She tried several times, but couldn't untie the rope around his hands. She looked around and suddenly found a broken bowl not far away. She stretched out her feet to reach it, then held the bowl between her feet and gently broke it. She moved slowly until her hand got the bowl. She was holding a bowl, struggling against the thick rope. She could not see, and worried that the bowl would hurt Xue Cheng's wrist, so she could only rub her wrist as much as possible.

She didn't know how long she rubbed, and her wrists were all bruised. Finally, the rope broke. She and Xue chengkai finally succeeded in untiing. She quickly went to the side of Xue Beiwang and Chu River heart to untie.

She slapped Xue chengkai's face: "general! Wake up, general

It took a long time, but there was no response. It seems like Xue Beiwang said that he used his work and the toxicity has spread all over the body. She could only take out the silver needle and try to poison him. She has seen it in medical books. Although she has not tried it, she can only give it a try now.

She picked up the silver needle and put it at several points of his body. She gently twists the silver needle. After a while, Xue chengkai really has an intuition. His face showed a painful application, and then a mouthful of black blood gushed from his mouth.

Ah Jiao was glad that the silver needle seemed to work. She continued to give the needle, Xue chengkai vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and then slowly became conscious, and her eyes opened.

He felt his heavy head and saw that he was lying in Gillian's arms and asked, "where are we?"

Seeing that he finally woke up, Ah Jiao happily took out the handkerchief in her arms to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth and said, "general, we have been poisoned by villains, and now they have been locked into the demolition of the inn. There's a handle at the door now. We can't make too much noise

Xue Cheng opened a lot, sat up, and asked, "are you detoxifying me?"

She nodded. "It was the silver needle the general gave me that came in handy."

He suddenly saw that her wrists were bloody. He took her hand and asked, "your hand?"

She looked at it. "It may have been hurt when you just untied the rope. It's OK! General, think about how we can get out of here

Xue chengkai immediately tore off a corner of her dress and wrapped her wrist neatly. After wrapping it up, he looked at Xue chengkai and Chu Jiangxin, who were still in a daze. "Now we should wake them up first!"

"That's easy to do!" Ah Jiao took out the silver needle again and pricked him two times. Soon, they were as conscious as Xue chengkai.

"Brother Xue!" When Chu Jiangxin woke up, he saw that they were locked up in the dilapidated firewood room, and immediately began to cry.

"Hush! There's someone out there, everybody have to be quiet! " Xue chengkai reminds everyone.

Xue Beiwang recovered and said calmly, "it seems that those people in the bamboo forest are still haunting! Who are these people? Are they really the remaining evils of Lingxi? "

After hearing this, Xue chengkai was stunned and immediately said, "it's too early to assert now. No matter who it is, we have to find a way to get out. And the most important thing for us is to ensure the safety of the princess! "

If Chu Jiangxin is killed on the way, the emperor must severely punish the Xue family, which they can't afford.

At this time, outside the door came several people's voice, intermittent, sometimes high and low. Xue chengkai signaled everyone to be quiet, and then he went to the door to listen to their conversation.

The voices outside immediately became clearer.

"You said that our leader's capture of the princess of Chu Yan is not to be a lady of the stronghold?"

"You're just talking nonsense! It is of great use for the leader to catch the princess. He wants to negotiate with the emperor of Chu Yan. We, the enslaved Lingxi, have been hiding in the bamboo grove for nearly 30 years. We have endured humiliation and lived in disgrace. We are not waiting for the day when we can turn over! "

"That's true, but you can turn over just by catching a princess? Isn't it too whimsical. At that time, the emperor of Chu Yan will have us all in one pot again. We will have nothing to eat for all the hardships we have suffered from so many years of hard work and bravery! "

"Do not let the leaders hear these words. Naturally, he did so with his intention and arrangement. We will act according to the requirements and take good care of the four of them. When the leader comes tomorrow, he will be punished. "

"Yes, yes, they were poisoned by us, but they couldn't fly away with their wings! If it's really useless, kill them all

Hearing this, Xue chengkai probably knew the general situation of the matter. He had an idea immediately. He and Xue Beiwang whispered a few words, Xue Beiwang nodded and reached a tacit understanding.

He said to Ajiao: "no matter what happens later, you just protect the princess!"

"Yes! Yes, my servant! "She held the heart of Chu River tightly.

Xue chengkai deliberately threw the stones in his hands on the ground. Sure enough, several people outside the door heard the noise coming out of the firewood room and rushed in immediately. Just at the moment when he came in, Xue chengkai and Xue Beiwang played the prepared stones together. After a few simple strokes, several people fell down and lost consciousness.

They immediately closed the door, Xue chengkai stripped all the clothes of the man in black lying on the ground, and then threw them to Xue Beiwang and Ah Jiao."Everybody change it!"

They quickly took off their coats, put on their black clothes and disguised themselves as their own.

Xue chengkai said: "I and Wang Di are in front, and you are following behind. It was late and we took the opportunity to get out. My brother and I can't confront them because of the unclear toxicity. Remember, always be calm, you two, just follow. Jiao, if you encounter any problems, you just run for your life with the princess! Do you know? "

"Well!" Gillian nodded, Chu River heart also obediently nodded, tightly grasped Gillian's hand.

Xue Beiwang thought for a moment, "I remember walking ten miles ahead is the checkpoint of Chu Yan shede. As long as we can get anywhere, we'll be safe. So if something happens, you two will run to the northwest checkpoint. "

After planning the escape plan, they opened the door and went out. I was about to walk out of the inn. Just then, a man in black suddenly stopped them.

"Where are you going so late?" Asked the man in black.

The four of them did not dare to turn back. Xue Cheng replied, "we want to go out conveniently."

"Convenient? Four together? " The man in black asked.

"Yes! I can't hold it any longer! " Xue Beiwang added.

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