Slave to the Darkness

140 140 At the Market 1

"Sir! It is good to see you again. I had set some crab and lobster traps in the usual locations so if anything is caught you will feast like a king. I wasn't expecting you. I am glad that I sent the traps for you." The young man said happily.

"Liam, you did well. I am thankful that I have such a knowledgeable worker. I know that you set some of your own traps so it is okay to come and collect the spoils. It will not bother me." Leo walked through the gate bringing Yuki along with him.

"Ah, you are so kind, Cedric. I will come and collect my cages in roughly two hours. Have a pleasant time Sir and Missus." Liam bows to the couple.

Yuki looks at the guy and smiles, "Thank you for all your hard work." She follows after Cedric skipping along the dock. "It is so beautiful. The sights that you can see. I wonder what the sunrise and sunset will be like?"

"It is stunning. I am sure that you will enjoy it." Cedric walked up a ramp and hopped into the boat and placed the items he was holding on the boat and held out his arms. Once Yuki was at the ledge of the boat Cedric grabbed her and safely placed her down. "Before we take off, I want to set some things down in the kitchen." Cedric picked up the items he placed to the side and walked towards the kitchen.

Yukki followed Cedric and sat on the barstool. "This is like a house. Is that why you suggested we stay here?"

"That is exactly why. I thought it would be nice for a change. The house is nice but there are other sights you can see and you are not used to being awake in the daylight." Cedric opened the fridge and saw that there were some items that they needed to buy. "It looks like before we take off we will need to pick up some food items. Would you like to see what a human market is like?" Cedric took out the vials and placed them in the fridge in the side egg holder. There were five in total that he grabbed.

"A market? I want to go! Oh please let us go!" Yuki smiled and jumped a little. "Oh, but I should get on some sunblock first." Yuki went to the bag and pulled out the first bottle and applied the sun block to her arms, chest, neck, legs, and face. "Did I get it all blended on my face?" She looks at Cedric.

Cedric was trying to hold in his laughter and wiped off her cheek. "There now it is. You are so full of surprises. I can see your childishness from when you were younger. I really need to stop blending the two together but she is a part of you. My feisty little princess."

"I do not mind as it is all a part of me. I am who I am and there is nothing that is going to change that. I am slowly gaining back my memories. I was ten when the runes first showed up. I was young but I could tell that there was something up but I was happy but that is something we can talk about. I am sure more and more memories of our time together will come back and everything in between." Yuki smiles and looks at Cedric.

"You are trying to tempt me, aren't you?" Cedric bent down and kissed her briefly. "Come, let us go to the market and then we will head out." He takes her hand and they walk back through the dock and towards the market.

Once they get to the Market Yuki's eyes go wide at all the seafood vendors. "Is what they are selling what we might be able to catch?" Yuki was holding Cedric's hand as he leads them through the market.

"Some of it is but there is a lot more that we will be able to get that is fresher. As we will be getting it straight from the source and cooking it right away. I know that Claude and Sephira will show up tonight. So we will need a lot of extra vegetables." Cedric finds the vegetable market and looks at the goods.

Yuki picked up a carrot. She picks up a few more and hands them to the lady. Yuki grabs two celery bunches. "I hope that you do not mind me picking some, Dear."

Cedric smiled, "Sweetheart if you want to pick out the vegetables I have no issue with it. I know that you will not pick out something that is bad." Cedric stopped looking at the vegetables and let Yuki pick them all out.

"Will we need some herbs as well?" Yuki looked at Cedric and saw him smiling and nodding his head. Yuki grabbed three full garlic cloves, three bunches of thyme, two bunches of basil, two bunches of parsley, and finally, she looked at the dried spices she grabbed the spice old bay and bay leaves. "I think this will be everything." She looked at the vegetables and smiled.

"You did well. I will pay if you see anything that you would like to try just let me know." Cedric turned and started to pay for the items and the lady smiled at him.

"You seem happier this time. The last time you were here you seemed lost and broken." She smiled and pulled out a cloth bag and added a watermelon to the bag.

"That is because I finally figured out what happened and my life is now more complete." Cedric turned and saw Yuki looking at the fruit at the booth next to them and smiled.

"She is a beautiful girl. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Miss can you come here for a moment." The lady at the vegetable stand waved to Yuki.

Yuki was looking at the fruit turned and walked back to Cedric and the vegetable stand. "Yes, is there something wrong?"

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