Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 260 - 260

"Yes, Madam. You are right in that. Your Nanny had to die in order for you to come here, and she knew that. If she had stayed behind she would've been killed. I was tasked with keeping you away from everyone. I knew that you were a vampire from the beginning." Jake started to walk away and leads the couple to a room. "I will go and get the girls ready. I know that it is hard to believe, but Cedric was not allowed to see you right away. He wanted a slave like you and I told him I did not find one. I had to weaken you to the point of being similar to a normal vampire. That was the request." He waved and left the two to talk.

"It is interesting that everyone we know are in on this. It is not exactly what I was expecting when I comforted him." Yuki looked at Cedric and waited to hear what he thought on this matter.

"You were with him for a long time, and yet he kept you from me. If I did not need his services I would kill him right now. That f.u.c.ker. He was right though. When you came to me, I thought that you were a normal vampire, but I know what to know just how long he had you for." Cedric touches her cheek while frowning.

"One hundred and sixty-one days, that is how long it took to weaken her." Jake came back and was followed by a line of ladies. "I acquired her as quickly as I could. The money left by Luna was enough for me to purchase her from other markets. Luna made sure that I would be able to pay an insane amount just to get her. Here are your options." He lifted his arm up and the ladies were standing in a line. There was a line of eight ladies. The first was skinny and looked more like a s.e.x slave than a maid. The second was as white as snow and looked to frail to be a maid, the third was standing proud and acted like she was above this job that she might have to do as she was a slave, the fourth looked bored and did seem like she would have a good work ethic, the fifth girl showed more promise as when she met the eyes of the couple she bowed, the sixth looked at them in fear and disdain, the seventh refused eye contact, and lastly, the with one was a little older and also bowed towards the couple.

~I can't decide between the fifth girl and the eighth. I think either one of them would be a good choice. They both bowed and that is promising but does that show that they are too eager?~ Yuki looked at Cedric who was still thinking.

"The fourth, fifth, and eighth can stay behind." Cedric waved the rest goodbye. He walked up and examined the three girls and touched the arms of the three and the fourth girl freaked out and Cedric pulled the shank from her p.a.n.t.i.e.s. "You can dispose of this one or make her a s.e.x slave. She was going to kill whomever chose her." Cedric looked at the two girls left.

Jake had the guards pull this girl and place her in isolation. "I will see that she is reformed. Have you made a choice?" He looked at the two that were left. 'If I can't see the older one then I will have to dispose of her and the younger one is willing to work her a.s.s off. Damn it I wish I could read Cedric, but he is a devil is disguise.'

Yuki watched the girl get dragged away and shuddered. She placed her hand on Cedric's arm and looked into his eyes. "What are you thinking so deeply about Darling?"

"Jake, how much for both of them? I can always take both as I know that the poor older one is the one that will not last much longer, but I am also interested in the younger one." Cedric looked down and Yuki and gave her a soft smile.

"I will give you a deal. Five hundred thousand for both. I would rather not have to dispose of the older one, and you would be saving me some trouble." Jake lets out the breath that he was holding and made that amount half of what he would normally charge. "I hope that is satisfactory."

"Very. We have a deal. Both of you will come with us." Cedric took Yuki's hand and leads her to the door and then holds the door open and Yuki climbs in and the slaves look at Cedric and the car waiting to see what is going to happen. "Please get in both of you. I need to go pay and if either of you try to run then you will be killed immediately." He watched as both of the slaves rushed to get into the limousine. He grabbed a suitcase from the back seat and went back inside.

Yuki looked across at the ladies. "Hello, I am Yuki what is your names?" She waited to see if they would tell her or not.

"My Lady I am Iris. It is true that if I was not bought then I would be disposed of. I am most grateful that you have saved me from such a fate." Iris bowed and stayed like that.

"My Lady I am Rose. It is fascinating that we both have flower names, and I am grateful to be out of this place I will work with Iris and make sure that the tasks that you set forth for us get done." Rose also bowed to Yuki.

"You both may rise. You are both from another part of the world. Your skin is beautiful I love that you are milk chocolate colour Iris and Rose is slightly lighter brown colour but still beautiful. I do not care what skin colour you are but how hard you work. Do either one of you know how to cook?" Yuki asks and looks at the two.

"I do. I do not know what your palette is like, but I can cook you anything that is spicy and from my hometown oh I was taught how to cook some dishes from this area as well." Iris finally cracked a smile.

"I, for one, want to use that talent and have you cook some food. How about you Rose?" Yuki was all smiles and the partition came down. "Yes, Royce?"

"I want to make sure that I know what the new help looks like. I like that we have two new maids for the house. Abigail did her best, and it is not easy to keep that place as clean as she did." Royce bowed his head and looked at the two and smiled softly.

"I do know how to cook but not a lot. I am willing to learn. I love to bake more than cook." Rose admits and bows her head in defeat.

"I love sweets, so that is good with me. Next is how much do you know about cleaning up blood?" Yuki finally asks the dangerous question.

Cedric gets in and waves to Royce to start the journey. "You may listen in. It is easier for you to hear what is being said then to have me repeat it. I have a lot of work to catch up on this week. Food is one of the things I do require and sweets are going to be for Yuki. You can address me as Sir. I am the Master of the household and Yuki is my fiancé. So you will answer to both of us."

"Of course Sir." Iris bows, "I am Iris. Thank you for saving me from death. As for the Madam's question I can get blood out of anything so long as I have the proper stuff to do so."

"I understand, Sir. I am Rose." Rose also bows, "I too am able to clean up blood with the right supplies."

"Very good. That is a requirement. Your hands please." Cedric used magic and cleaned their hands and took Rose's hand and traced the maid bond mark. It was a simple cloth on her had with an apple on the cloth and then repeats the same mark on Iris' hand. "You both are now bound to me and Yuki. Now for the s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e information. You can feel the bond correct." He saw both of them nod their heads yes. "I am a demon and warlock that is how I was able to clean your hands off. I came on short notice, so Jake did not have time to prepare you. I can't clean my house with magic as that is not it's intended purpose. Yuki is a vampire. Now we do have a lot of enemies and that is why I had to replace my last maid she was killed, but she lived until sixty-six years old. I did not kill her and if you obey my words, you will live a long time."

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