"No, we are fine that way that we are. We do not need to worry about something so small as our clothing are just going to be thrown in the trash." Cedric ran his hands up her arms helping her take some of the blood off. He tears the front of her dress to make it easier for her to slip out of.

Yuki felt the dress get ripped. She looked at Cedric suspicious and then saw that her undergarments were strained by the blood and sighed. "What a waste of undergarments. They are now ruined by the blood."

Cedric runs his hands over her breasts and starts to mutter the spells pulling the blood off of the dress and then places the small amount of blood on the ground and does the same with the underwear. "There now they are saved. A little wet but at least not bloody anymore." He unclasps the bra and helps her take it off the hangs in on the towel rack using his magic and he bends down and slides her underwear down and hangs that up too.

"Magic is wonderful but should you really be using it in this way?" Yuki touches the shirt that she damaged and pulls it off of him and she uses her nails to cut into the fabric causing the pants to fall away. "You used your magic a lot yesterday. Is that why you were so tired when you got back?"

"That is part of the reason. I brought you back that book and I impaled a supernatural that I lost contact with. They were another girl that was a stress release. I am sorry that you did not get to kill that one." Cedric picked up the bar of soap and started to wash her body off.

Yuki allows him to clean her and listens to what he said. "I get to kill enough and besides if you lost touch with that one then that means that you needed to show that chick that she is not allowed to do things like that. That it is unacceptable to take off and cut contact for so long. "Thank you for getting that book back for me. I would like to check on the people of that mountain and see if there are any survivors. Although I know that is very unlikely."

"If that is what you would like to do then we can head there after I get some food okay?" Cedric continues to wash off the blood on her body then hands the soap over to her. "Wash me as well."

Yuki blushed slightly and took the bar of soap and started to wash down his body. She steps forward and slips on some bubbles and falls into Cedric's chest.

Cedric catches her easily and chuckles. "Easy there. You don't need to be so eager to wash me. I 'm not going anywhere."

Yuki looks up at him, still blushing. "You know very well that I slipped on the soap." She stood up and started to wash his body. She reached her arms around him washing his back while pressing her front to his body.

Cedric turned the showerhead and let the water wash away the bubble and quickly captured her lips. "Why are you so perfect? If it was not that you are so amazingly perfect this," He moves her hand on his erection, "would not be so interested." He smirks and turns off the water.

Yuki doesn't pull her hand away and looks up at him. "I cannot control who I am but I am yours and yours alone." She slowly moves her hand up and down the shaft.

"Uuuuuu, yes. Move your hand faster. Yes... just like that." He moans as she plays with his penis and enjoys the moment. "Amaris, if you don't stop I will cum from you stroking my cock."

"What if that is what I want you to do?" Yuki looked up at him challenging him.

Cedric holds his hands into fists and does his best to not take over. His breath hitches and finally he reaches his release. His cum squirts out and he sighs in relief. "Does my girl need release?"

"No, I just wanted to see what would happen if I kept up with my movements. I want to go and check on my people." Yuki let go of his member and then sighed.

"Okay, I can always relieve you later." Cedric stepped out and dried himself off with a towel. He grabbed a new towel and held it out for her. Once she stepped inside the towel he started to help her dry off. He dried her hair last and used his magic to help speed up the process.

Yuki stepped away once she was dry and skipped back to the bedroom. She slipped on a modest bathing suit and then a dress that covered her body and hid away most of the marks that Cedric placed on her body.

Cedric walked through the door and looked at Yuki while smiling. "You are exquisite. A rare treasure that deserves to be treasured." He got dressed in some casual clothing and wrapped his hand around her waist. He pulled her in and kissed her lips.

She kissed him back. "You look stunning in everything that you wear. It is amazing, Dear." Yuki skipped away before he could undress her and went to the kitchen. "Good Morning!"

Naomi was sitting at the table and looked up. "Yuki! I am so glad that you are doing okay." She gets up and hugs Yuki around the waist.

Adam was in the kitchen cooking up different styles of eggs, bacon, hash browns, french toast, sausages, and waffles. "Good Morning. I took over as the chef. If you have any requests, Mistress I will make it for you. I am letting Carlos, Lyla, and Sephira train and they will be very hungry afterwards." He turned and looked at Yuki and Naomi with his eyes shining.

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