Slave to the Darkness

110 110 New Cotton Candy Flavours

"Unfortunately, yes. That was my first time seeing them. Was it hard to not go on rides because of the baby?" Yuki hugged Sephira back and the two walked to the cotton candy stand.

"No, the baby was not the only reason. Claude is not really letting me do anything fun." Sephira starts pouting.

"That will pass, I am sure that he is just worried as you are now his mate for life. By turning you into a werewolf he succeeded in marking you as a wolf. Next, he will need to make you with his demon self. I am sure there is a ritual that you need to learn." Yuki thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head. "I am not one hundred percent sure how long I have known Claude but I am sure that I have known him since I was a child. I get faint memories of me calling him big brother." Yuki touches her head.

"Do not push yourself. I do not want you to cause any damage. I should ask Claude how long he has lived for. I think I will ask him the next time all of us are in a vehicle together." Sephira sees the cotton candy stand and sees different new colors hanging up.

Yuki rushes to the counter and looks at the girl, "I forgot to ask for your name last time that I was here. I can't just keep calling the cotton candy girl." Yuki smiles at the girl.

"Oh dear, you startled me again. My name is Rebecca but everyone calls me Becca. I whipped up the other flavours for you. So what color do you think that you want to try first?"

"Becca! Thank you. You must have taken the time out of your studying to make these for us. I will take the red one and then the purple one." Yuki looked over at Sephira.

"Oh, may I also try the red one. I think that it will be tasty so long as it is not watermelon." Sephira made a face that was slightly disgusted.

"Thank you, someone else that does not like the artificial watermelon. It is not watermelon. I do not make that one unless it is a request by someone. I will not make it unless it is for a party and that usually involves small children as they love that flavour. Bubble gum is another that I save for children." Becca reached up and pulled the three bags down and handed them to the girls.

"Thank you, Becca. You have worked hard this evening. Before I leave I would like to take two of every flavour of the specialty ones minus watermelon and bubble gum. Both of these flavours do not sound like the ones that I would want to try." Yuki took the bag and started to eat the red cotton candy and she touched her cheeks. "So sweet. Thank you could I trouble you to make the drink that I had earlier but in a different flavour?"

"Sure! I will make it the same way as before. Give me a moment." Becca turned and started to make a red slush puppie with extra sour squirts. She handed the drink over and looked at Sephira, "would you like something to drink as well?"

"Oh, do you have apple juice? I am trying to not have too much junk." Sephira touched her belly blushing.

Becca went to the cooler and pulled out water and apple juice. "Here you go. I know that you did not ask for the water but if you are thirsty then this might help you. Congratulations. Also, I saw the fireworks. That is seriously romantic. So which of those two guys proposed?"

Cedric saw Yuki eating cotton candy and smiled. "It seems that I was worried for nothing. I still do not like that someone is trying to do something at a private getaway. I want them to die a very slow and painful death. Do you think that it could be the work of a sniper?"

Claude looked at Sepphira's drink choice and chuckled. "I want to say yes but a sniper could spot another sniper. That is why I am allowing her to be near Liliana. If anyone can catch them and get them from where she stands it would be her." Claude smirked and watched Sephira.

Sephira saw a shine out of the corner of her eye and saw that they were aiming for Yuki. She hugged Yuki and leaned over. "Do you think Claude would get mad if I tried your drink it looks tasty."

Yuki held her straw to Sephira, "I don't see an issue with you trying a little bit."

Sephira tried the drink and felt it hit her sweet tooth. "Screw the other drinks. Becca, I will take one of those the same way you made it for Liliana." She looked at Claude and pointed her hand subtly so that the would not notice.

Claude saw the hand movements. "The cat took the bait. Do you see where she is pointing how about you pop in and say hi?"

Cedric looked at Claude and his eyes went pure black again. "Thank you, I will capture this one alive." He disappeared from sight and appeared behind the sniper silently. He walked behind the guy and took the weapon away before he noticed and twisted the weapon behind the guy. Thus making it impossible for him to move. "Are you working alone?"

The man was surprised that his gun was gone and was now wrapped around her torso. "You are a monster. I may be alone here but there are more like me that will come when I do not check-in. Damn that bitch for getting in the way of my perfect shot."

"That is enough out of you for now. Sleep." Cedric covered that guy's eyes and jumped down from the high spot carrying the sleeping body.

Yuki placed her this down and disappeared and appeared next to Cedric. "It seems that there was a mouse that wanted to play. Where did this one come from?"

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