Jiao was curious about what she could do to help her and asked, "what's the matter?

"Can you make some more sachets for me? "Xue chengkai asked her to make sachets for him, but how could she? It was all made by her sister. So she had to come here and ask her sister for help.

"Of course! What does sister want so many sachets for? "

" just want to see someone off! Sister, can you make it for me these two days? "

Ah Jiao laughed and said," OK, you can pick it up tomorrow! "

the next day, Xue chengkai came back from the school and came to the Chaifang unconsciously. He sneaked in to see what Gillian was doing.

He looked around and found her in the flower field not far away. Since she came here, the flowers here have been taken good care of and they are blooming well.

She turned her back to him and was absorbed in something. He approached quietly to see what had happened. He was getting closer and closer, when he was close to himself, Ah Jiao suddenly turned around and punctured a silver needle on his neck. He couldn't move for a moment.

Ah Jiao found out that it was Xue chengkai who came here. She had already heard the small footsteps and thought it was the servants who came to her trouble again. She carefully studied the use of silver needles last night, but she did not expect that the first needle was used on Xue chengkai's body.

"Damn it! How dare you prick me with a silver needle? You're taking revenge on me, aren't you? "He won't move this time.

"I'm sorry, general. I don't know it's all you. I think it's those You secretly hide behind me, I'm just defending myself! "She explained.

"Now you see it's me. Please pull out the needle!" He yelled at him.

Ah Jiao didn't do as he said. She didn't think about whether she could pull out the silver needle. If he teased her again today, what would she do? It can't move like this. At least it's safer.

"Pull it out! What do you think? "

She stepped back a few steps. "What's the general doing here today?"

"I am the owner of the green bamboo house. Do I need a reason to go there? Do you need to inform this servant? " This woman has a lot of problems.

"The general is going to play a trick on the slaves? If so, I dare not pull out the silver needle She said to him.

"You How dare you He's going to be pissed off by the woman in front of him.

"Don't be impatient, general. I'll ask someone to pull out the needle for you! You won't wait long. "She's packing up her sewing basket on the floor and is about to leave. But before she opened her legs, she was caught by Xuecheng.

He even untied the acupuncture point of silver needle by himself!

"Do you think this silver needle can trap me? "She clasped her with her backhand and trapped her in her chest." I'm so contemptuous of you that you've learned how to use the silver needle so quickly! But you're using the wrong place

"General, I just use it to defend myself as you say!"

"What are you doing?" He saw some sachets in the basket lying on the ground. "Are you making sachets?"

"Yes, general!"

He picked up one and asked, and it was the familiar fragrance, "are you doing all this? This is for me

She even said: "this is done by the maid for others. If the general wants it, I will send it to you later. This sachet can't be given to you now. " She promised her sister that it would be ready for her. He could not take the sachet away.

"Who do you do it for? Men or women? " Are not sachets gifts between men and women? Is it that she already has the right person?

"Ah Mei, the maid's sister. She wanted some sachets and asked me to make them for her. " She answered honestly.

Xue chengkai listened, but thought for a moment. If he remembered correctly, he had told Ah Mei to make some sachets for him yesterday. And these sachets made by Ajiao are for Amy. Is it the sachet Ah Mei is going to give her?

She looked at him suspiciously. Xue Cheng opened his mind and happened to see her a pair of smart eyes. The eyes were too familiar, but he couldn't remember when he had seen them. At this time, the smell of the sachet reached his nose, and he suddenly remembered that these eyes seemed to be the eyes of the maid who had given medicine for her that night.

But isn't that a Mei? She has admitted it! But Amy's eyes were not like those of that night. He thought of the sachets Ejiao was making, and an idea flashed in his head.

He suddenly covered her nose and mouth, showing only her eyes. At this time, he had the answer in mind.

"You are the maid that night," he asked

She was stunned for a moment, thought of what he said, and immediately covered up: "the general has made a mistake!

"You know what night I'm talking about? Why are you so anxious to deny it? " He was more suspicious of her reaction.

"I..." She seems to be in a hurry.

"It was you who healed my blood that night?" He asked again.

"I don't know what the general is talking about!" She still denies it.

"So you are the maid, and your sister is! "He said.When she heard about his sister, she immediately looked up at him and said, "my sister?"

"Your sister has admitted to me that she was the maid who healed my wounds that night."

She immediately understood that it was no wonder that her sister was suddenly given special treatment by the general, which should have something to do with it. In that case, why didn't she follow her sister's advice.

"Is it? Since my sister has saved the general, please take care of her more! " Maybe that's what my sister wants.

"He saved me, and I will reward her. She stole a lot of herbal medicine in the pharmacy. You say, should I punish her? " He wanted to get the truth out of it. It was simple.

"No! She saved the general. Can't the general be merciful? " She didn't expect him to be so harsh.

"The law is unfeeling, and rewards and punishments are clear. This is always the case with my general! I've already been rewarded. It's time to punish! " He secretly observed her expression. She rubbed her hands anxiously.

"What's more, she had the courage to leave general Ben and go first that night! So it's got to be punished! "

When she heard this, she immediately knelt down: "general, that maid that night was me, not my sister! It's me who stole the medicine. It's me who left the general first. It has nothing to do with my sister! "She can't let her sister take the blame for her."

"But you just said it wasn't you? Are you trying to take the blame for your sister? " He must force her to tell the truth.

"No, general, that night was indeed a servant! The general can ask, and the maid knows all the details of what happened that night. " She wanted him to believe in herself anyway.

Xue chengkai couldn't understand the woman in front of her. She didn't admit it at first. She could have asked for a reward, but she gave it to her sister. But as soon as she mentioned punishment, she was busy admitting that she was afraid of cutting her sister's hand.

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