Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 129


It seems that it is time to rent-free.


There are many rooms in Ying Lili's home, and ordinary people may get lost when they walk in.

But it doesn't matter, this is all money from the public.

Said to be style-

"Mom~! Haven't you recently had a project about Japanese-English exchange students."

In the study, a random item of furnishings here is enough to pay a one-year rent, and Ying Lili is trying her best to pull her mother to act like a baby.

"Yes, what's wrong? Are you interested in going back to school?"

Yuriko, Ying Lili’s mother did not work in the study at night, but used a computer to run a large two-dimensional BBS in a remote country. Ying Lili’s parents were the founders...

"What are the conditions?"

"What are the conditions for your own people? You can go if you want, but do you go there to learn design or orthodox painting?"

Yuriko touched Ying Lili's head fondly, knowing that her daughter's coquettish appearance has not appeared for a long time.

When I last appeared in junior high school, I wanted to let a male student who harassed her drop out of school.

"What are the conditions for ordinary people?"

"Do you have friends who want to go? Yes, the procedures are quite complicated. The key part still depends on your father, but first, you must have a 3 million yen deposit."

Ying Lili, who had become a Persian cat, was stunned, and then shook her mother's hand again.


Sticky and sweet tone.

"En~? Tell me first, is the kid you want to help a boy or a girl?"


"Xiao Lun too?"

"No, that guy is not interested in making progress in this area."


Yuriko stared at her daughter with interest, as if she had met her for the first time. She didn't know when it started. She actually had more thoughts in it.

"What, what's wrong."

Ying Lili was guilty of being seen mentally.

"It's nothing, it's just that my daughter has grown up suddenly."


Suddenly the phone in Ying Lili's pocket vibrated.

'Call—Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.'

Ying Lili was surprised.


"Hey, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, what do you want me to do."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the corridor, Ying Lili looked at the bright moon outside the window. There was no cloud and the stars were shining. It seemed that the next few days would be suitable for traveling.

"I really hope that your IQ will enable you to learn to use the honorific name for the elder sister, classmate Zecun."

"I don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Palace. Now I don't have much time to talk about these things with you. If you just come to me to pass the boring time, please go out and turn left to find your'boyfriend'."

She paused, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

"I believe that idiot Renya will be happy."

"...Sawamura student, how do I feel that you are now very willing to talk to me about unnecessary things?"

"Ahhh, this is all'Senior Sister' you did yourself?"

Ying Lili wanted to ridicule her early in the morning. In her opinion, what Shi Yu did to Lun outside the Xia CM venue was absolutely special.

And to get rid of some inner confusion.

Just like Ying Lili chose to contribute to Asaichi's future.

Both of them are doing the same behavior as Enfan.

"Huh~" The opposite seemed to take a breath, "Not much nonsense, Sawamura, since you already know that I am no longer his girlfriend, then you should know that my relationship is chaotic now."

"Then you still choose to follow him back to your hometown?"

Ying Lili did not answer directly, but asked her own questions.

"Don't you care what the two of them did together last night?"


What Yinglili hadn't thought about was suddenly brought up again. Last night, after Qianyi hung up the call, she always felt restless in her heart. How would you think about that situation?But they are lovers, which is normal.

Maybe Qianyi didn't start the coaxing?

But at the gathering today, Kato and Qianichi's performance made her completely give up this conjecture.

"Huh, huh! There is something special about what they do, I'm not interested in knowing the process, I usually draw often, there is no novelty at all!"

I usually draw...

Does anyone use this statement...

"They didn't do it."

"how do you know!"

Yinglili's volume increased sharply.

"It's not convenient to tell you."

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