This woman is so stupid! She protects her sister, but does she know that her sister doesn't care about her at all. He never believed in any false brotherhood, as he and his brother Xue Beiwang did. If he is right, Ah Mei's mind is not only to be a servant girl, for this purpose, she will not care about her sister's life and death!

This is the reality of this world. No one wants to be a slave all his life, live under the eaves of others, act according to the face of others, be submissive, and live precariously. If you want to get what you want, you must have ambition and planning. The winner is the king. This is the eternal truth. Men have men's battlefields, so do women. But the woman standing in front of him obviously did not have this consciousness. At this point, she is far from her sister.

Suddenly, he wanted to make a bloody cut in front of her to let her see the fact clearly. So he pushed her to the ground: "how dare you two sisters lie and tease general Ben! No matter who the maid was that night, you and your sisters will be punished. Each of you will cut off one hand! "

she knelt at his feet again:" that night, it was really the medicine stolen by the maidservant, it had nothing to do with my sister! She has no intention of deceiving the general

"Hum!" He snorted, "don't you mean to cheat me? I think she was trying to get some benefits by saving me. I was really confused by her. I'll let her know what it's like to cheat general Ben! "

"Don't be angry, the general. It's all because of the slaves. As long as the general is happy, the slaves are willing to cut off their hands. Please don't punish Amy She fell on the ground and begged him.

"Green forest!" He yelled outside, and the green forest appeared immediately.

"Put her in the green willow house!"

Qinglin listened to Leng for a moment: "general is to say green willow house?" Isn't that where the future general's wife lives? Why did the general keep this prisoner here?

"Don't you understand?"

Qinglin didn't dare to ask more. She was ordered to take Jiao out.

And now, he will teach the evil servant a good lesson. When he came to Amy's house, he heard someone talking in the room. He didn't rush in and stopped outside the door.

In the room are Mei and Mingjuan. Since the last time the matter of medicine, the two people even slowly came together in collusion. They use each other and get along well.

"Ah Mei, the general has treated you very well recently. It seems that the lovesickness prescription that night worked?" How does Mingjuan know what happened that night? She just thinks Ah Mei is in favor.

"Don't talk about the Acacia recipe. You know it almost killed me. Fortunately, my sister took the blame for me, otherwise I would suffer in the wood room even if I didn't die! " She was frightened at the thought.

"What? You're not in the general's bed? " Mingjuan does not believe that the Acacia prescription is so powerful that she does not believe that any man can resist it, especially in front of a beautiful woman like Mei.

"It was useful at first, but I don't know why the general suddenly woke up and became angry. I was nearly killed by the board! Later, it was the elder sister who admitted the matter of dispensing the medicine, and then it was over. "

Mingjuan was very surprised: "I can't imagine that you two sisters are really sisters. But now you are popular here, and you have someone to serve you. But she suffered in the firewood room. Can she be willing? Are you not afraid that she will tell the truth? "

Ah Mei laughed triumphantly: "my silly sister has always been one track minded since childhood. My mother and father asked her to take care of me and my brother. She will take this as a mission of her life to complete, for fear that we will be hurt a little. Just entered the mansion, she escaped with our brothers and sisters, but my younger brother and I were caught back. She came back for us. She could escape from Chu Yan and never be a slave again, but she came back. From this point of view, even if she is dead, she will save me and my brother. "

"So you really have a good sister. But you don't feel guilty at all. After all, she suffered in the firewood room for you. I heard that she was bullied by many people in Chaifang! " These people were sent by her cousin Xue Da, but they were all cut off by the general yesterday.

Thinking of this, she said to Ah Mei: I also heard that the general went to see her yesterday, because he saw that some servants were bullying her, so they had their hands cut off. Do you know that? "

Ah Mei was obviously surprised:" what? The general went to see her? "He went to the wood house for her sake?

"Mei, listen to me. Your sister is not as simple as you think. How long has it been since I played chess instead of you to gain the general's favor, and then I took the initiative to take care of the wounded general, and even if she was driven to the firewood room, she could still hook the general over. Her charm may have surpassed yours. Maybe all this is just her hard work. She will take the place of you and even all the women who want to stay with the general! "Mingjuan and Ajiao have been married for a long time, and in her opinion, it is Ajiao who is really difficult to deal with.

"No way! She's so ordinary that the general can't take a fancy to her. Moreover, the general has regarded me as her savior. With this relationship, I don't believe that the general will not accept me! "She thought about the sachet. Now the general has decided that she is the one who saved him. As long as the elder sister doesn't say anythingShe was a little flustered when she thought of this. Since the general had some affection for his sister, it would be more difficult for him to win the general's heart if he knew that his sister was not her.

Mingjuan was puzzled: "help the benefactor? What do you mean by that? "

Ah Mei didn't want to let Mingjuan know about it, so she was anxious to find her sister and ask her to keep it a secret, so she said anxiously," no it 's nothing! If there's nothing wrong with my sister, I'll excuse you first! "She opened the door and ran out.

And Xue chengkai hides outside the door and hears all their conversation. Next, he wants to let the woman lie down.

Mei came to the wood room panting, but found no one. She saw that Qinglin came over, so she took him and asked, "where is my sister Ah Jiao? "

Qinglin replied," general, Ah Jiao has gone to lvliuju! "

" green willow house? " Ah Mei exclaimed, my God, how could my sister go to the green willow house? Who knows? The green willow house was designated as the residence of the future general's wife from the beginning of its construction. Now the wife is not married, and it is empty all the time. What does the general mean by sending her sister?

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