Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 322

""My dear", I should have told you to eat more food a long time ago, and don't do such unnecessary things."

She looked at Kanichi with a smile.

"How can it be said that it is meaningless to help you serve soup!"

Shi Yu saw Qian Yi reach out and was about to take the bowl, and was not annoyed, his smile was a little more aggressive.

"Oh yo? I mean the behavior of going out to find stray dogs regardless of one's body, routine, and routine."

"You said so? Sawamura "Miss"."

Ying Lili shrank.

"...I, I--" She took a deep breath, then squeezed out a smile that was more ugly than crying, gritted her teeth, "Okay."

Serve the soup.

After a while.


"Oh, my chopsticks accidentally fell on the ground~"

Shiyu deliberately dropped the chopsticks to the ground, blinking innocently and looking at Ying Lili whose face was blue and red.

"I pick it up!"

Gritting teeth.

"But this one is already dirty."

"I wash!"

Qianichi and Xiaohui looked at each other. How did Shiyu have a full S mentality today? Is it because she couldn't find the'toy' that made her enjoy herself recently? Why is the pressure accumulated on Ying Lili?

After a while.

"Hey, Sawamura-san, I want to eat the bitter gourd in front of you. It looks so delicious. Kato-san's craftsmanship has become a lot better recently."

"My folder!"

Before Qian Yi took the initiative to clip Shiyu, Ying Lili had already taken the initiative to'humiliate'.

"Hey, I don't want that piece."

Change one.

"Don't want this either."

Shi Yu waved his hand in disgust.

"Hello! Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu!"

Ying Lili was finally unbearable, flushed and hardened her neck. This woman was too much!Get an inch!Can you still eat well!Just come back and do it like this!

Wouldn't it be necessary to look at her face even when walking?


On the other hand, Shiyu's reaction was calmer than Ying Lili, but the corners of her mouth rose a bit more, and the thicker smile betrayed her evil taste.

How fun is not to resist.

"Don't go too far!"

"Why am I going too far?"


Ying Lili pointed to her nose and was so angry that she wanted to spray five times a second.

"No matter how much I am, I can't compare to a idiot who often disturbs others to sleep late at night, wakes them up, and then stupidly thinks that everyone in the house is asleep."


Ying Lili couldn't get out of the fire.

"Ah, I was wrong. I'm sorry, indeed, it's just a betrayed dog who ran away from home using a sympathy card to cover up his mistake."

"It's none of your business!"

Shi Yu didn't give her a way out at all, she was straightforward, slightly raised her head, and the pointed chin of Guazi's face faced each other.

"You are "strong" but "my" man."


Kanichi who was on the sidelines was hit by Chiyu!

Contestant Xiaohui eats calmly.

In the center of the storm, Ying Lili opened and closed her mouth like a deoxygenated goldfish, her eyes seemed to be focused on Shi Yu, but the corner of her eyes slipped to Qian Yi.

"That, that's none of your business!"

"Classmate Zecun, is your hearing impaired?"

"I do not have!"

"Then you must be living in a dream."

"Brother is "Xiao Hui's" man!"


Qianyi thinks this bowl of rice today is really hard to finish...

Ying Lili is anxious and tries to help her.

"In fact, Shiyu-senpai is indeed a woman of Asano."

Xiaohui tapped her chin with chopsticks and tilted her head.

"Little Hui!"

Ying Lili looked at the indifferent Xiaohui in disbelief, and acted with a helper, but failed.

Qianyi felt it was time to show the majesty of the head of the family!

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