Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1146: Counterattack won't win

"It's **** scary, I have never seen a guild like this."

"God's Realm has won the Qin State, but it has destroyed the Resident City?"

"Yeah, I heard that it was destroyed with **** pets. It's too **** cruel and too rich."

"Tsk tsk, I don't know what Qin State will feel at this time."

"How can you feel, cry."



In the entire continent, all the discussions are on the two words God's Domain. Almost everywhere, there are discussions and speculations about God's Domain. The No. 8 Resident City in Area C is considered abolished. Although it is under the name of God's Domain, it cannot be used at all. Oh, there is a complete ruin, it is almost impossible to look at it directly, the most important thing is the resident city destroyed by the gods of the gods and muying, this is the most cruel.

Since the pet of God's Domain Muying can destroy a resident city, it means that God's Domain has the ability to take down the Kingdom of Qin with one person, but people disdain to do so, or that God's Muying doesn't want to hurt his pet.

But in any case, God's Domain did this to the State of Qin very much. The players of the entire State of Qin felt like they were being pointed wherever they went. This is the worst thing, and the members of the State of Qin are also waiting. The boss's order, counterattack.

Qin Guo was so frustrated, or humiliated, how could he not react?

It’s just that Qin State did not apply to attack God’s Domain. The resident city in Area B is too difficult to fight. Especially after God’s Domain has recalled so many elite members, Qin will definitely not dare to attack God’s Domain without authorization, and the current State of Qin will probably not be here. Dong Mingkun is in charge, and the old president of Qin State should have appeared. Therefore, the members of Qin State also understand that it is only a matter of time before God's Domain is defeated...

At this time, the poppy stationed in the city.

Longhen, the two innocents sat in the conference hall, and then watched the graceful figure of Somnus walk in slowly. They both stood up and watched Somnus take a seat with a smile before sitting down slowly.

"I don't know what questions the two of my poppies have to ask this time?" Somnus is doing business news, so he naturally understands what Yanhuang people mean by coming here.

Tianzhen and Longhen looked at each other, and the latter said: "We want to know everything about God's Domain."

One sentence changed the atmosphere of the entire hall. The tall man glanced at Somnus, then looked at Dragon Mark and Naive. As expected by Somnus, Yanhuang couldn't bear it.

At this time, somnus is still half a golden peacock mask, half a smile.

She played with a purple bead, a game prop in her hand, and then smiled and asked: "...everything from God's Domain?"

"Yes, everything." Long Hen said.

Regardless of whether Long Shisan gave this order or not, Longhen would come to Poppy and ask everything about God's Domain. After all, this time the incident was too shocking.

From the three continents of China, thirty or forty guilds were instantly summoned to merge. This kind of energy is simply not something a guild just established this year can do.

Therefore, the background of this God's Domain must have great secrets. No matter how much money you spend, you must know the true background of this God's Domain. Otherwise, the Huangtianzhou District will be in the future.

Now Qin State has lost, but who knows whether this God Realm will act on Yanhuang tomorrow?

The most taboo for guilds of their level is to lose in team battles with small guilds. Although the current God’s Domain is no longer a small guild, after all, it is not the new guild that emerged this year. Fight against such a guild. Whether you win or lose, you are adding popularity to the opponent. Needless to say, the income of God's Domain is estimated to have skyrocketed. It will take less than a week for the total number of God's Domain to exceed five million. This is the most terrifying.

Regardless of the rapid growth of the periphery, it is useless. As a senior member of Yanhuang, Longhen is very clear that all elite members are from these periphery members.

Somnus still smiled, then looked at Longhen and said, "Today, you are the third wave of people who come to ask about God's Domain."

"The third wave?"

"The mythical empire and the nine poisonous creatures came to Poppy before you."

Longhen and innocent were startled.

"Twenty million gold coins, Poppy will tell you everything he knows."

Longhen and Naozhen were not surprised. Although the 20 million gold coins are very large, Yanhuang can still afford it. However, they are afraid that the 20 million gold coins are worthless. The 20 million is for Yanhuang. It is said that although it is not up to the point of injury, it will also hinder the development in the continent...

However, the order Long Shisan gave them was to know everything about God's Domain at all costs.

Therefore, Longhen can only report to Long Shisan, but the news from Long Shisan is for!

somnus smiled and said: "First of all, God's Domain is a new guild, which can be said to be China's biggest dark horse this year. Secondly, God's Domain is not as simple as you think. In reality, God's Domain has a very strong network of relationships. , Has a deep relationship with Wenren family and Long family in Kyoto."

Innocent suddenly asked: "Speaking of the Dragon family, how could the dragon have joined the realm of God? These years, the dragon has not participated in any guilds and public activities in China... Is the dragon in Kyoto..."

"That's right, Kyoto Dragon House."

Both were shocked.

And somnus continued: "Except for these real forces in God's Domain, they were preparing for war in the continent long before they came to the continent. So what you are investigating is just some fur. Today, the dozens of guilds in the God's Domain are early Premeditated."

"What was his last game ID?"


"God's Domain Muying."

somnus smiled slightly and stood up: "No comment."

Longhen and Innocence were startled, no comment? What does it mean? Can twenty million gold coins be exchanged for these four words? All the useful information is the most valuable question. She actually said she didn’t know?

However, Somnus never revealed that Su Mu was the shadow of God. She had her own plan, and Somnus did not dare to offend Su Mu!

After that, Somnus talked about all the power and strength of God's Domain, and told Longhen that if he fights with God's Domain, it is now. If you wait another two months, the power of God's Domain will be equal to Yanhuang!

After half an hour, Longhen stood up, and then walked towards the door of the hall with Tianzhen.

Before leaving, he turned around and looked at Somnus and asked, "Qin Guoguo won't fight back? Can he win?"

Somnus turned his back to the dragon marks and let out a long sigh of relief: "I will counterattack, but I won't win..."

Their expressions are stiff again, won't they win?

They knew that at the beginning, Poppy’s advice to Qin was to defend fully, but it was obvious that Qin’s failure to prepare for the battle led to the loss of the battle of the garrison city, and now Poppy actually said “shocking and sensational” Words come.

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