Slave to the Darkness

116 116 When Yuki was a Slave

Cedric followed and grabbed the tiara. "Yuki knows what these are for now. So you do not need to be hush, hush about it anymore. I gave her that memory back. You must have known about that seeing how you did not act surprised."

"I knew from the moment that we went to the manor. I was surprised that we were going there but it all clicked once we went there. I smiled a little inside. I didn't want you to think I was a spy in the beginning." Royce placed the crown on the loveseat.

Cedric brought the tiara to Yuki. "At that time I would've thought that but I know you better than that and my mind was clouded at that time. I am willing to bet that you heard Yuki's request so go ahead and get everything done."

"I am off Missus and Master. Be safe until I arrive back home." Royce bowed and left the building.

Cedric pulled out his phone and called Claude. "Sephira is on the ferris wheel and Royce is on his way to collect the winnings as well as the cotton candy. You can hand over the live ones. After everything is sorted out you two are free to continue the date. Let Sephira know that I am not mad at her and to report what happened to me in the morning."

"No worries. We will stay here, relax, and play some more games. Take care of Yuki. Also, Becca is going to lose her shit. So I will tell her that there was an emergency. That girl got attached to Yuki." Claude threw his cigar on the ground and went towards the ferris wheel.

"Yuki wrote a note to Becca. Yuki has the ability to draw people in whether or not she knows it. Royce just left so I suspect that it will take him about twenty minutes to get there." Cedric sat down and pushed the glass case to Yuki.

"Alright. Do you need me at the house tonight?" Claude thought about the prisoners.

"Ah, I wish I could say no but I can use you when the date is over. I might need some sleep in the morning. It has been a long last few days. Yuki is next to me so I will let you go and spend my night with her." He hung up his phone and tossed it to the side.

"It would be good if you just give them a room here. That way both of them can stay close and Claudia is going to expect reports." Yuki feels a mild ache in the back of her head. She touches her forehead and then touches the glass on the case.

Cedric notices Yuki's reaction so he cups her cheeks with his hands and kisses her face. "I think I know what the cause is now. Do not think of that woman but you are correct. I will need to give the wolves a room away from us. I do not need them interfering when things get heated up. Then again I can set up a barrier so that they will not be able to enter the room." He lets her face go once he sees that pain in her eyes eases off.

"I will do as you say. So how do I open the case?" Yuki picked up the glass box and looked at Cedric with sparkling eyes.

"With your blood." Cedric handed his knife over to her, "Slice the palm of your hand and place it on the top."

Yuki took the knife and did as he had instructed. The glass case crumbled as if it was never there in the first place. Yuki passed the tiara to Cedric.

Cedric took the tiara and placed it on her head. "It looks very lovely on you. It excites me." Cedric took her hand and licked off the remaining blood off her hand.

Yuki giggled and smiled, "we won't be opening yours at this time won't we?"

"Not yet but soon. I want to go through the ceremony soon. I will set up everything but tomorrow only one memory and not when you first wake up." Cedric looked at the tiara on her head and smiled sweetly.

"I understand. I will not ask you to give me the vial when I wake up and when I drink your blood I will be careful that I do not read the blood memories. I do not want to fall victim to another headache? Is that what that is called?" Yuki looks at Cedric curiously.

"Yes, it is very similar. That is why I worry. It is not something that is normal for you to feel. You are not supposed to be susceptible to human issues. Vampires are really only supposed to suffer from not getting enough blood. I worry because you were on a restricted diet and I know they did that to you on purpose but did you by any chance kill one of the workers there by mistake?" Cedric had been thinking about this for a little while.

"Did I kill someone when I was held captive as a slave?" Yuki looks at Cedric and thinks for a moment. "I killed five people. The first was my male roommate. He tried to lay his hands on me so I drained him dry. The second person came up behind me and tried to stab me with a flimsy butter knife not once but three separate times. I killed her and drank her blood. After that I was locked in a solitary room which suited me just fine." Yuki was thinking back at the time with the slaves.

"What about the other three?" Cedric pushed her on about her somewhat dark past.

"Oh they were the ones that did not listen to the Master there and entered my room. I killed them on separate occasions. Each one thought that the Master there was being selfish but no he wasn't and he told them that for their own good. I spent a good fifty years with them. Or at least I think it was that long." Yuki thought about something else. "I switched places a few times and had seen a few different Master's so it is hard to say how long I was with them. The last one knew what I was though. There was a rare time that he gave me another Slave to "eat" but that is not a case of me killing someone that I wasn't supposed to. The sick die the strong live."

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