Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1145: This is just the beginning

Su Mu knew what these elite leaders were thinking.

This resident city originally belonged to God's Domain, but now it is only God's Domain that has been taken back, and now it is completely destroyed, and it is a prodigal!

Even if the resident city after the fierce artillery bombardment has been riddled with holes, it is a resident city after all, and even the guild sold to the continent now is worth at least 100 million!

And Su Mu was destroyed like this?

Su Mu laughed and asked, "Is this a prodigal? No reason?"

At this time, Luo Li nodded and said: "Brother Su, although this is very cool to do, he also slaps Qin State, but after all, this resident city was defeated by us. It was the efforts of the big guy... doing this..."

Su Mu suddenly turned his head to look at the Hall of the Gods and the elite members and shouted: "Today! I am not doing this to fight Qin! I am giving you a warning! My God's Domain! Losing without defeat! My God's Domain! From today Start, do not lose, undefeated! Before I have summoned the Pavilion of the Gods, I allow God’s Domain to fail, and I allow God’s Domain to frustrate! But now! The Shadow Kill Order will be issued, and the God’s Domain at this time will not be the God’s Domain of yesterday! I will not only burn After dropping the No. 8 Resident City, I also want to tell you that in the future, whenever the Resident City of God's Domain is taken down, I will destroy it!!"

Everyone is shocked!

At this time, all the people realized that Su Mu is the shadow of God, and today’s Huaxia Region Summoning, almost all the people who originally returned to Huaxia from the pavilions of the gods have come, then it means that the realm of God at this time is It's the peak period, if this time still fails as before, it will not be God's Domain! Not the team of the shadow of God!

Xia Feng looked at Su Mu excitedly and said: "Haha! Isn't it a resident city? I will apply for one in minutes!"

Su Mu turned around and said, "Disband!"

The crowd began to dissolve, and the people in the Hall of the Gods were more excited and happier than the others.

Won the State of Qin and destroyed the resident city.

This kind of thing is unique in China!

At this time, Kuanglan walked to Luo Li's side with a smile, and then took her as he walked and said, "Do you still not understand why he did it?"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Although it is said that, there is no need to destroy the resident city that we have worked so hard to defeat. But I don't completely disagree with Brother Su's doing this, it's just a little unexpected."

Kuang Lan laughed and said, "I'll settle the bill for you. Today we won in God's Domain. The equipment dropped on the ground is ours. Do you know the value of these equipment?"

"This is not the reason for the prodigal, right?"

"Hmm, it's not the reason for the prodigal, it's just falling away. Have you ever thought about how many resident cities are there in Zone C in Huangtianzhou District?"

Falling eyes suddenly startled!

This question was too sharp, and she was so clever that she wanted to understand why Su Mu did it in an instant.

She looked at Kuanglan in horror, and Kuanglan nodded with a smile: "Well, this is the shadow of God like a lunatic."

After talking about the storm, he quickly caught up with Su Mu and directly took Su Mu's arm. The white hair leaning on Su Mu's arm looked so dazzling in the crowd, and Su Mu was still shaking his shoulders and wanted to shake off. Kuanglan, but Kuanglan is sticking to Su Mu like maltose, so uncomfortable.

As for Luo Li, the pupils of his eyes became very big. He understood the meaning of Kuang Lan and thought of what the shadow of God would do next.

There are a total of fifteen resident cities in the C area of ​​Huangtianzhou District. This is fixed because the resident cities in the C area are larger than the area of ​​D and E, and they are in the inner circle, so the number is limited.

There are only ten in area B, and similarly, there are only three in area A!

Su Mu destroyed No. 8 in Area C, so according to Kuanglan's intention, Su Mu will clear the entire resident city in Area C!

That's right!

He wants to unify the guilds of the entire Huangtianzhou area, and let all guilds who have the ability to challenge God's Domain without a high-level resident city!

All the resident cities that were defeated were destroyed one after another!

Then the problem comes. The fewer high-level resident cities in Huangtianzhou District, the more valuable they are. In other words, when Su Mu destroys only one resident city in Area C, then the value of this resident city will be more than 15 Together, the seats are more valuable!

The reason why Su Mu did this was that he wanted to dominate the entire Huangtianzhou area! He wants to make Qin, Yanhuang, Zhongxia, and Jiuyu all have no resident cities!

But God's Domain alone occupies all the high-level resident cities! What will happen to Qin and Yanhuang who are the top three in China? Can only watch the Huangtianzhou area become the world of God's Domain!

Only God's Domain can do this method, only the shadow of God can do it, because every victory in a war can get a lot of gold coins and equipment, this is to fight to support the war!

Qin State did not dare to do this, Yan Huang did not dare to do it!

Because they are an established guild, once a war starts, they have to worry about winning or losing and players’ arguments. They are ashamed of playing small guilds, and they can’t guarantee victory in large guilds. Therefore, there are only guilds of God’s Domain that are new types and led by the Shadow of God. Take it all!

He can find an excuse to attack as long as it is a guild within the C area!

Luo Li now had a crazy shock, an incredible surprise.

The legendary shadow of God is indeed a lunatic!

As Luo Li said.

At this time, all the members of the Hall of the Gods were in the conference hall in the No. 6 Resident City of Area B.

Su Mu stood in the first place and said, "What do you think about the next thing?"

Xia Feng stood up and said: "Qin must be prevented from counterattacking, they must not be able to swallow this breath."

"Yes, to prevent Qin from counterattacking."

Su Mu smiled and looked at Luo Li and tearful flowers and said, "What do you think?"

Luo Li was startled, tears were falling and the flowers bloomed. At this time, he glanced at Luo Li and then looked at Su Mu and said, "Defensively, or..."

"Go on."

The bold thoughts in the tears and flowers made him feel a little crazy at this time. He slowly stood up and said: "The best defense is offense, so we can strike while the iron is hot and continue to attack Qin!"

Everyone is shocked!

Su Mu laughed! Kuanglan laughed, the former members of the Pavilion of Gods all smiled.

Then Su Mu nodded and said, "Yes! The best defense is offense. Today, it is just the beginning of God's Domain occupying the Huangtianzhou area!"

"The Hall of Gods Hearing Order!"


All the people stood up with excited smiles, and nearly a hundred people were all excited. The feeling is beyond words, because no one would have thought that Su Mu's plan would be like this after the fierce battle!

This is something they didn't think of or dared to think about it.

But now that Su Mu said that they were not afraid and unexpected, but surprise and excitement!

This is the courage that the shadow of God should have!


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