of us. We can't help it.

"Three days later, it's the day when we fight against the demon clan!"

After Chu Yun left this sentence, he turned around to prepare for it.

Mutu holds two red crystal in his hand, and his eyes are very excited: "I can't deal with the four masters of the abyss continent, but I can't deal with you, the demon cubs. Three days later, the king comes back, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


At noon tomorrow, all the powerful people in the central region will gather in Chumen.

The news spread all over the central region in a blink of an eye. Countless families and families could not help but feel excited.

Yuhuang, are you ready to move?

Since the last time Chu Yundang leveled the Xiao family, Yu family and 13 families, his reputation has spread all over the central region, and all people are afraid and respectful of him.

How terrible are the two clans that have been passed down for more than two thousand years?

No one can be unconvinced that Chu Yun is the king of the region.

For a while, countless powerful people swarmed to Truman, including the head of a family, the recluse in the mountains and forests, the battle generals with long experience, and some super large patriarchs.

Chumen, the only main dragon in Taiqian, symbolizes the place of supreme power.

It's not until noon, many of the strong have almost arrived.

All the strong are standing in front of the silent spirit mountain, looking up at the main peak surrounded by clouds.

They are waiting for the arrival of noon and the appearance of the emperor.

It's noon.

On the main peak, a figure appeared, like an ape in a mountain stream, which was very flexible and twinkling.

When the figure stood, they found that it was really a monkey.

The great sage stood on the hillside and shouted in a middle voice: "please give me the imperial seal!"

Hearing this, all the strong stood in silence.

Chu Yun's face was expressionless, and he stepped into the air with a black seal in his hand.

That black mark is not impressive, it is not a spirit soldier, and there is no spirit wave.

However, it was the right seal forged by the treasures offered by all forces in the central region, symbolizing the supremacy of the emperor.

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