Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 189

She smiled like a flower but there were tears in her eyes.

"Sure enough, I can't have a good relationship with you, Kato-san."

"It's so gentle, senior sister."

Finally reached the end, but found that it was back to the starting point.

The future he expected has quietly changed.

In the future they expect, changes tend to be consistent.

When the snowflakes fly, time will flow again.


Chapter 3 No plan to back down

My feet stepped on this familiar land again, and I would like to kiss to prove my nostalgia for this land.

At the moment of getting off the plane, Qian Yi suddenly had this feeling in his mind.

The cold wind is bitter, and the latitude here is lower than that of the United Kingdom. Why does it feel colder? Sure enough, the macro knowledge in geography is deceptive. The key lies in the influence of local factors.

No... this may be because of the latent throbbing in my heart-what are they doing now, if I meet them again, what kind of expression should they use, what kind of mentality should they use, how are they doing?

Even though there are occasional contacts via the Internet, they have not met in a real sense, and there is no real feeling if they do not meet, but Qianyi concluded from the information he can understand: they all live a good life.

Xiaohui was admitted to the same university as Shiyu. You know, Shiyu is the best student in academic ability on campus. She told Qianyi that the university she was going to take was Fengcheng University, which is famous for its literature department. Although the academic level of the high school is good, only 3% of the students can pass.

However, Xiaohui was admitted, and during the time she took the exam, she told Qianyi about her itinerary. Even if Qianyi didn’t know how to reply to her, it didn’t affect his inner joy. She was a freshman in Fengcheng University this year. Newborn, this is a great thing. She told him in this way: She is alive and well, and is constantly moving forward.

As for Shiyu, she still does her own way after she enters college. She doesn't seem to have any new friends besides her high school friends, but she seems to have joined a new fan club. The details are not clear, he can know. Only Shiyu’s new book has been released to the second volume. She officially released the first volume not long after they left. The original events gave her a lot of inspiration.

No matter whether it is in the industry or outside the industry, the new works of Xia Shizi are always praised. Many people predict that this young and cutting-edge light novelist will be as short-lived as many former geniuses. They did not expect her second work to surpass. The quality of the previous work-she wrote about what happened based on her own life.

Although Qianichi is pleased that her reputation can be improved, she also feels a subtle touch because of the content of the story. Her books are all bought online, but he hasn't read it for a long time. He always feels that there is everything in the line. Can be summed up in one sentence-

'look at me.'

Such a straightforward expression will only increase his guilt a little bit by telling him how to look directly. The better she writes, the more it can reflect how much he has done.

Needless to say, Ying Lili, Qianichi is by her side to see her things through. She seems to have a unique talent for fashion design. The school they entered is not very good in design, but she takes the school Participating in various design competitions for the springboard seems to have won praise. Many well-known schools in the industry have extended an olive branch to her, but all of them were rejected by her without exception.

Needless to say the reason.

In any case, Qianyi felt that a large part of the reason why she was able to work so hard could be attributed to them. During this time, they did not waste themselves or depressed, but carried the heavy feelings that had happened step by step. Go forward, toward your goal.

Sure enough, they are all excellent girls.

If you don't become stronger anymore, if you don't improve yourself, how can you continue the feeling you once had.

Nothing can become empty talk.

"Why are you in a daze."

Both of them were waiting for the luggage to come over. Ying Lili called Qian several times and didn't respond. She was absent-minded and knew she was thinking of something else.

"It's nothing, just thinking about something."

Qianyi regained his consciousness and looked at some petite beautiful girls in front of her. She was wearing a thick knee-length coat with a knitted cotton coat underneath, and the scarf around her neck was a bit rough-this was made by Qianichi for her in the winter of last year. Warm brand, goose yellow British style skirt lined with cotton socks, even if dressed so thickly, her charm is still unabated.

"I know, what are you thinking?"

Although there are people around, but they are all people who don't know, Ying Lili's attitude has not changed much.

"Um... I was thinking that you really seem to be a little fatter dressed like this."

"Wha!" Ying Lili immediately took off her coat, "Who do you think ordered me to wear so many clothes! When I set off, I put on clothes on me. I wore 3 pieces of clothes! 3 clothes! 2 sweaters! You--!"

Sure enough, are girls still more concerned about this...

"Hey, hey! What are you doing, I haven't finished yet," Qianyi held her down, "It's better to get fat. You're really too thin, and you will be more cute if you get fatter."

"...Only you can say that, idiot."

Ying Lili's cheeks that had been blushed by the cold wind became even more red, and she unnaturally lowered her head and muttered a few words.

"Besides, I really don't know why girls like to wear so little, what if it gets cold."

"Don't underestimate the girl's ability to resist cold!"

I think it depends on demeanor but not temperature.

Qianyi murmured something in his heart, then turned his eyes to the side at will, and then he could not move as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Besides, if not for..."

"...Shi Yu."

Yinglili's ears were red, and when she wanted to say something, she found that Qianichi who was standing next to her just staggered her and looked in one direction blankly.

Next to the luggage transport belt is the exit. The glass wall surrounds this area. There are some people waiting for relatives and friends outside, and people they know inside.

And a very familiar person.

She came to pick up the plane.

Shi Yu.

That familiar figure, she was on the other side, separated by the glass, still in that noble and elegant aura, no one approached her, as if one step closer seemed to tarnish her, black and white style of dressing style, wearing one inside She has a thin long dress, a pure white coat and pantyhose as always. She hasn't changed anything for a year and a half.

She just looked at this side quietly, even if Qianyi spotted her.


Ying Lili looked at Qian Yi with complicated eyes. The two hadn't seen each other for a year and a half. Is it necessary to achieve this level?It's like a newlywed couple who suddenly left for 10 years and then met at the airport. The two people looked at each other affectionately and the independent small background was a code play...

Posing her lips, she still followed Qian Yi to walk there.

"You have lost weight."

The glass is not soundproof.

"You too."

The conversation between two people is so low IQ.

"If you try to take a 10-hour flight and watch all the movies, you will know how to lose weight."

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