Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 190

Ying Lili ruthlessly ruined the atmosphere.

"Classmate Zecun, I haven't seen you for so long. It's really good if you are still so energetic."

Shiyu's smile remained the same as before.


"Obviously we are in first class, okay? You don't know why you are as excited as the elementary school students before the excursion. You are not asleep, and you keep asking me how to give gifts to—"

"Wow wow wow ah ah ah ah~"

Ying Lili stretched out her hands and waved hard in front of Kanichi.

"What are you talking about, idiot!"


Shi Yu made a meaningful voice. The youthful years have completely faded her past youthfulness. She is now in the most beautiful years of Double Ten. The natural beauty of her is the focus wherever she goes.

Now is no exception, but she can still maintain this kind of easy attitude.

"Sawamura classmate, I haven't seen your character characteristics for so long, and it has remained the same as before. I don't know if you have heard of what is called'unchanged = perish'. Characters like you generally won't live to the end. Oh."

"That ending must have been written by a black-hearted novelist like you, no doubt."

"Ah, I will definitely save your role for the end? It's written as a kind of paying a lot and finally being insulted by the punks for the male lead and then being misunderstood by the male lead. Then it must be put aside."

"Haha, the two of you still have a good relationship as always."

""What a joke!""

In unison, isn't this a sign of a good relationship?

This kind of familiar bickering felt so familiar, and Qianyi felt warmth in her heart.


Qianichi called the name again.





"Wait! You're not going to say the kind of mindless words I just want to hear from you next!"

Yinglili's goose bumps all fell on the ground.

"Ah, ahaha."

Qian Qian chuckled twice. In fact, he didn't know what he wanted, he only knew that there was an impulse in his heart.

Hug her.

He used to think that in novels and TV series, there is always an urge to hold on to each other, which is deceptive, until now.

"You two, the relationship is really good."

On the other side of the glass, Shiyu stared at Yinglili and said this sentence. From just now, Qian's attitude towards Yinglili and Yinglili's attitude towards Qianichi. The dialogue behavior between the two people is'natural'. A lot.

"Wow, wow!" Ying Lili glared at her with a flushed face, and then pointed to the stroller next to her, "What is this! Where did you bring it back from?"

Ying Lili's movements made Qianichi realize that there is something'special' beside Shiyu.

Baby... baby carriage?

and many more.

Qian's face turned pale.

Shi Yu squatted down and pulled the stroller closer. There was a baby sleeping soundly inside. She looked up at Qian Yi, her eyes seemingly shy.

"This is our child."



Yinglili's brain crashes.

"Wait! Shiyu, are you lying to me?!"

If it is really the flesh and blood of Asaichi and Shiyu, one and a half years, no, there are enough pregnancy cycles!If it is true, how did she come over these years, the title of'popular writer of unmarried mother light novel'——

Qian Yi panicked.

"Well, I lied to you."


"This is my aunt's daughter. Today, she drove me over here. I will help her bring the baby by the way."

"Ah, ah ha ha ha, let me just say, how could it be possible, this kind of joke is not funny."

"Why are you still so rude!"

Ying Lili felt that she had taken a roller coaster a moment ago, and her heartbeat was not speeding up.

"Well, yes, after all, you wore O on the first night."

"I also remember—poof! What are you talking about! Hello!"

Why do you say this as soon as you come back!Is it because you are jealous!Sure enough, it must be jealous!This manifestation of possessiveness!

"...Wearing, wearing O...then, that night...Originally, so it was...hahahaha,haha,hahahahaha."

Ying Lili swayed as if she had lost her soul, and she couldn't stand still.

"Wait! Ying Lili! This is a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! It's not like this!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu what to do, father is going to abandon us.

Shi Yu crouched in front of the stroller and "crying".

"Hey! That's my favor! It must be a lie to me! That night I obviously—"

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