Slave to the Darkness

Chapter 262 - 262

"I just don't get why she hates me as much as she does. I never did anything to her until she started attacking me which by the way I hate her for that. I will never like her again, and I do not even know if I will ever be able to forgive her…." Yuki glares at the dart in the wall.

That is the thing Princess. No one truly knows. I think that in the long run it comes down to the fact that I am not allowed to be happy. As I am happy with you especially in the past she seems to think that you can not be swayed to do her bidding but Liliana seems to be weaker, and she wants to use that to control me and keep herself in the position of power. I will be taking that from her, but you should say that you do not know what is going to happen."

Royce places the dart in a suitcase and looked at all the darts in there. "Sir, we are only missing one now. I think that once we recover them all that is when it will be safe once more." He quickly closed the suitcase and it locked shut.

Naomi ran to Yuki and clung to her. "I do not like that you are target, but I also know that there is nothing that you can do about it. I want to help. I do not like sitting on the sidelines."

"You will stay on the sidelines if you do not want Yuki to be in danger. If Claudia sees you and notices that you can now go out in the sunshine she will know that Yuki is back. You are not allowed to let that happen." Cedric glared at Naomi and then hugged Yuki. Here is what you can do. You can help Yuki will the kills starting tomorrow evening. You will need the blood and Yuki can use the essence from those that carry it."

"I understand Cedric. I will comply with that order even though I no longer belong to you as what you said makes sense." Naomi bowed to Cedric. "Did I hear that you will be turning another?" she was now looking Yuki in the eyes.

"Yes, I will be changing Royce. It has been agreed upon and everyone knows the terms. I know that it is rare for me to do this, but it is Royce that wants to stay and work for Cedric." Yuki points to Royce and hugs Naomi while still leaning into Cedric's embrace.

"I understand. I also think that it would be a good idea to keep him around. Will you be okay to turn him on your own? I only ask because you have not done this for a while." Naomi looks at Royce and smiles.

"Yuki will be fine to do this. I can trust that she will be able to 0handle it as she has said that she would be able to handle it and I trust her." Cedric backs away from the girls and looks at Adam. "Adam and I will be in the cells torturing our guests. Have fun watching the maids cook." He walks over to Adam and teleports them to the captives.

Adam whistles as he looks around the room. "This is amazing. I like this a lot." He walked up to a guy and touched his arm burning he to wake him up."

"AHHHHHH! IT BURNS! You will not get away with this. We are just the beginning members." He promptly closes his mouth.

"Oh ho. That is the first time someone has spilled so much in the first few sentences. What is your name and who do you work for." Seeing as the man kept his mouth shut Cedric thought for a moment. "Adam every time I do not get an answer I want you to burn him."

Adam's grin when from smug to esitic. "As you wish, Boss." Adam touched the other guys arm. Burning it much like the other arm.

"OKAY, OKAY. I'll talk just please stop! My name is Don. In the suitcase that is beside me is the contract that is out for the girl that we tried to assassinate. I was told that as long as the party hit the target the job would be done I was not informed that there was going to be bodyguards." He spat out everything as fast as he could before looking at the man that was burning him to see how he was doing so but saw nothing.

Cedric picked up the suitcase and quickly opened it up and found the paperwork. He read the contents and the guy wasn't lying. "You should've got more than this for a hit like this. A hit on the supernatural is not something that you or your team would've been able to handle." He placed the papers on the table and showed them to Adam. "The hit was for Nao."

Adam's eyes turn red with fire, and he grabbed the man by the throat and burn his body to ash. He looked at the next few guys and killed them all the same way until Cedric stepped in font of him.

"That's enough. That is a prisoner that was here before the ones that tried to put a hit out. I understand what you are angry but here is the thing you are not going to do anything more." Cedric's voice was commanding and Adam stopped and started to calm down. "Now here is the thing you are in love with both Lyla and Naomi. Maybe it is possible they are both your true mate."

Adam closed his hands and held his fists tight taking deep breaths. Once he was clam enough he sat down on the chair. "I am sorry that I killed them all in my rage."

"I'm not. That was what was going to happen anyways, and I showed you the target on purpose to get a read on whom you wanted as your mate. It seems like both are good for you. I don't know Lyla all that well, but I think that Naomi will be able to share." Cedric looked up and smiled.

Yuki looked around the kitchen and sighed. "Honestly I will be able to do the change. I want to get it done sometime while I have fresh blood in my system, but I worry that it will not be enough."

"If you need more you can have mine. I know that you will need more blood than normal. I think before you turned me you drained the others. It was something that you had to do in order top make sure I did not die. I was your human to do as you please with." That was the moment that Iris and Rose came back. "Welcome back sweet young lambs. I am Naomi." She bowed to them, and smiled.

"It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you. I am Iris and this is Rose. We are the new maids of this household. I know that most of you are not human, and it does not bother me. I will serve you as if you were the Kings and Queens. Is there something that you would like to eat?" Iris turned to Yuki asking.

"Waffles with strawberries and whip cream. Please. I think that the others would prefer other toppings but that is what I would like to eat." Yuki smiled and thought for a moment. "Do 'you know anythi9ng about making desserts? Tomorrow I would like maroons with tea when there are guests at the house and I would like cake sometime today."

"Sure I can make all of that!" Rose pipes in happily. She walks to the cupboard and starts to pull out the ingredients. She looks around and fins everything that she would need.

"Okay, that is easy enough. We will get started!" Iris happily pulls open the fridge and starts to grab the strawberries. "Are you going to be eating with the others handsome?"

"Handsome?" Royce blushes while looking away. "I will only eat after the Master and Madam have eaten." He blushes and looks at Yuki for help.

Giggling Yuki took Naomi to the Sakura room and pulled her on the bed. "There is a chance that you are the target. I wanted you to know that." She pulls Naomi on the bed and kisses her neck and nips at the skin. "May I take a drink?"

"Anytime you need my blood you can help yourself that i sis not reason to ask me. I will offer it to you whenever you need it. I am still yours." Naomi exposes her neck and lets Yuki bit in.

Yuki lowers her head and bites Naomi's neck gently and takes some of her blood and reads the memories.

~Naomi's Memory~

Naomi was sitting in the castle waiting for her Mistress to come and command her but nothing when she did not 9return she found Claude. "Young Master where is my Mistress?"

"Naomi! Oh, my goodness you look like you are starved. Drink my blood. That is an order, and you know that you must listen to it." He slices his wrist dripping blood on the ground.

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