Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 197

Qianichi hesitated for 0.5 seconds, then chose to turn around.

"Please, is there anything wrong?"

Behind is the legendary beautiful girl eldest!


What, long-winded?

The voice is crisp, and the voice is correct, but is this kind of bad and willful words really the same person?

Qianichi doubted his ears.

"You, are you Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's boyfriend?"

"Uh, probably it should be correct."

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady can't avoid the vulgarity, and is also interested in this kind of gossip.

"What? This kind of mother-in-law tone, haven't you heard anything?"

What are you talking about in such a general question... And is this tone really that dazzling student Ying Lili like Zhongxing Pengyue?

"Uh, I probably have heard of it."

If it's all kinds of rumors about him and Shiyu, it turns out that the two of them know each other.

"Then it's okay, although it feels like I've asked the guy to be upset, but I can't do anything about the deadline," she muttered, "Hey! Hurry up and take the pose you just did!"


Qian Yi suppressed 10,000 questions in her heart, and the other party's tone seemed to be very anxious. Could it be that she was doing something'task'?

Also, the action, shouldn't it be the same'car' action as the old man pushing a cart just now?

"The'car' that the old man pushes."

"You actually said it like this?!"

Qianda was shocked and turned around. The eldest lady who is usually aloof is now sitting not far away with a sketchbook on her knees, looking at him dissatisfied.

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"Oh, oh."

"Hold the bookshelf with both hands! Bent over! Cocked hips!"

Just like the instructor's instructions during military training.

"...Um, Sawamura, I always think that I am doing something very strange now is my illusion?"

"Just a few minutes! No one is there now! Really, why did that guy find you a guy who has been so slow!"

If you are not unfamiliar with the composition of the characters in this scene, you don't need to be so troublesome.

She added in a low voice.


Now that I have been involved in my'girlfriend', it seems that I know each other.

Asaichi endured the shame and did.

He prayed in his heart that no one else would come, and counted the time silently. After about ten minutes passed, Ying Lili still didn't stop, he tried to speak out, but didn't dare to move.

"Classmate Zecun?"

There is no reason.

"Classmate Zecun~?"

The elongated tone is still ignored.

After holding on for a few more minutes, he really couldn't bear it, turned his head and looked at it, and found that the other party had been drawing something there.


So this group of creators really are.

Qianyi has confirmed that Ying Lili should be the same creator as Shiyu, and as opposed to Shiyu, she should be a painter.

After approaching, he discovered something that shocked him-the content on the other page of the sketchbook was a girl in the library and a man doing something to do with each other!And what she is drawing is the posture of a girl being entered in the library!This action is exactly the same as what he did just now!

"You, what are you drawing!"

Kanichi yelled with a loud voice that destroyed the library.

"Tsk! Do you know you are rude!"

She didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around her, but instead gave an impatient glance, expressing dissatisfaction with her prominent little tiger teeth being interrupted in her creative state.

Qianichi also knew how awkward he had done just now. He actually yelled in the library. He apologized to the surprised and blamed gazes of several people around him, then lowered his voice, suppressing certain emotions.

"I think you are even more excessive!"

"What? Haven't you heard of it."

"My'heard' refers to the rumors that Shiyu and I were in school!"


She seemed to think of something, her pretty face paled instantly, her shoulders trembling, and her hand holding the pen was pinched hard.

"Then, have you heard about me from that guy?"

The tone was hopeful.


"Nalun is there too!"

An almost desperate tone.

She's talking about her new working place, the schoolboy Shi Yu likes, right?How did you know Qianyi knew him?



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