Slave to the Darkness

73 73 First Attack

Courtney reached her hand over the table and picked up a pair of scissors.

Michelle raced up the stairs and opened the door. "Yuki are you okay?" Michelle's voice slipped and sounded deep like a man's voice. Michelle saw the scissors in Courtney's hands and nearly lost it.

"I am fine but there seems to be something on my back that has startled Courtney."

"I-I am sorry. You are supposed to be dead. No one thought that the royal fam-" Courtney got cut off by Michelle's hand that covered the girl's mouth.

"Shhhh, not another word from you. I trusted you to help my guest and here you are about to say words that do not need to be said out loud." Michelle forced her to drop the scissors before resting his lips on Courtney's neck. He opened his lips and bit into her neck drinking her blood but as the blood memories came to him he drained her faster before she could do anything. He pulled the body away from Yuki, who was still trying to wear the white wedding dress.

Yuki watched and saw hatred flash across Courtney's eyes. "I see, so this one of the ones that wanted me dead but that does not explain what she saw on my back. I want to know what exactly is there!" Yuki's anger flared really high. So high that Cedric felt her anger from the house.

Cedric stood up and panicked for a moment. 'She is not supposed to wake up yet. It is too early.' Cedric started getting what he needed together before checking in on Claude. He knocked on the door.

Claude came to the door and looked at the panic in Cedric's eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Yuki might be awake. I know that it is only one in the afternoon but I can feel her anger." Cedric looked at the bed and saw that Sephira was sleeping soundly still. "The room is soundproof so give her enough so that she doesn't overpower you."

"Do not worry about us here. Go to Yuki. I will do what is needed here. I already shackled her using the restraints that were here from the experiments. I will be fine. Yuki is the top priority right now." Claude looked at his boss and buddy.

"Thank you. I will do just that. I will be back as soon as I can. Be safe and I will help if you need it." Cedric casts a transport spell and now was in an alley near the store. He walked to the door of the shop and went upstairs. Once he got to the top of the stairs he smelled blood he rushed to the room and tried to open the door.

"Cedric, do not force the door open. I killed a worker because she was going to do something to Yuki. I will have another worker help her but before I send her to Yuki, I will have to test her." He pulled a curtain so that Cedric would not be able to see the dress then opened that door.

Cedric ran into the room and looked for Yuki. "Yuki are you really okay?"

"I am fine Master Cedric. I was getting help with a special dress that my mother ordered so I do not want you to see it until the timing is right." Yuki popped her head out, "but can you tell me about the mark that is on my back please?"

"I felt your anger, Yuki. That mark shows that you are a direct descendant of royalty." Cedric sighed in relief as soon as he saw her head pop out. "Thank you, Michelle, for taking care of Yuki."

"It is no issue. She is an important person and I may have just become a part of her clan but she is my leader now. It is part of my duties to help her whenever I can." Michelle left the two to chat while going to grab a different girl to help Yuki out.

"A mark that shows my lineage? I did not know that it was there. Am I unable to see it?" Yuki was still looking out the curtain and holding the dress up with one arm.

"Yes, it shows who you are. I think you will be able to see it soon." Cedric sat down in the chair next to the opening and patted her head. "I will not peek on you. If it is something Luna picked then I bet it is something rather important. I will be the one taking it off you eventually. Are you sure that you are not hurt?"

Yuki blushed and gave him a small smile, "I really am fine. I was not expecting the attack but at the same time I was supposed to stay vigilant so that if something happened I would be able to defend myself. It seems that the mark on my back draws attention. So if another supernatural sees it they will want to know how I survived."

"Ahhhh, I forgot about that detail. Do not worry. I will help keep you safe." Cedric stood up and cupped her cheeks in his hands, bent down and kissed her lips softly, "My little Slave survived her first attack although Michelle really did a number on the girl. I thought that you were hurt for a moment."

"Master Cedric, I am sorry for worrying you but I got a little information so I know that people think that I am dead and some think that I am living. I was lucky that Michelle was one of the people that wanted me to stay living and didn't want me dead." Yuki kissed him back on the lips.

"I almost didn't ask, why are you awake or maybe I should ask how?" Cedric let go of her cheeks and waited to hear her answer.

"Maybe something is being triggered inside and I am becoming a daywalker or my body sensed danger so it woke me from my slumber?" Yuki looked down at her hands and wondered what was going on that could've caused this.

"If I may?" Michelle stepped up to the couple. "I am sure that we stated earlier that Yuki would become a daywalker at some point in time. I didn't think that it would happen but has there been anything that has continued to go on in the shadows that could warrant this happening? I only just joined you guys today."

"I haven't known about my true identity for long. I only started drinking the vials of blood." Yuki looked at Cedric waiting to see what he had to say about it.

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