Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 196

Good luck to Junan.


PS: Actually Xiaohui paid attention to Qianyi's from the beginning?

She is infatuated.

I always feel more loyal than Yuki and Yukina in the fisherman's setting.

Vote for recommendation!~!~!

There is also a book review event, everyone join in.

Fanwai 3. A reasonable encounter between him and her

(This is the first time Asaichi and Eiri meet)

Toyosaki Academy.

This is the school that the first high school student transferred to. There are no people he knew before, and there is no trace of the past. However, there is an acquaintance. No, it is actually not at the level of an acquaintance. It is just a girl who has ever met. '.


Qianichi believed this for the first time.

When he saw the girl sitting in front of him, he was really stunned. Then, even more dramatic, when he used all his savings from part-time work to rent a room close to the school, he actually found the girl. The landlord’s daughter.

I don't know what mentality the other party came from, maybe it was a threat or intimidation, maybe without so much thought, that girl just came to contact him proactively-in a room with only two people, at night.

Try it out.

Probably it is to call the police directly if the person is not good or something is wrong.

Although it is rude to a stranger to think so, Qianichi always feels that this girl who is different from ordinary people's vigilance will definitely do it. This is the nature of her eyes.

Determined to be harmless.

This should be the result given by the girl.

Her name is'Xiazhiqiu Shiyu', a very cultural name. Her family should also be a cultural family with quality education, and it should be quite affluent.

This is Kanichi's first impression, and his second impression is: This is an introverted girl who is not good at interacting with others.

Yes, it is introverted.

She is like a hedgehog, once you go around the spiked back, all you see is soft flesh.

Surprisingly, Shi Yu was not arguing with her boyfriend that night. She took the initiative to clarify to Qianyi that it was more like a confession. The boy was the boy she liked, but she was rejected.

I said so.

The other party is a younger brother studying in the same school.

After learning about all this, Qianyi was silent. There is no doubt that he was full of expectations for all of this. Probably, it was the legendary-'love at first sight', but unfortunately, the other party already has someone he likes.

Then please help her.

So with this kind of thought in mind, Qian Yi put forward his own'suggestion'.

Pretend to be a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship to stimulate that guy!

Then, caught off guard, Qian Yi was'baptized'.

In fact, he should have been very clear. A girl like such a beautiful girl, a girl with such a special character, and a girl who looks like a goddess, must be outstanding among his peers.

But he didn't expect him to become the focus of the whole school.

The new high school life seems to be inseparable from this girl.


There are two beauties in Toyosaki Academy, Kasumigaoka in the back and Yinglili in the table.

This is the most popular sentence. The students here seem to be accustomed to comparing Shiyu with a beautiful girl named Sawamura Spencer Yinglili. Qianichi has seen it from a distance several times in the school. The eldest lady is full of aura, dazzling blonde hair, slender and luxurious body, light make-up is a good combination of youth and liveliness; she is surrounded by many students in the center, like stars holding the moon, with a polite smile on her face , Impeccable, very elegant gestures, luxury cars and professional housekeepers pick up and drop off from school every day, as if it is like a young lady with a background in the animation.

In the case of Qianyi, he is very cold to this kind of life, and it seems that he can't even do what he wants to do.

Well, this can be regarded as the feeling of not being able to eat grapes and saying that the grapes are sour.

But this is only limited to thinking in my heart, it is impossible for a lady like the other party to have any contact with me.

Senichi thought so.

Then it didn't take long before he was'educated'.


There are work-study positions in the school. This school takes care of poor students. This is rare. However, thanks to this gift, Qianyi can get a job as a'librarian' every week in this semester. The school is not like other schools that adopt a class rotation system. Although the salary is thin, it is better than nothing for the simple one.

Usually there are no people in the library. Most of the high school students of this age go to work after school or go to KTV or game center wherever they go as partners, or go to the school club activities or In the homecoming department, not many people will go to the library after school.

And Qianyi's working hours are only after school.

On this day, there were only three or two figures in the library as usual. Everyone was quiet, but today there was a special reader here, the legendary eldest lady, Ying Lili, she appeared here.

However, Qianyi only took a few glances and didn't continue to focus on her. After all, she was from two worlds.

Then just as he started sorting out the books on the shelves, he found that someone was staring at him.

For some reason, Qian is very sensitive to the sight of others. Even when he came here, he became a "boyfriend and girlfriend" relationship with that Xia Zhiqiu and became the focus of others. He was still not used to the sight of others.

He looked back and saw that no one was looking at him. The only one sitting not far away was the'eldest lady'. She had a book that looked like a'sketchbook' in front of her, but she was low. The head is writing and drawing, not looking here.

Is it too careless?

Qianyi muttered in his heart, then turned his head and continued to put the book returned by others back on the shelf. It happened that the next book was in a lower position. He did not squat down, but bent his body and put the book back— —In this posture, his buttocks are protruding outward.

The'car' of the old man cart.

The line of sight suddenly came again!

Qian Yi's chrysanthemum tightened, and he straightened up subconsciously. Just when he wanted to look back, he greeted a flirtatious rebuke:

"Don't turn around! Keep holding the same posture!"

After a glance, the legendary eldest lady did not know when she suddenly rushed to the position closest to her. She was very serious about what she was drawing with her painting book, and she looked like a person-Shi Yu who was creating. , It didn't take long for Qianyi to know the other party that she is a light novelist. Although she is not well-known, the other party is very concentrated when creating.

Just like the current Yingli Li.

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