The four of them went on, and the man in Black said, "wait! Turn around! How can your voice sound a little strange! "The man in black is suspicious.

How could they turn around and see that the man in black was about to come. Xue chengkai took out another stone and flicked it gently. The man in black fell to the ground.

However, the man in black had already seen their appearance, so he fell on the ground and cried out: "come on! They're running away! Come on

Xue chengkai pushed away Ah Jiao: "you run! Northwest! Let's meet at the checkpoint

"General! What are you going to do? " Ah Jiao is worried. She clearly remembers that they can't use their skills. If they fight later, how can they be opponents!

"Don't worry about it! Remember, you must protect the princess He believed that with Ajiao's intelligence and courage, she could do it.

Ah Jiao can only nod her head vigorously, "general rest assured, Ah Jiao will do it!" She said, grabbing the heart of Chu River and running away. At this time, more than a dozen men in black gathered around, and Xue chengkai drank, and Xue Beiwang stopped them, fighting for time to escape for a Jiao. The two brothers can only work together to get rid of these people.

A Jiao pulls Chu River heart to run desperately, she only recognizes the northwest direction, the head also does not return to run. Chu River heart which with her pace, on the way one after another fell several times.

"Ah Jiao, I really can't run! Let's have a rest She fell to the ground again and didn't want to get up again.

"Princess, there is still at most two miles to the checkpoint of Chu Yan. Then we will be safe. Now we can't stop to rest!" It's dark here. If the gangsters catch up with them, they will not become turtles in a jar? She must not let the gang take them again.

But Chu River heart really did not have any strength, "do not run! This princess really can't run. We've run so far that they can't catch up! Let's have a rest first and wait for brother Xue and them by the way. "

Jiao had no choice but to agree. She helped Chu Jiangxin to sit down. She felt uneasy. She didn't know whether Xue chengkai and his wife could retreat.

Just then, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and suddenly two men in black came out. They stood up in terror.

But the two men seized her two and said, "look where you are going! I can't see you can run, but now you can't escape! "

She was held tightly by two men in black. Their hungry strength was not worth mentioning in front of them. Ah Jiao couldn't get rid of her struggle. She can't be caught with her hands down. So she bit hard at the hand of the man in black, and the man in black immediately cried out and let go of his hand.

Jiao quickly picked up a silver needle in his thigh, he immediately collapsed on the ground. Ah Jiao picked up the silver needle again to tie the shackles of the big man in the heart of Chu River. The man let go of his hand, and Chu Jiang was saved.

"Stinky girl, you come here again. What kind of magic are you?" The big man saw his companion fall to the ground for no reason, and his heart was afraid.

Ah Jiao said to the Chu River heart behind her: "run quickly, princess. Run down this road, don't stop."

"Ah Jiao, I'm afraid!"

"Run! I'll stay and hold them down She cried.

Chu River heart scared silly, at this time the function listen to her. She ran away. That big man wants to chase, but is stopped by Jiao.

"Get out of my way, you stinky girl! You know better. I'll let you live. Run for your life. If you dare to get in the way here, I will not spare you! "

"I won't let you pass! You'd better give me some sense. Did you see his end? If you dare to come here, it will be worse than him! " She scared him on purpose.

At this time, the people on the ground suddenly howled and said, "quick, you come and pull out the silver needle from my leg! The girl can't move with this needle

Hearing this, the big man immediately came to pull out the tiny silver needle. The big man on the ground immediately recovered his ability to move. "Fifth, don't panic. It's not a magic trick. She pricked it with a silver needle. I can't move. This stinky girl

"Old four, you are OK! I was almost bluffing by the girl. I'll see how I can deal with her The man in black, the fifth man in black, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Ajiao. He reached out and caught her.

"You let me go! Let me go if you don't want to die Ah Jiao said and took out a silver needle, but this old five is not a vegetarian. She took the silver needle away and quickly took away the silver needle box hidden in her sleeve.

"Ha ha, what else do you have! Fourth, quickly take a rope to tie her up, we can't waste time on her, let the real princess run away again Old five is still sober, remind the old four on one side.

Seeing the old four obediently take out the thick rope from the pocket, Ah Jiao is quick and witty, facing the crotch of old five is a cruel foot. Old five cried out in pain and let go of Ah Jiao. She took the opportunity to escape.

The fourth slave stupid came to see the situation of old five, and was scolded by the fifth: "don't chase him quickly! If you can't catch the princess, you should at least catch a servant girl and go back to work! Otherwise, we will be in bad luckOld four and flustered chase after a Jiao and go, after all, he is a training family son, soon put a Jiao to the ground, "old five, old five, come! She can't run

Laowu stood up and came over with a curse: "his grandmother, how dare you hurt my life! I think you are tired of living! " He went to a Jiao in front of, a slap in the face of Jiao.

"Tell me, where did your princess escape? I tell you, you can't escape any of you. Although the two men have some Kung Fu, they can't use their Kung Fu after being poisoned. As long as you tell me where the princess escaped, I can think about saving your life! Or you will die today. "

A Jiao guessed that the two men must catch the princess. Now that Xue Cheng is drinking, Xue Bei Wang is not sure. She must try her best to hold them down and let the princess escape to the checkpoint set by Chu Yan. She calculated that, according to the speed of the princess, it was about time for another stick of incense. So she said, "don't waste your efforts. The princess should be rescued by the people who came to rescue her. Now you chase after her. I'm afraid it's hard to protect yourself! It's just that you deserve it

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