Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 261 - 261

"If I may pipe in, Sir?" Royce says this and sees Cedric nod. "I am also getting up there in age and I have worked for Master for my entire life. I love this job and I would continue to do it for the rest of time. There is no other job that is as fulfilling as working for the master. The Madam is gracious and kind. You will not regret making the choice to stay here with them."

Yuki looked at the two slave bond marks. 'So simple yet so much of a hassle.' She looked up at Cedric smiling happily. "Welcome to the family. I have a bit of a weird schedule. I am awake for half of the daytime and all night. Cedric does not sleep a lot either. There is a lot to clean in this house. I hope that you two are up for the work."

"Of course!" Rose does a little jump and smiles happily.

"There is nothing that I would rather do than take care of this house. I will help Rose if she needs it. Is there a system in place that We need to worry about?" Iris asks and looks at the couple.

"Yes, there are bells that are set up and each chime has a different meaning. The single chime is come to the location the bell is at, two chimes means please prepare the car, but that is for Royce, and three chimes is there is an intruder. Royce will be able to show you the system." Cedric nodded to Royce and then went into the closest room and rang the bell.

"That is a lovely chime. I like that you have a system. Do you have a set time for food?" Iris asks this and looks at Cedric then at Yuki.

"Not really. My schedule has bee a little backwards since I got Yuki back into my life. I eat whenever. I will request food in the kitchen. If you do not mind I would like to show you something so that if I request it you will be able to pull it for me." Cedric turns and walks to the kitchen. "In this freezer that is locked there is a special type of chocolate that only I can eat. If you eat it you will go crazy and door so please don't do that unless you have a death wish. I will ask for a certain amount. This phone here is connected to my cell in case something happens or if I need something."

"I understand. Since you are awake now are you hungry we could start off with something to eat?" Iris suggests and opens the fridge to see that it is fully stocked with everything that she could need.

Adam walked into the room and looked at the two ladies. "Hello, I am Adam, a bodyguard for Liliana."

"Oh! That is right. Iris and Rose. When you see me with blond hair -please call me Liliana. I am in disguise. I think that before you two make anything you two shall go and have a shower of a both. We can wait in the meantime." Yuki claps her hands together and smiles at Royce.

"Follow me you two. I will show you to your quarters, and you will be able to wash up there." Royce bows and offers his hand to Iris and the other to Rose. Once he has both of them they leave the room.

"I haven't had a new worker that I need to teach since I took over this household. Royce and Abigail's family line has always worked for me. I forgot that there is so much that needs to get done. Yuki, will there be an issue with the girls when you turn Royce?" Cedric looks at Yuki and asks.

Naomi yawns and walks into the kitchen. "Good morning. I am missing something aren't I?" She looked at Adam and then around the room. She listened to the hearts beating, "ah, there are two humans in the building."

"New maids. You will not eat them my dear, Nao." Yuki walked over and gave Naomi a big hug. "I think as long as we have a food source for him, it will be fine. There is a chance that he could fall in love with one of the girls. That is something that you wouldn't expect, but it could happen."

"Royce falling in love would be a good thing. There is nothing more that I would like that for him to find true love. I am not a horrible man to those that do not deserve it. Royce is so kind and deserves to find love. How are you Nao?" Cedric looked at Naomi.

"Ahhhhh. New maids then. I can feel the marks on Yuki. My Mistress is in charge of all the house help. If anything Yuki would be able to control Royce. A vampire's Master is the one that can control the will of a vampire and if the Master sets a command it will become an order that is not allowed to be ignored especially if it is a direct command. I am speaking from experience. Yuki at one point in time you gave me a command that was a which of mine. You gave me a kill command then I loved but when I was about to attack another you made me stop. You will be able to control Royce as long as you use your commands." Naomi quickly wraps her arms around Yuki in delight. "It is good to have you back in my life."

"I missed you too. I am remembering a lot not. Sometimes the memories trigger extra things in my dreams. Memories repressed and that is rather pleasant. Last night I had a dream where we were in the royal garden, and we were weaving roses into headpieces. You cut your finger and fed me your blood. I healed the wound, and you smiled at me. It was like we were sisters and Mother was so happy that I gained a friend."

"I remember that day fondly. Luna told me that I would be yours until I died and that is true I am yours, and you are my Queen." Naomi bowed to Yuki while sneaking a peek at Adam and meets his eyes. She looks away and her face heats up.

Adam stared at Naomi before looking up at Yuki, and he saw her eyes shining. 'Ugh. I think I know that look in her eyes. She is hoping that I get together with the little vampire. It is not a bad offer.' He checks out Naomi form head to toe and then thinks about Lyla. 'Which one is my true mate?'

~It doesn't matter as there were reasons that you did that but there is the matter of will you do it again now what you know that I am involved?~ Adam looked over his shoulder and then pushed Yuki to the ground as a dart flew through where she was standing.

Cedric disappeared from sight and went and captured the individual. "Going somewhere? There is nothing I like better than a little torture in the evening!" He brought the two people in to the dungeon room. ~I can't make any promises as I can't control what Yuki wants but if you talk to her that I am sure she will understand.~

"Are you okay Yuki? I am sorry that I pushed you down so hard." Adam got up and helped her to her feet. ~I understand, I do not like it, but I will not hold it against you at the same time. Where are you?~

"I'm fine. You saved me from the tainted blood. That is a poison to vampires even a royal. I would be in a lot of pain if that hit me. I would become ravenous and attack someone." Yuki got up and went to the dart looking at how it was made.

Royce and the maids come back to the kitchen, and he briskly walks to Yuki. "Are you okay Madam? That is not a thing you should go near. He pulled her away from the dart and pushed her back. "It is something that I will take care of for you. As a supernatural it is only a poison that will burst if you try to touch it."

Yuki moved back at his words and waited while staring daggers at the dart. "I don't like that it is from that person. How did that even survive. I don't understand what is going on and how that is even still here."

"Easy my Love. My uncle is an asshole and sold it to the highest bidder or my aunt is getting restless. She sent someone to make sure that you died unfortunately as she doesn't know who you are." Cedric hugged Yuki from behind and let her melt into his arms. "I am going to say that it was someone that acquired it though. Claudia seems to have taken a shine to you this time around. Although if she was to find out who you were that would be a different story."

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