Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Heroine Chapter 337

She raised her eyebrows, thinking very seriously.

"Why does Qianichi like me?"

She seems to have asked such a question.

"Hey...didn't I ask you questions."

"Hurry up, this is very important, for me to answer your question."

She coquettishly drew circles on his chest with her index finger.

"Oh oh oh~ good, haha, I, I said."

Hastily grabbed the finger that caused him to get angry again.

This is already a very clear answer. Qianichi is now very clear about why he stands firm in his own ideas, why he loves them so deeply, and what drives him to break through that pedantic old idea.

Just thinking about it, the warmth in my heart can't be hidden, my face is like a fire, and my head is buried in the silky hair that exudes a sweet fragrance, awkwardly covering my shyness.

"When I was the most helpless and confused, when I was thinking about getting through the days, when I closed my heart and treated this gray world like a passerby," Qianichi's voice is full of love, "It's you who use paint It filled my world, you took my hand, and you brought them to my side."

"Only by this, you came to me like an angel when my life was low."

"Then, stay with me."

He held her fragrant shoulder tightly.

"So, I love you."

Clearly conveyed his mind.

No need to be sensational.

Accompanying is confession.

Qianichi didn't dare to look at her directly, and instead just clung to her tightly, as if trying to integrate her into her body.

Xiaohui's body trembled.

After a while.

"If, if, this angel is actually a little woman like a demon?"

Her voice was shaking.

"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter, because you already have a reason to let me spend my life protecting it."


"it does not matter."

Qian Yi said softly but with firmness, interrupted her.

Xiaohui was crying.

"I don’t know anything else, I just know that nothing can subvert my current thinking, even if you tell me that you like me because of some tangled reason like self-salvation. , I won’t be confused anymore, don’t you want to redeem yourself? Now that my memory has come back, then you can use your own life to redeem."

The memory is back. The "Qianyi" in the memory likes to look forward to Zhu Yin. He treats Xiaohui like his sister. No matter how you think about it, Qianyi and Xiaohui are definitely not the kind of intimate relationship.

But it doesn't matter, Qian Yi is still firm on this idea after understanding all this.

It's time for him to stand firm.


There was peace of mind in Xiaohui's cry.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, idiot."

As she buryed Qian Yi's chest and cried, Qian could no longer be an ostrich, so she could only caress her smooth back.

It took a long time for her cry to subside.

"Then Xiaohui, why do you like me like this?"

"Woo, woo, it's the same. When I was a kid, the kids around me didn't play with me. They all thought I was a weird person. From then on, you would take me to the forest together."

"...That's it."

Is it a gift from the past?

Astringent taste in the mouth.

"That’s not the case. At that time, you were just my best friend. I began to look forward to coming here with my parents. I would pester them to come here. But, my best friend told me that he wanted to The admiring big sister confessed."


Not in memory.

"Big sister is also my good friend. The three of us often go to play. However, my two best friends are going to leave me, are going to be together, and I am going to be alone again. I am so scared, so, I said—'If you let Sister Yin see courage, maybe she will promise you.'"

In the memory, there is no memory of Qianyi's parents passing away, which is what Xiaohui said, the memory of adventure in the cave.

"I told you before that you want to take me on an adventure, that is, after I have finished talking to you, that's why that happened!"

Is it really self-salvation?

"This... is the reason you like me?"

She shook her head, raised her head, her wet eyes were pitiful, and her curled eyelashes were still covered with tears.

"Later when I met you in the town, I was panicked. I couldn’t tell whether I wanted to repay my favor or what. I think you’re doing better. I started to pay attention to you. I didn’t dare to contact you, but I found that you seem to have lost I lost my memory, so I use my own methods to help you."

"Just like what you did to Otome at the beginning, your dedication to Shiyu-senpai and Yinglili made me see. I was jealous again, but I found myself gradually being captured by you. I There is no way to imagine that there will be such a sweet tenderness, there will be people who take my affairs so seriously, and people who take care of other people's emotions. You are like the gentlest existence in the world."


"Why do you like me?"


"Forget it."

Qianichi stopped her answer.

"Because it's not important anymore."

He smiled.

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