Slave to the Darkness

139 139 To the Ocean!

~No worries. I was confused for a moment when Janet started asking me about that sunscreen and that was when I remembered that she knows that you are a supernatural. I will have it ready at the door for you and this stuff is waterproof just each time you leave the water be careful and apply more. If you use more than you thought you would then don't worry about it. I have included the supplier's name in the bag so Cedric can order you some more when it is needed.~

Yuki's phone buzzed again. ~I am doing very well today. I am happy to be of some use to you. You are such a sweet girl. I have been looking at hairstyles for you and I might have found the right one to go with that dress!~

Yuki giggles on the bed. While waiting for Cedric to come back.

Cedric writes a note and leaves directions for Claude in case either of them come looking for him and Yuki.

Claude and Sephira,

Thank you for everything that you two did for us. I want you two to take a break. I think that Yuki and I will be okay but if you feel anything from us we are going to be on the houseboat. The houseboat will be on the Pacific ocean. So come and find us there. I will be doing some fishing so if you want to come along just shoot me a text as I will have the tower up.


He pins the note to his door with the location that the boat will be. Then enters the room. "Are you ready to go?"

Yuki hops off the bed and sees the laptop and books in his arms. "Did you grab some vials?" She couldn't see them and was a bit worried that he might have forgotten.

"There are five in my pocket. I am not wanting to take any chances so if you are ready we will take one of the cars." Cedric smiled and started walking to the door.

Yuki was carrying her phone and skipped happily behind him. "I am glad that I get to do this. Will it be safe to swim where we are going? Oh, and we need to stop at Michelle's, she has the sunblock for me."

Cedric smiled, "You will be able to swim just not in the ocean. Sunblock is extremely important. Change your hair and eyes while I pull the car out front, When I am ready I will honk the horn." He bent down and kissed her on the lips.

Yuki kissed him lightly back and changed her hair colour and she focussed on her eyes next. She slowly shifted her eyes until they shone blue. She put on the sunglasses and skipped outside when she heard the horn honk. She climbed into the front seat next to Cedric. "I did not get to see but is the colour okay?" She looks up at him and slides the shades down a little bit so that he could see.

Cedric sees her eyes and licks his lips. "That looks about the same as yesterday. I love how you look no matter what you do or how you look. It all makes me want to devour you." Cedric pulls out of the driveway and drives until they reach Michelle's store. "You can go on in and get what you need and then we will park the car and go to the ocean."

Yuki put her phone down, leaned over and softly kissed his lips. She hopped out of the car and went into the store and spotted Janet. "Janet! I am here for the items!"

Janet turned around and saw Yuki and smiled happily. "You look good in that. I have just the perfect thing for you." Janet turned and grabbed a sun hat the had sunflowers that looked real but were not real. She places the hat on Yuki's head and smiles. "Yup it is perfect. Also, here is a package of elastic bands you might want to tie your hair up." She tossed them in the bag and handed the bag over. "Don't worry I will; charge it to Cedric." She blew Yuki a kiss.

"Thank you, Janet. I will be off now." Yuki waved and skipped back to the car. She opened the back seat and placed the bag down. Then she got into the front of the car.

"Nice hat. It goes well with the outfit and it is a good idea. Janet must have told you to take it. I do not mind as she was right to give it to you." After she was buckled in Cedric took off and drove for a short while until he reached a garage. He pulled the car in and got out. He grabbed Yuki's bag, his work sh*t, and waited.

Yuki got out of the car and closed the door. As soon as she was out she felt Cedric's arm wrap around her waist. "I thought we were going to the ocean?" she asks this a little confused.

"We are but I wanted to get there faster so we will drop off this car and go to a closer location." Cedric ports the two of them in an alley close to the dock and holds her hand. He leads the way and the two blend in with the crowd.

Yuki smiles and sees the ocean in the distance. "Oh, wow, it is so stunning!!!" She takes a breath and the saltwater smell hits her.

Cedric smiles and leads her while carrying everything that they had in the car. "I am glad that you like it so far. I am sure that the real adventure will be when we are on the boat. Do you want to get on the boat first or walk a little bit."

Yuki looks at everything that Cedric is carrying. "We can come back and explore another day. I would rather just spend some quality time on the boat with you. That is if it is okay with you, Cedric?"

"Sweetheart, if that is what your sweet little heart desires that we can do that." Cedric starts to lead the way to the docks. He showed his pass and they allowed him to enter. They passed through a few gates and then they reached the last one.

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