Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 128

The focus of her pupils is herself, with a pool of clear water under her eyes, she is very serious.

What I wanted to say before, now I say it again.

Qian was stunned for a moment, shook her head with a wry smile, and gently held her shoulder to push her away.

"...I think you should know me well."

How awkward a person is.

Chapter 25'Unrelated' Third Parties

It was night, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Shi Yu’s home was rarely brightly lit. Usually at this time, she was the only one in her house, and her mother would come back at 11 o’clock in the evening. As for his father, Shi Yu remembers that the last time I saw him was almost half of the time. It happened a month ago. Normally, she would order a takeaway in silence and stay in the room to do her own thing.

The whole family lived so narrowly.

Then she turned on the TV that she hadn't touched for a long time now, and she was lying on the sofa. The TV was showing nonsensical variety shows.

Is the prime time now used to broadcast these meaningless programs?

Shi Yu was a little boring.

Even if the TV has not been used for a long time, it is as brand new as it was bought yesterday. After all, the housekeeping aunt will come to clean it three times a week. If you want to count this, it can only be regarded as Shiyu's'hometown'.

"I am back."

Suddenly the doorknob was unscrewed, and my mother came back, perhaps because of her distraction, she didn't even hear the engine of the vehicle.

"It's really early tonight."

Although she was a little surprised, Shi Yu concealed the surprise well and still kept her original posture.

A woman who looked like Shiyu came to Shiyu wearing indoor shoes. She was wearing an OL costume. She had a mole on the corner of her eye and had short and capable hair. She seemed to have taken off the superwoman when she got home. Looks like the mother's softness is more between the steps.

She was very interested in seeing Shi Yu's performance, and smiled and sat down beside Shi Yu.

"Oh? Did something special happen tonight?"

"It's rare for my daughter to want to watch the news network, but are you talking coldly here?"

Shi Yu didn't lift his eyelids.

"Yes, news network."

My mother glanced at the spoof performances of several artists on TV, and looked at her daughter meaningfully. Shi Yu is a very good and sensible daughter. Because of this, she will have the talents that her peers do not have, and that she has no peers. Thoughts, but also lost the normal experience of peers.

So I was really surprised to hear that she had made a boyfriend before.

"Why are you at home this time tonight?"

"It's finally here and you want to drive your daughter out, workaholic mother."

"Don't be so merciless," she chuckled, and kept winking at Shiyu, "That's the one, Qian Yijun, that guy, that's pretty good, why not go find him? Not with her boyfriend at night. Together, be careful to be snatched away by other girls."

Especially recently, the aunt next door told herself what kind of special offer the young man had done in the shopping street.

Suddenly, Shi Yu sneered nervously.

"Haha, it has been snatched away."


Unexpected answer.

"What you said is true?"

"I don't think I need to lie to you in this kind of place, don't you know me well?"

"...You kid is really sarcastic all the time."

Mother sighed. Although she is very sensible, she can't fight back when she is ridiculed by her occasionally like this.

"If you and Dad quarreled less in front of me when I was young, maybe I wouldn't learn this way of saying it."

Shi Yu finally sat up straight, but she still didn't look very energetic, and there were some traces of staying up late on her face.

"...Don't you want to save it?"

"It was just the'boyfriend' I picked up by accident on the road."

"It's not a pity?"


"Then do you have a new partner now?"

"Why? Does it mean that our family can't even support me now? It's okay, I can support myself, don't worry.

The tone was like anxious to marry her out.

"Since you don't want to say it, then forget it, remember, mom is always on your side, have you eaten?"

"I originally planned to order sushi takeaway."

"Then I will cook some for you now."

She smiled happily, and Shi Yu looked a little hesitant.

"Right, mother."


"If a person treats you well and even sacrifices a lot of things to do something meaningless to others, but in the end the other party only regards you as a good friend, what should you do?"

" the other party important to you?"

"…I do not know."

"Then you can only ask yourself."

Mother smiled more brilliantly, and the brief exchange with her daughter seemed to let her get rid of the exhaustion of work.

"By the way, I will go out for a few days next," she added at the end, "go with classmates from the club."

"...Is there no problem with my ears?"

Mom's smile froze, and the incredibleness in her eyes was obvious.

What kind of wind is this blowing... Such a normal activity would actually happen to my lonely daughter.

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