Slave to the Darkness

71 71 The Change

"Are you reconnected with your loved one? I remember that you said that you would hold on just for her. She was your strength just as Cecile was mine." Bonney looked at the couple that was sitting on the ground.

"Maybe, but then again maybe not." Cedric shrugged while relaxing.

Sephira felt her body start to itch. "It burns and itches, Claude."

"Sorry, love but that is normal. Just give it a moment it will change and when the full moon hits you must stay near me so that you can learn how to transform." Claude patted her back to try and comfort her. "I am sorry but if you do not become a werewolf just like me then there is a strong chance that the baby growing inside you could harm you. That is something that I am not willing to let happen."

Sephira felt his touch and tried to focus on his touch rather than the itching or burning sensation that was happening as she sat on the ground. As the venom for the bite slowly spread over her body she finally started to lose consciousness.

"It was good to see you again baby bro. You can call upon us again at another time. We will fade as soon as she blacks out. I know that you still feel bad but you are someone that I am very proud of." Cecile smiles and wraps his arm around Bonney's waist.

"It was good to see you guys again and Cedric, come at nighttime so that I can meet the girl that finally stole your heart." Bonney leans her head of Cecile's chest. Then the two ghosts start to disappear.

Cedric looked down at Sephira and sees that she had blacked out. "You will need to lock her up at least for a week. She is going to suffer until the change. I had thought that you would wait until closer to the full moon but you are right it is dangerous for her to stay in a human-like body."

Claude bent over, picked Sephira up and carried her to the car. He placed her in the backseat and buckled her in so that she would be comfortable and got into the driver's seat.

Cedric picked up Sephira's necromancer items and brought them back to the car. He got into the front and looked at Claude, "The room that I locked you in is clean. If you want to use it, be my guest. I will add more magic so that she and you will be safe."

"Thank you, I will take you up on the offer. I was planning on waiting but that is not what happened. I did try my best to hold off but Cecile was right the risk was way too high. The baby will grow fast and be stronger than her in no time. I do not want to risk losing both of them at the same time." Claude started the car and drove it back to the house.

"I can completely understand how you feel. If I lost Yuki I would go on a rampage but then again I would try to kill myself. I may actually be doomed to live forever but that will not stop me from wanting to move on from this world to the next. I am sure that you will feel the same with your new slave that I gifted you. At first, I thought that it was just lust that made you want her but now that I think about it. I believe that it was more than that. I really just wanted her tied to someone that I could trust and you showed interest. Did you fall for her that deeply?" Cedric looked lazily over at Claude.

"I didn't think it would turn out this way either but I was lusting for her deeply. I wanted her so bad and then you gave her to me on a platter. Her being a necromancer was the icing on the cake. I bedded her a few times already. I was definitely not thinking about safety precautions. She was very delectable. I couldn't stop myself from taking her over and over again. It is not exactly normal to desire the same person so much. I fellnfor her hard but I wanted to allow her the choice to become one of my kind." Claude lets out a long sigh.

"I think that I know what you mean. When I was reunited with Yuki again I felt the strong pull... like that was the one that I had been waiting for. She was clean and her hair was long and black. She doesn't hide her natural color around me anymore but I should get her to do that while we are on dates. Her silver hair is something that I am used to now. So the black hair will be strange." Cedric looked out the window and saw that they were back at the house. He got out of the car and opened the house door and the door to the room he mentioned earlier. "If you need me I will be in the living room reading my next translation work."

"Thank you. I will come and sit with you for a bit but maybe it would be better if I stay in that room with her?" Claude looked at the time and sighed.

Yuki woke up at the hour of noon and was confused as it still looked like it was bright outside. She opened the bedroom door and looked around confused. 'I am still in the shop?'

Michelle heard the movement and rushed out of her workroom and saw a confused Yuki standing at the doorway. "Yuki, Cedric went to go and do some running around. You are awake a lot earlier than usual. You passed out in the change room so I offer Cedric a room that he used to use when he needed a place to crash or when we pretend to be lovers. I want you to know just because I love acting like a girl and doing girly things I still think of myself as a man. I do not think that there is a partner out there for me but Cedric is right about one thing. I need to stop thinking about my sister." Michelle held her door open and invited her in.

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