Slave to the Darkness

111 111 Becca Learns a Secre

Cedric sighed before looking at Yuki, "I do not know but I intend to find out."

It is unlike you to let a mouse in. Does that mean that something happened at the house so they decided that I was the target they needed to get?" Yuki took a few steps and the man started freaking out.

"You are a demon and I wanted to at least kill you. She was supposed to have passed years ago and yet she continues to live!" The man locked his eyes on Yuki.

"Is that so? A demon that is precious. I wish I could stay here and enjoy some playtime but I have some snacks that are waiting for me. I will leave this to you, Darling." Yuki waved seductively and popped back and started drinking the slush puppie as if nothing happened.

Cedric chuckled, "It seems that you are familiar with the demons but you are sadly mistaken she is not a demon but I am. As she said we will have plenty of time to torture you and figure out where you came from." Cedric picked him up with one arm and took him to the car that Claude came in and opened the trunk. He placed his hands over the guy's eyes and started to chant. The only word that was heard though was the word and command "sleep".

The guy was trying to fight back the whole time and was going to try and take a pill to kill himself. He had the pill in his hand and when he heard the command sleep the pill dropped from his hand and rolled towards Cedric.

He picked up the pill and then closed the trunk. 'Interesting a lethal pill. He will come in handy. I will have to make the sleep deep just in case he has more of these.' He slipped the pill into his pocket and walked back to the cotton candy stand.

Becca looked at Yuki in shock. "I am sorry for staring but it is not every day that I get to see the supernatural use their powers. Are you allowed to tell me what you are? No, wait that might be too personal."

Yuki started giggling, "you are so cute. I do not mind telling you. Since you are a cutie." Yuki ate some more cotton candy and waited until Cedric was behind her and she stood on her tiptoes and bit into Cedric's neck. She didn't clean her face and looked at Becca then she licked Cedric's wound.

"Oh, I have finally met a vampire! I thought that I wouldn't be able to meet one as I usually do not work the nightshift. I am not typically allowed as I am a human and I am a liability." Becca shook her head, "if it is okay with you I would like to be your friend. I know that you might have a strict schedule but I would like to have at least one friend that is a supernatural."

Cedric sighed, "Sweetie you just created a problem. A devoted human can be a liability." he looked at Becca and then at Sephira.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I am pushing myself into your lives without really thinking about it." Becca stopped talking about what she wanted and looked at Yuki happily.

"Now, now that is not any way to talk to an untrained witch. You and I both can feel the powers from her and I was hoping that we could help her learn. Hmph." Yuki looked away from Cedric.

Sephira chuckled and hugged Yuki, "you know you shouldn't act so cute. I will get jealous that you are attracted to a new supernatural."

"I'm sorry, Sephira. You know that your friendship is very important. By the way did you get the message from Claudia?"

Becca froze and looked at Yuki and Sephira and was confused at the conversation for a moment.

"Since the cat is now out of the bag. I will have to train you myself. I do not have a lot of time and neither do you but I will train you properly. I am a warlock and you carry witches' blood. There must be sometimes you get a feeling that you should or shouldn't do something." Cedric pulled out a business card and handed it over to her.

"I have experienced that in the past, but how could you know about that? I never even told my parents. They act normal and are always at home." Becca looked at Cedric confused.

"There comes a time when one is powerful and there are a lot of warlocks and witches that mingle with humans and never explain what they are. Are you an only child?" Cedric asked his questions and looked up into the sky.

"No, I am actually the youngest of four. None of my siblings show any attributes or at least that I know of." Becca pulled out her phone and showed a picture of the four children and showed it to Cedric.

"Liliana, I heard from her and I am applying to be your bodyguard. A sniper being lowered to the status of seductress and bodyguard for a pampered princess." Sephira says this all sarcastically and bursts into laughter.

Claude walked up and stood behind Sephira. "I will not restrict your diet. Being a werewolf you will metabolize everything and won't gain weight easily."

Yuki giggles along with Sephira. She then skips back to Cedric and Becca and looks at the picture. "All three are human. It is unusual for you to come out to be the only witch. Can I see a picture of your parents?"

Becca scrolled and showed her parents. "So I am the only unique one. That is a bit surprising."

Cedric nodded and hugged Yuki, "When you come over do not be surprised if this one looks different. She is in a changed state but when she is at hope she is in her natural state."

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