Slave to the Darkness

117 117 No Baby

"That was not within your control but I am glad that they gave you some blood even if it was not all the time. You are a vampire and I am sure that John knew what you were. He called me and told me that he had a rare creature that would interest me. I was looking for a supernatural to help relieve myself. Little did I know that I would get my dream girl. I am sorry that I was so rough on you for the first time." Cedric looked at her wearing her crown.

"Ah, that is in the past and you have our entire lives to work out everything so I really do not mind." Yuki reached over and touched his cheek. "I do wonder, now that this is broken out of the glass will the other vampires be coming around?"

"So long as the two crowns stay in this house there will be no issues. I have a barrier up but I was told that when you remembered the first part of the memory, we were to come back so that you could unlock that box." Cedric lifted the tiara off her head and placed it to the side.

"Thank you for everything." Yuki smiled and placed her head on his chest.

Cedric placed the tiara down and patted her head. "I feel like I'm growing soft but only towards you. Does that make sense to you?"

"If you are stating that you are more gentle with me then yes I have noticed but that is not a bad thing. I love you more than you could ever imagine. Also, I am a little embarrassed by this but I do not actually mind the way you took me. There is a demon inside of you and it needed to be sedated. I forced you to eat something that was not within the normal everyday food item." Yuki laid back and grabbed onto Cedric's arm.

Cedric let her pull him down on the bed. He laid down next to her instead of over her. "What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

"I am uneasy. It is not good for my memories to unlock on their own. I understand that there are going to be certain triggers, but we do not know what they are. I had a small memory of Claude when I was younger. I really did call him big brother. It was a little surreal to see myself as a little girl. I looked carefree, but if you look at me now. I do not look carefree at all." Yuki moved closer to Cedric and breathed in his scent.

"You had a childhood memory unlocked? That is interesting. I did not think that would happen, yet. Although, it is not a bad thing. You didn't get a headache from that memory, did you?" Cedric laid on his back and pulled her up until her head would be over his heart.

"I don't think that I did but it was also very quick. It was like a fleeting moment." Yuki listened to his heartbeat and relaxed as she heard the thumping. "Is it a bit strange that I am happy?"

"Hmmmmm, well that is fine then. If you have any more small memories please tell me right away. I do not know what will happen since they are not connected to me. I will hope that you will suffer from them. That is why I will not allow you to go see that person. I will tell her that you are not all that well. So, please stay at the house." Cedric looks down at her and doesn't wait for her reply before answering her second question. "I do not find it strange that you are happy. I am happy with you in my arms right now."

Yuki smiled, "thank you, Dear. It has been a while since the two of us last met, but I think that both of us were waiting for each other. It is nice that you and I are reunited now. I want to be yours until the end of time. I've been thinking that I will not allow any child to be born between us until things calm down a bit, but also, I think it would be best to remember our past before looking to the future."

"As much as I want a baby, you are correct that now would be horrible timing for us. I am glad that you brought it up. I did not want to be the bad guy and have you mad at me, but I worried over nothing. You and I are on the same page." Cedric touched her hair and took some of the pins holding her hair up, out of her hair.

Yuki closed her eyes and the headache she had finally disappeared. "Are you going to get the details of our conversation from Sephira? Just know that if you do that she, herself was not involved with everything that was said. I do not blame her."

"Shhhh. I will not blame her. I want to know that trigger so that we can keep you safe. You look like you are feeling better. Do you want to see your hangout room with me?" Cedric had taken all the pins that he could out of her hair.

"Can we?" Yuki slowly sat up to make sure that she did not get a head rush.

Cedric stood up and started to take all the pins out of her hair. "After I get these out of your hair. I loved your hair done up, but now I want it down." After all the pins were out Cedric got off the bed and placed them on the vanity. He picked up the tiara and pushed on the wall. They watched as the wall moved slightly. "This is a secret that no one knows about in our room."

Yuki slowly got out of the bed, grabbed the crown, before following Cedric. She stepped into the room and gasped. "This is amazing. When did you build this? I love that there is a staircase that leads down." Yuki looked at the spiral staircase happily.

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