Claude watched as the picture burned and sighed. "It is even more unsightly now that I know who placed that thing there."

"She is very beautiful that is what I thought at first but that is not what I was expecting when I saw the picture. I never knew that it was something so disgusting. I feel bad for her but at least that is over now." Lyla looked up as it burned.

Cedric sighed as it burnt and then looked around the room. "This place is going to collapse." He grabbed the two and quickly teleported them as the ground gave away. He took them to the deck of the boat and sighed. "That was close. Damn Bastard set up a trap."

Claude looked at Cedric and shook his head. "At least you were able to notice it before anything bad happened."

"The ground shifted underneath my feet and that solidified my answer of why it seems to be too easy. Lyla, you will be working with Sephira to protect Yuki and when there is a moment that she has to go out you will go out with her no matter what." Cedric creates his first order for Lyla.

"Yes, of course. That will make it easier you guard her but what about Sephira? Will she not get jealous?" Lyla had no clue who this person was but if she had to guess it would be someone that is connected to Yuki and the guys.

Sephira came on the deck and looked at the group. "Welcome back."

Cedric laid on the ground breathing heavily, "Sephira met Lyla, your bodyguard partner."

Sephira walked up to the girl and checked her out. "You need training. This is not something that is easy to do. You are a werewolf?" Her nose twitched at the scent.

"Yes! I am. It is so nice to see another female wolf but you are a turned wolf. I know tahr does not change who you are but I am happy to meet another. I would like to be friends. Yuki saved me so I am indebted to her. I decided that I would become her guard if she would let me and so that is what we will do. I am not well off in the category so please help me." Lyla bowed to Sephira.

"Looks like you have a disciple to teach, Hunny." Claude chuckles.

Sephira's smile looked forced as she smiled at him. "Oh really, well then. Cedric, permission to use Claude as a practice dummy in names sake of training?" She looks at Claude still smiling the same fake smile.

"She got you there. Permission granted but do not kill him. I do need him around… not that you can kill him but do remember that he can feel pain." Cedric got up and walked back t9o his room and pulled Yuki into his arms before falling asleep.

Yuki worked up a few hours later and looked around the room. "I killed my uncle and I was in the cave. The essence drove me insane and I killed a lot of individuals last night." She looked at her hands and saw that she was still covered in blood.

Cedric pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. "If you are worried about the blood, don't be. Come rest with me more and then we can shower in a bit. I am still tired."

Yuki calmed her heart down and turned her body around. She snuggled into his chest. "I am soaked in the blood of my enemies does that not make me revolting?"

"No, it makes you the queen of the night. You will not allow anyone to come in between you and what you want. I will be there each time you are attacked and I swear that I will protect you. You are my everything and I am yours." Cedric kept his eyes closed and held her close.

"Mmmmm. Okay. Let's rest more." Yuki closed her eyes and found now that her heart was calm that she was able to fall back asleep.

Cedric opened his eyes and saw that she was okay and that she had fallen back to sleep. He kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes and passing back out.

Four hours later that was a loud bang sound and that startled the two awake. Yuki freaked out and accidentally attacked Cedric. She stuck her hand into his chest.

"I do not mind if it is your hands that I die by but I thought that you wanted me to love and give you the life that you deserve." Cedric didn't resist nor did he move.

Yuki pulled her hand out and panicked as the blood leaked out. She leaned forward and sealed the wounds that she created. "What was that?"

"If I had to guess it is Sephira, Claude and Lyla. Sephira is training Lyla and using Claude as target practice." Cedric saw that his wound had been healed. "Come let's go shower." he lifts her out of the bed and carries her to the bathroom.

"Mmmmm, that is a good idea. Sephira will train her well." Yuk wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled as he carried her. "I am still worried I am covered in the blood of my enemies."

"Nonsense. You are beautiful. I love that you got covered in blood of those that tried to cause you harm. What I do not like is the fact that you cried tears of blood. You do not need to cry for such worthless people. They are not worth your time and I know that you feel bad but at the same time they are the ones that wronged you. You are just too nice." Cedric placed her down in the shower and turned on the water and let it run down their bodies while they were still fully clothed.

"We are still wearing our clothes do you not think that we should take them off first?" She looks away blushing and then looks up at him and smiles sweetly.

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