Slave to the Darkness

72 72 The Missing Dress

"You are you. I think you are doing what you love. If a female cannot appreciate that you love this sort of thing, then they are not the one you are destined to be with." Yuki walked over to the room and peeked inside. "Oh wow. This is amazing! Look at all the designs on the walls. Did you design all of these?" Yuki stepped into the room and touched the pictures.

Michelle froze and turned to look at Yuki, "You and Cedric had the same thoughts about this. My sister even said the same thing. I am very surprised… Thank you. I did design all of these. Since you are awake will you do me a favor? There is a dress that you and your mother requested from me many years ago. I made it at the request of your mother but I never met the two of you in person."

"We requested a dress?" Yuki looked at Michelle confused but also rather happy.

"Just do not force yourself to remember your past. That is something that is dangerous to do. I do not want to get blamed for you hurting your precious mind." Michelle pulled out a big black bag and hung on the mannequin's neck.

"I won't. Does the sun hurt you or am I just sensitive because I have not seen it before?" Yuki covered her eyes from the window.

"Oh! I am so sorry one moment." Michelle went over to her desk and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. She handed them to Yuki. "Please wear these at least until you adjust to the light levels. It will be very hard on your eyes for the first little while. Contrary to what humans might think you will not burn up in the sunlight. It is not a complete myth that it can happen that is why as you transition you will need to wear the glasses and there might be a need for a special sunblock. I have some in the bathroom but for now, let me close the curtain that way you can see the dress." Michelle walked over and closed the curtain and turned on the light.

Yuki put the glasses on and watched as Michelle closed the curtains. "These do work really well. I will have to trouble you for the sunscreen?" Yuki looked at the back bag and saw that it was abnormally puffy on the bottom.

Michelle watched her expression and chuckled, "I have no issues helping out my clan leader. I know that you can not say the clan name out loud at this time but once you are able to tell me as I would like to know what it is if that is okay with you?" She started to unzip the bag and slid it down off the dress.

"Yes, Of couse. That is not a request that you need to ask." Yuki saw the white color and then thought back to what Cedric had said earlier. 'I do not know where the dress is hiding but when you remember I would like for you to bring it home.' Yuki smiled and took a step forward. She touched the strapless dress and saw the intricate designs that had been sewn onto the corset-like top. The bottom was silk layers and on the back, the final layer was longer than the length of the room. "Michelle, this is stunning. The train is very long. I am assuming that it has to do with traditions?" Yuki looked at the train and saw around the trim there were hand-stitched roses in a blue and black color.

"Yes, it is tradition and the one that makes the dress is supposed to be from within the family. That way traditions will be kept. It took me years to complete this order but the good thing is that the only time vampires change in size is when they have a child. You are not with child at this time but who knows when it will happen."

"Not anytime soon. I don't remember my past and having a child would be hard on my mind I think. I absolutely love the way this dress is made, you can tell how hard you worked on each stitch. Am I able to try it on?" Yuki looked at Michelle in hope.

Michelle smiled and went to the door. "I will grab one of my workers to help you try it on. I would normally let Luna do it but that is no longer possible and Cedric is not allowed to see you in the dress before it is time. I will keep my eye out for him so that he does not show up early."

"Thank you, Michelle," Yuki looked at the dress and then thought about how she would do her hair. She shifted her hair color back to the black color that she had in the beginning. 'I wonder when it was that I stopped worrying about my hair color?'

A young lady knocked on the door and saw a lovely lady that was looking at a dress and her hair was long and black. "I am here to help you try on the dress. This is a lovely dress, was it custom ordered?"

"Ah, yes it was. Sorry, you caught me a little off guard. The dress is something my mother and I ordered together." Yuki had her back facing the girl and she looked back at the dress.

The girl walked up to Yuki and helped her unzip the dress that she was wearing currently. "You have fabulous taste in dresses. The one you are currently wearing is one of Michelle's creations. She makes the most amazing dresses."

"Thank you, I know that Michelle is great at her job." Yuki stepped out of the dress and stood up and waited for the girl to take the dress off the mannequin and start helping her dress.

"My name is Courtney. I am glad that you are trusting me." Courtney started to help Yuki into the dress and she saw a mark on Yuki's back. She gasped and then did up the dress as her heart began to race.

"Courtney, what did you see on my back that is making your heart race the way it is?" Yuki asked as she caught the fear coming from the girl. Yuki's hair shifted back to silver from the fear that was coming off the girl.

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