Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 321

"I have got!"

Asaneichi interrupted her roughly.

Struggling to spread the body to carry the bags scattered not far away.

"This! This, I just rushed to work not long ago. The gift to you, I originally wanted to surprise you, but you gave me a "surprise" first..."

Ying Lili took the small bag.

Inside is...

The super rough workmanship is a doll that can only be recognized by its hairstyle, and two stacks of bound A4 paper.


Ying Lili looked at Asaichi incredulously.

"After the project is completed, I thought about preparing gifts for you. Didn't you care about what they gave me before?"

"Just, nothing!"

"I can smell your sourness here."

Qian Yi squeezed her Qiong nose, naturally, more intimate, he stretched out his fingers covered with bandages and smiled bitterly.

"I made the doll myself. The A4 paper wrote about what happened between me and you. The other pile was written by Shiyu for you. I don't know the content."

"No, I..."

Ying Lili was suddenly ashamed, but the joyful mood couldn't stop the surge, and her eyes suddenly became hazy.

"I went out with Xiaohui to buy materials at the market. I stayed in Shiyu's room all night to learn how to write stories. I did everything for you. I wanted to surprise you, so I kept it from you."

"But, but."

It turns out that people really shed tears when they are happy.

Especially when the heart beats "boom, dong, dong".

Ying Lili covered her mouth with her hand to prevent her crying.

"and so..."

Qianyi took out his phone and sent a message.

Then he held her rainy cheeks in both hands and asked her to look at him. Ying Lili suddenly widened her eyes, looking at Kanichi's back as if seeing something incredible.

There is a building in the distance, on it, big words are reflected.

"come back."

"come back."

Qian Yi gently embraced her.

"I can't live without you, Eiri."

"My cutest "sister"."

Tears came out again, and she firmly embraced the simple little bag as if it contained her own life, squeezed into his arms hard, and nodded desperately.

"Yeah! Brother!"

PS: The story of Ying Lili is over.

I have finished writing the word overnight, and I am going to pick up the goods.

The third volume will be released in the next update.

I'm going to work hard to make money and set up a stall...otherwise I have no money.

Come on with such a conscientious fisherman??

No one wrote such a bloody plot!

Chapter 61 I am actually really conscientious

What is living for.

For Qian Yi, I had time to think about this problem before, but now I have forgotten to think about it.

Because this kind of spiritual existence such as the so-called survival goal will appear quietly and unconsciously in my heart when I start to take a step, guiding each other's lives to interlace, spiral upward, and become more and more entangled. Shen, when he really wanted to leave, he found that the red thread of fate had tied each other together.

Therefore, I have grown up, and I will no longer continue the kind of actions that hurt them. I don't need to think about a clear future, I don't need to worry about how to treat them in the future, and I don't need to think about whether I will become weak.

They have demonstrated to themselves with actions.



Home, at dinner.

At the dining table, all the staff gathered together. This is a scene that hasn’t appeared for nearly a week. Although Kanichi seldom eats at home because of work, it always feels more nostalgic now. All of these are because the pear is like an ostrich The same performance.

Shiyu's face showed a molesting smile that she hadn't seen in this time. She seemed to have found something new. The smile was meaningful, and her fox-like eyes stared at Ying Lili, who was sitting opposite. , As if there was some interesting makeup on Ying Lili's charming face.

"I want soup, thank you~"

Shiyu put the empty bowl in front of her and looked at Ying Lili and said that Ying Lili, who was immersed in the rice, shook her body slightly, but the movements remained the same, but she kept eating mechanically.

Ying Lili also kept eating, and did not pick up any vegetables, as if she was afraid that she would be stabbed by the nasty mockery when she raised her head.

"Let me do it."

Xiaohui reached out and wanted to pick it up.

"Ah, Kato-san, I think you should eat more like me, come."

Shiyu took a few pieces of meat and put them in Kato's bowl, hiding a knife in her smile.


"Hey, let me come. What are you all pushing for? I'm close to the kitchen. I'll come."

Having been paying attention to the atmosphere of the dining table, Qianyi realized that something was wrong if it continued, and he was about to take action.

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